
Showing posts from January, 2022


January, thou art on the cusp of completion, though the year is but begun.  and DANG, did ya fly by - is this what age feels like? *joints creak* - be that as it may, I'd have to say - January has been unexpectedly good. As someone who hopes for the best, prepares for the worst, I gotta say that sort of surprise...uhhhh,,....💥surprises💥 me. 😎 but whew, if I'm being honest, it didn't start out very punk pop cash munny (if u catch my drift), as my fam and I had to quarantine due to a 'rona exposure. Aside from the stress of the first day (not wanting to miss classes, be siccer than I already am, et al), and the annoyance of not seeing some ppl that were in town during break :( , I adjusted pretty quick. We all tested free of ~the virus~  consistently, PTL. And, on the bright side, I got to spend a good bit of time reflecting on the old year + planning for the new one.  Speaking of bright sides, that's *flourishes pen* one of my New Year Alterations I've been