
Showing posts from February, 2018

did i stutter

...No, I actually can't say I did, but you know what? TITLES ...also, the slightest bit of self-awareness; was I complaining (however mildly) last week? About how things were going? ha hahaha haAAAHAHAHAH   ...Boi, did I play myself there. This week made that one feel like papas fritas. 🍟 (which I had for dinner, btw #ripthediet) --Anywho, yeah. I think I spent most of this week blaming my State of Being on--lessee-- a) exhaustion, b) spiritual deficit, and c) *cough* That Time of Month. And, yes, those were all contributors to this truth. Only problem was my complete and total missing the fact that I was also, quite probably, getting sick. Ladies and gentlefolk, I'd like to present: my Grand Blind Spot. 😬 who am I to kiss a bee  Anywhat, after it finally dawned on me that I was actually Pretty Sick (by oh, I don't know, Thursday)  👀 ...I had pretty much struggled my way through most of the week, so why not finish on a high note? (and by high note

Motivation, Folks ☝

...Mine is currently at a low, low Low. S'pecially after this last week, man... But hEYo I'm still making a post, so lookit there 😎 --Ok, ok, granted, I definitely didn't take the L in *everything*. Far from it. This was a full (and pretty fun) week, to be honest. Just took a lot out of me, to be honest. I feel like I barely remember a lot of it (no surprise, since a lot of it was spent studying)... the reason i journal, folks  ...And a lot of that paid off, to be sure. Schoolwise, I had Fun Stuff--a chicken necropsy (SUPER FUN 15/10 RECOMMEND unless that's not ur thing) in poultry sci (my professor was having wayyy too much fun ruining the various food groups for students) . "yeah so the trachea really is like a bendy straw, think of that when u drink ur chocolate milk" "haha yup so the ovaries really do look like nice plump yellow grapes" --Didn't affect me, since everything was already kinda Ruined, growing up as an OBGYN's ki

Breathing Is Hard 🌌

*attempts to inhale* at least, this week was. Man, was that a lot of work, dance, stress, semi-frantic prayer, junk food, struggles, ...and... yeah. Other stuff went on as well, but am mostly too tired to recall it. Aside from God, not sure how I made it. Due 100% to him, things actually finished up well. And with that, imma go prepare for this NEXt weEk. peace, love [and melanin] [bc it's that month agin]-- 🌌 ✌❤✌ 🌹~hew