2024 is here ?!?

 when i tell y'all january has F L E W - 

also, happy new year! hard to believe it is the grand year of 2024. the fam and i rung it in with a flourish - invited a bunch of ppl over, cooked a mess of food, and assembled + set afire our 2023 effigy. it was truly an impressive sight, and one we are already planning to improve for next NYE~

also must face the inevitable heffalump in the room - i haven't been on the blog for a hot minute. *shocked gasp from my imaginary cult following* i truly meant to,  i promise! this past year, imma be honest, wound up being way harder than i thought. i feel like i've said that every year, in some form; honest to gosh, though, this one was the hardest. i feel like ive regained a lot of my shape after making it thru (and the Lord has been restoring my soul, true to His form, in ways i hadn't even considered). honestly, i just wanna touch the keys on this blog every monthish, and that's as rigid as i'll consider being. 

speaking of which, this past month - pretty darn amazing, overall (ik it's not over lol). restarted school again, obvs. 

break was a JOURNEY: i was a bit of a social butterfly for the first week of it, then had all the air knocked out of me by sheer exhaustion across the globe and basically was in my bed for most of that second week. enjoyed the holidays with the fam, saw more loved ones, let myself rest properly for the first time in a yearish or so. overall, it was much needed.

class started up on january 3rd - brain wasnt there for first week or two as expected lol. classes are good, and overall feel less frenetic (though there are definitely a few that i gotta get my act together on), and i have been having a blast with my classmates as we head into our last didactic semester. it's lovely having good friends and colleagues like i do here. :) we all are living with the impending thought of ~clinical year~, which goes from May 2024-May 2025. I feel a lot less scared of it now than I did a few months ago, although I am still trying to get more of my life together before I start that adventure. 

- such areas include my physical health (in terms of fitness, sleep, etc), as well as the spiritual (setting myself to regular rhythms with the Lord) and others (journalling, organizing my online belongings, et al). i am proud of myself for taking a step back and clearing stuff off my plate, so i can (a) recover from the past 2.5 years and (b) ready myself for the demands of my 4th year of school. I'VE BEEN HERE FOR 4 YEARS??? SHUT U P 

been doing lotsa pet care - for our little siamese, Jade, especially. girly decided to get herself osteoarthritis, IBD, and chronic kidney disease. she's doing a lot better right now, thankfully! there's still work to do to manage her conditions, but the big elements are taken care of (courtesy of my student discount at the vet hospital here). 

the face of a cat who ate a sweet potato off the counter last week 

let's see, what else? been doing a lot of henna on my friends (gives me a chance to use it up, but also to catch up on them). 

dance - i recently had a final performance with one of my on-campus clubs; it was fun, much more emotional for me than i expected. kind of was a "last hurrah" before i head into clinical rotations + focus my energies on getting this DVM title. 

she's dissociating at the function again lads

overall, bunches of new patterns. i'm overall feeling stronger and more present and growing. finding new social rhythms. daily spirituality rhythms. exercise rhythms. all the rhythms.

is it perfect? or intuitive? or easy? no, not really, tbh. but it is kind of glorious, and i owe Yahweh for that. 2024 is a new year, with new times, and my time is now. here's to that. 

see ya in february, 



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