Back (after the break)!

Wellll well well, yep, I am returned -- if you couldn't tell from the brief, semi-cryptic posts recently --
[ p ι n т e r e ѕ т ] : wavyĸιara✨:
--And am still somewhat frantically (but happily) getting into a familiar (but also different and changing) rhythm off life. I had a grand and intense time -- which I'll compose a fuller, more comprehensive post about later (I promise), along with mas fotos. 

(me + Risque)

I've been at home for almost 2 weeks now, resettling, getting my sleep rhythms to behave (sort of, anyhow), dancing a bit, cleaning/organizing my belongings (left in frantic mess at departure), connecting back with colleagues/friends/animal jobs/adult stuff/work/college things (yeah, it's a lot at times, but I can handle it), short, recovering. And...really looking forward to this next new phase, actually.
Romain Laurent, the French photographer and director, has made quite the name for himself with portrait-based GIFs that feature people frozen in time with objects doing crazy things. Each subject is composed elegantly in the frame with small isolated gestures in focus. Laurent has worked alongside Reebok, Nissan, Google, GQ and more. His work is updated regularly on Tumblr, so check that out; and be sure to have a look at his Giphy page for more awesome GIFs!

*impromptu happy clogging session*, onto our weekly segments (it's been awhile, fam!) -- getting back into this, so not feeling like crazy amounts of updates or details yet.
✦ ✫ * ⋆ ✵ pinterest: molliestark123 ✦ ✫ * ✵:
merrily we roll along *sigh* 

--Where was I? Oh, yes, weekly segments. Here we goez.
~*~Yon Segments of the Week~*~

Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): 
...with the passing of my birthday, this are has seen quite the growth. *feels oddly selfish* this, though... wait, a HIGGETY PIGGLIN TORO SLEEPING BAG?!?!? 
A Totoro Appreciation Tumblr
*calms self slightly bc there are 9 more segments to go*

Brain Fruit: --took a break from recording these daily bits during March, but still had plenty of them. I forget when this one showed up-

~Be a lot of things, if that's you. Keep your complexity, the mysterious hints and jumbles and endless corridors of parts of you that puzzle and confuse and intrigue others. So and as such you were created to be. Just know what your core is, at the end of those things--and for the sake of you, be it something true and real and *eternal*, lest when it succumbs to being temporal, you end with it too.~

...but it turned out kinda okay, as unpolished as it may be. Just a random spouting. :)

Mewsiks: SOOOO much different music I've been discovering/listening to over the past while - this time I'll go with Lindsey Stirling's "Love's Just A Feeling" (ft. Rooty). An odd song, in some ways, but it accurately encapsulates my approach to love -- a puzzling, tricky thing for me to process or deal with, even after 19 years. Though I'm slowly changing (and being changed), this is still my natural approach to it, I guess. :-/

...incidentally in keeping with the previous segment's focus, on love, too. And still something I fight to comprehend.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.   1 John 4:18:

Somethin Oo Occured:
Hrm, idk, a lot of things have been going down (in a good way!) -- I got accepted to NCSU's Summer Start Program, though, and that's rather exciting. Still trying to decide if I should do it or not.
NC State logo

Lit Bit:
THIS COMBO OF WORDS (i guess aesthetic?) HAS ME JUST
*wiggles from synesthesia* eeeEEEEEEEE ❤

Gimme a Visual:
Modern Girl comics, a classic fave, illustrate what it's been like trying to work with my cats (especially Cody) frantically trying to get my attention.
Artist Illustrates What It's Like To Live With Cats (10+ Pics):
...I guess it has been a month, so...maybe cut some slack? (I got things I gotta do thoooo)

Is That Really Funny?:
... :

Artsy Larksey:
From another favorite artist of mine (right up with Monet and Gogh) -- Matisse. Don't know the piece's name, but...
Henri Matisse:
*turns starry-eyed* 

If you've been around for any period of time on this blog, you'll run into my inevitable preference for lemon poppyseed cake. (with lots of frosting plz)
Spring lemon poppy seed cake:
YUESSSSS *drools* 
(also Easter is next week just a reminder WOOT)


Alright, well, this blog is back up. Didn't originally think I had to effort, but just looka that.
cinemagraph gif art funny gif dance artists on tumblr loop lol design fun cinemagraph photography motion portrait starbucks photographers on tumblr romain laurent frappuccino
--just realized -- idk if I've ever had a drink from Starbucks. Is this a thing? a problem?

...I guess that's it for now. Hope it's a good week of it. Our weekly piece of advice/"do-it" schmiel?
(☝ yeah, this is new ☝)
~~ Pinterest: wisteria~~:

...yup. Definitely a new segment here to stay. :-D

till later ya sillies ✌✌✌✌✌



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