Motivation, Folks ☝

...Mine is currently at a low, low Low. S'pecially after this last week, man...
But hEYo I'm still making a post, so lookit there 😎
--Ok, ok, granted, I definitely didn't take the L in *everything*. Far from it. This was a full (and pretty fun) week, to be honest. Just took a lot out of me, to be honest. I feel like I barely remember a lot of it (no surprise, since a lot of it was spent studying)...
Tryna calculate who the hey you think you're talking to
the reason i journal, folks 

...And a lot of that paid off, to be sure. Schoolwise, I had Fun Stuff--a chicken necropsy (SUPER FUN 15/10 RECOMMEND unless that's not ur thing) in poultry sci (my professor was having wayyy too much fun ruining the various food groups for students) .
"yeah so the trachea really is like a bendy straw, think of that when u drink ur chocolate milk"
"haha yup so the ovaries really do look like nice plump yellow grapes"

--Didn't affect me, since everything was already kinda Ruined, growing up as an OBGYN's kiddo. πŸ‘€
Anywho, got back a 100 on a math test(?!?), had a very educational chem lab session and recitation, worked through a lot of animal-sci stuff, and studied frantically for a chem test (which I had Friday). It...didn't feel the worst, but kinda not the best. The exams are a lot of multiple-choice, and conceptual, so...that kinda threw me for a loop. That, and the time limits left me a bit gasping.

I got work to do. *sighs* 

On the plus side: I did stay on diet, work out, and get fitter (plus dance plenty!), so that was good. (still gotta sew up my new pointe shoes, though #lazy)

I also was pretty productive--though that was a distraction, at times--and spiritually, learned a lot. God's still doing a tonna stuff in me, the half of which I'm prolly not even aware of; and it's rather humbling and convicting. Growth often is, unsurprisingly.

..Yeah. So after said week, I...did my best to get out a lotta that pent-up energy/relief. I see why a lot of students can feel compelled to go git wasted. (NOT MY THING THO)

After Friday classes, I did up muh hair (and a beat face of makeup), went home and got my ballgown (graciously dry-cleaned by mum) + some jewelry, threw on my favorite black heels, and went to a formal dance/food night with Every Nation peeps. It was 10000x worth it.

Ate a bunch of Mediterranean food, chatted with Good People (yall know what i mean), and (my personal fave) got to dance up a s t o r m. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

(real stuff too, not what ya hoes is doin' on yo saterday nites) 
when the squad gets turnt

(also if u felt like that was directed at you then you def prolly a hoe 😏]


Anyhow, by the end I was sweaty, sore-footed, and very, very happy for Good Times with Godly Folk. 😊
...After said time, I stayed up super late for the next few nights (we're talking past 4 am, fam) and ate what I pleased. Managed to get some other stuff done too--schoolwork, visited parents (and cats), 

ran me laundry,

(also olympics being on TV constantly is B L I S S)

,, went to church--and had a baller time 😁--and danced with le ballet club (WE HAVE NEW MEMBERS AND THAT'S SUPER EXCITING)
Images in the community post
we literally don't know what to do with ourselves πŸ˜‚

+ Had women's community group, in the evening, with Church Folk. Food, fellowship, and fuller knowledge of God? boiπŸ‘yesπŸ‘pleaseπŸ‘
Also, I finally got to draw a bit today (didn't really during School Swamping), and it felt so good. 😜

(those sermon notes tho) πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

...And, yup yup yup. It's 10, so I'm gonna start winding down here. It's been a varied, but good time, in this amazing life I live. May I never forget that, and how good God is. Has been, is now, and will be forever.
My children are not a chapter of my life. I am a part of theirs.

Welp, see y'all on the next update--

Tag someone who lives this every day!



  1. I'm a very stupid person. For the love story I was struck with everything he had created to fool us.

    Golden Slot


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