
Showing posts from January, 2019

MLK/Maya ft. Post

a) First of all, Happy MLK Day to all. and b) HAPPY NEW YEAR Y'ALL LET THE DANK TIMES ROLL listen up, i have plenty of new lifestyle adjustments for 201 8 9 (dangit imma do that for awhile still ament i?) but reducing the dankness quotient of this blog aint one of them hunty idk about you, but my new year has been incredible so far, and I am s O grateful a Dios for that. Am i blessed? nuff bout me, tho - starting off the year with: a Feature Post! Please welcome to the blogstage, MYA! (aka a kiddo I've babysat for years now, and said babysitting is why she got featured in this post - gives us something to do!) - An adorable, strong yet deep, 10-year-old fellow mocchiato, with a beauty mark just like mine. I love this kid to pieces, and I want the world for her. 😄 (she'll maybe eventually read this post, but until then) ...So, without further ado, here's 🌹My Candid Interview With Maya 🌹 hi! what's ur name?  MYA how do u know