
Showing posts from April, 2017

Because Lists?

*looks sullenly at calendar* --uyyy, I hafta do a blog today, don't I? *looks even more sullenly at blog topics* *sighs pickily and looks at watch* ...alright, well, howzabout 10 list? Haven't done that before wELL FINE BE THAT WAY BUT I HAVE A BLOG TO WRITE SO-- whatEVER ... where was I oh yes Top 10 List *scrolls idly through personal list of top 10s* *gets annoyed bc top 10s aren't enuff 4 picky taste* *flails angrily as computer decides to shut down randomly and has to be rebooted!!* *sighs again* ...okay, it's between artists or sports . Because. Which one? (*pretends to listen to deafening silence @ 3:30 a.m. during foal watch*) *yawns* arTISTS IT IS! tHANK 4 INPUT! *bows* *moves on bc this blog isn't writing itself* ...ok, disclaimers: a) there are a lot more artists I like than this, so I'm now regretting this a bit. I don't wanna leave anything out. But there it is. b) .... I forgot

Back (after the break)!

Wellll well well, yep, I am returned -- if you couldn't tell from the brief, semi-cryptic posts recently -- --And am still somewhat frantically (but happily) getting into a familiar (but also different and changing) rhythm off life. I had a grand and intense time -- which I'll compose a fuller, more comprehensive post about later (I promise), along with mas fotos.  (me + Risque) I've been at home for almost 2 weeks now, resettling, getting my sleep rhythms to behave (sort of, anyhow), dancing a bit, cleaning/organizing my belongings (left in frantic mess at departure), connecting back with colleagues/friends/animal jobs/adult stuff/work/college things (yeah, it's a lot at times, but I can handle it), short, recovering. And...really looking forward to this next new phase, actually. ☺ *impromptu happy clogging session*, onto our weekly segments (it's been awhile, fam!) -- getting back into this, so not feeling like crazy amounts of updates or d

it's ok

guess what? what *starts violently* hEY YOU'RE NOT SPOSED TA BE ABLE TO TALK BACK didn't kno u were there um don't gimme dat look you 2  anyways~ guess what? "ok" is one of my least favorite words. Not sure why, but it's just so general and meh and easily hide-able in my mind. but, am realizing it's actually...sort of legit. And also necessary. Doesn't exactly make sense, but sometimes, when you can't yet get yourself to entirely assent or agree or "get" something you're unused to has its' use. At least then, and there, it does. For me. So. a short collection of quotes, etc, that le previous reflection brought me to. "...ok, let's start there--" ouch touche ow still working on that one  sorta true although too much of it kills you and, yep. Word. ALso, normal bloggo posts start up next week! YEEEEEEEEEET ok, I'm done ☺ (the dankness sho ain't tho) see