
Showing posts from January, 2024

2024 is here ?!?

  when i tell y'all january has F L E W -  also, happy new year! hard to believe it is the grand year of 2024. the fam and i rung it in with a flourish - invited a bunch of ppl over, cooked a mess of food, and assembled + set afire our 2023 effigy. it was truly an impressive sight, and one we are already planning to improve for next NYE~ also must face the inevitable heffalump in the room - i haven't been on the blog for a hot minute. *shocked gasp from my imaginary cult following* i truly meant to,  i promise! this past year, imma be honest, wound up being way harder than i thought. i feel like i've said that every year, in some form; honest to gosh, though, this one was the hardest. i feel like ive regained a lot of my shape after making it thru (and the Lord has been restoring my soul, true to His form, in ways i hadn't even considered). honestly, i just wanna touch the keys on this blog every monthish, and that's as rigid as i'll consider being.  speaking of