Because Lists?
*looks sullenly at calendar* --uyyy, I hafta do a blog today, don't I? *looks even more sullenly at blog topics* *sighs pickily and looks at watch* ...alright, well, howzabout 10 list? Haven't done that before wELL FINE BE THAT WAY BUT I HAVE A BLOG TO WRITE SO-- whatEVER ... where was I oh yes Top 10 List *scrolls idly through personal list of top 10s* *gets annoyed bc top 10s aren't enuff 4 picky taste* *flails angrily as computer decides to shut down randomly and has to be rebooted!!* *sighs again* ...okay, it's between artists or sports . Because. Which one? (*pretends to listen to deafening silence @ 3:30 a.m. during foal watch*) *yawns* arTISTS IT IS! tHANK 4 INPUT! *bows* *moves on bc this blog isn't writing itself* ...ok, disclaimers: a) there are a lot more artists I like than this, so I'm now regretting this a bit. I don't wanna leave anything out. But there it is. b) .... I forgot ...