
Showing posts from September, 2021

just shy of a month #cvm

- of vet school, that is. And wow, what a month it's been.  Some Items Of Note:  ~I really do enjoy it. I say that as a reminder to myself a lot (especially at hour 3 of anatomy lab!), but also because it's true. This crazy peace just descends upon me whenever I step onto campus - I am supposed to be here. This is part of what I'm called to do in life. And it is...well, wonderful. ~There is lots and lots of info - and class time - and work to be done. One must accept (a) there will always be something waiting to be worked on, (b) you have to pick your prioritized material to learn ("what's important" is mentioned a lot!), and (c) this all takes time. I personally need to "punch" material >5 times before I feel like it's becoming "mine". Will this change over time? Probably. But, in the meantime, trying lots of different approaches and understanding what works for me is key.  -I will say, though, that my brain is starting to get back