did i stutter

...No, I actually can't say I did, but you know what? TITLES
Me be talking to kpop and kdrama like

...also, the slightest bit of self-awareness; was I complaining (however mildly) last week? About how things were going?

...Boi, did I play myself there. This week made that one feel like papas fritas. 🍟
(which I had for dinner, btw #ripthediet)
the dreamsound entertainment
--Anywho, yeah. I think I spent most of this week blaming my State of Being on--lessee--
a) exhaustion, b) spiritual deficit, and c) *cough* That Time of Month. And, yes, those were all contributors to this truth. Only problem was my complete and total missing the fact that I was also, quite probably, getting sick. Ladies and gentlefolk, I'd like to present: my Grand Blind Spot. 😬
Jus thought this would b nice fur my collection is awl :)
who am I to kiss a bee 

Anywhat, after it finally dawned on me that I was actually Pretty Sick (by oh, I don't know, Thursday) 

being gone for 2 years....  do I have any Laurenators left???? :(


...I had pretty much struggled my way through most of the week, so why not finish on a high note?
(and by high note, I mean somehow do all immediate work, watch Thor: Ragnarok 2x, Toy Story once, eat who knows what, and stay up till 3 am watching old vine compilations)
real high
--tbh that's how I felt during chem recitation (with what may have been a fever). Floating thru Space and Time, man.

Still, I'm glad I'm alive--albeit, having learned some lessons and imbibed some cough syrup. Also, I somehow in the madness made This Here Art, which I actually kinda like:

..Inspired by this song:😊
(did I post it already? prolly)

I like art. I should do more of it. 😐

Also, this post feels more disjointed than my regular workout routine *actually coughs* , but I'mma still somehow wrap it up?? I guess??
ppl 2nd

--all foolishness aside (which would include this entire blog), this weekend was actually a really good one. I crashed the Homestead--went shopping with Mum, saw all my pets again, slept, partially sewed my pointe shoes (which feel pretty good so far, yAy)

note black kitty kat on beanbag, he didn't quite help me but #support 😍

--and ate a lot of healthy food (took a lot back with me too hehe), sunbathed, and...overall, recharged. Like, actually, sincerely, authentically.

and zAng the weather has been lovely lately like wHat

I feel like I have the tendency to "cheat" myself of that. Doesn't end up well for - well, just about anyone - when I do, but that's a tendency of mine. Gracias a Dios for not letting me totally crash and burn--and learning that lesson again. Things can be overwhelming, otherwise.🌞

All that said, here's to a new week--and man, this month is already almost approaching completion. Time flies when you're...well, flying on your own adventures.


I'll catch this blog next week (presumably)--I'd like, in the Far and Distant Future perhaps, to start posting twice-weekly, but that hasn't been feasible. For now, I'm grateful to have this at all.


Either that, or find someone else to kick you into doing it, because it is HARD, y'all. πŸ˜›
From me 2 u, have a blessed week--



P.S. words cannot DESCRIBE how much ya homegirl WANTS πŸ‘AπŸ‘S'MOReπŸ‘

Toasted marshmallow.

(so heyo if u luv meee 😎)


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