just shy of a month #cvm

- of vet school, that is. And wow, what a month it's been. 

Some Items Of Note: 

~I really do enjoy it. I say that as a reminder to myself a lot (especially at hour 3 of anatomy lab!), but also because it's true. This crazy peace just descends upon me whenever I step onto campus - I am supposed to be here. This is part of what I'm called to do in life. And it is...well, wonderful.

~There is lots and lots of info - and class time - and work to be done. One must accept (a) there will always be something waiting to be worked on, (b) you have to pick your prioritized material to learn ("what's important" is mentioned a lot!), and (c) this all takes time. I personally need to "punch" material >5 times before I feel like it's becoming "mine". Will this change over time? Probably. But, in the meantime, trying lots of different approaches and understanding what works for me is key. 

-I will say, though, that my brain is starting to get back into the swing of learning. The summer break was good, because I feel like I can approach the work anew. Now, we settle in for the long run. 

~Lots of lifestyle changes - short "quickie" workouts, packed-along meals, catnaps, and app-scheduled pauses for time with the Lord. Gone, for the most part, are the extended periods of time one played with in undergrad. It is a significant change in that regard. 

Still, I'm adapting (pretty darn well, if I'm feeling cocky). :) 

~Some of the clutch-est parts of this crazy adventure: My school counselor (seeing her once/two weeks is much needed). Saying hello to my parents (with whom I live). Meal planning. Sabbath days off. Reaching out to others when I feel alone, weary, behind, and least like doing so. Breathing exercises. Sleeping at least 7 hours per night (I've reaped much pain, suffice it to say, from trying to cut that short). 

~The good news, though, is that I'm still me at the end of this first month. Continuing a few college ministry commitments, hanging out with/chatting with friends whenever I can, sending memes to friends, applying henna (more and more animal-themed). 

I get in a workout here and there; am at church with the Body of Christ; play some piano and sing a song, reply to all my emails when I get on a streak, and continue choreographing bits and pieces (got paid to be part of a commission btw!).

~Often, yes, I do get frustrated at myself for falling short in areas. Spending more time online than I intended; forgetting to journal for several days; missing a morningtime with God; forgetting about playing music, praying for others, renewing my Spanish fluency, and ten thousand other things. The little inconveniences can scrape hard, too - a broken-down car; keys getting lost; a friend having a health crisis. The hours are limited, and so am I, as a human (no matter how I may push and strain against that, or this academic material). 

Still, it bears saying that the richness and denseness of this material makes me respect and appreciate the Creator of it ten thousand times more. I am only scraping the surface of these creatures He's made - and I'm blown away. That, and many of the other things I mentioned, keeps me showing up eager and bright-eyed for lectures, labs, and the absorbing (but not all-important!) work here. (That, and my faithful cat Cody, who stays at my desk throughout all my studying and napping) :) 

- And so, it is from that same desk that I say adieu (there is a practical this Tuesday, and an exam this Friday, which are calling to be studied for). Till next month's check-in -

It iz well with my soul. 

🌹 ~hew


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