
Showing posts from December, 2016


HAAAVE YOOUR SEEELF 😊😊😊 AA MEEERRRY little Christmas --Trekmas-- -PTXmas- ...Dankmas... HAPPY HOLIDAYSS (and Chanukkah) !Feliz Navidad! ~hbd Jesus~ Season's Greetings,  Festive Felicitations,  ...and everything else. Enjoy it properly--as I'm going to do, without work or care or concern (especially with the diet, bring on the cinnamon buns), family, fire, books, cats, presents, goofiness, gratitude, and a whoole lotta Christmas music 😄😄😄 ✌❤💫 ~Merry Christmas ~ 💫❤✌ 😊~Yon Blogger Girl

Whoop de Doo

...Lots to do. (RHYYYYYYME EY) ...😐 No, really. These next two weeks, the longer I look at them, become more and more jam-packed with stuff to do. So much so that, in anticipation of such, I'm gonna realllly try and keep this update post short. 😅 Today (Sunday) was good--woke up, went to Summit's 10:00 service (rEALLy good sermon that I needed to hear), and headed over to Summit Kids a bit early, just to get back in the feel of things. I've been out for nearly 3 weeks, believe it or not. 😟 Aaaand it went surprisingly well! Got some new volunteers in (good ones, too *fist pump*), saw Abbagonia (she volunteers there as well), and checked back in with leadership (who were glad to see me, yay). Got the kids to behave (a fair amount of 2nd graders, we talked about Christmas stuff and done crafts, ya get the ideer), and had fun with large group--considering the projectors were acting up, so we went back and forth between rooms till it was funny. Worship was spur-of-the-m

bugs in the system

Image, literally. In my physical  system at least--don't worry, my computadoras are doing just fine. I'm currently typing this away while slowly on the mend from being rather sick over the past few days. Most likely gastroenteritis (intestinal/stomach infection, occasionally referred to as "stomach flu"), just in a particularly nasty vein. Really not sure where I got it from, to be honest, but..I definitely got it. Kinda shattered my weekend--started feeling kinda slow and down and sluggish and feverish/chilled on Thursday, so I crawled inta bed and...pretty much didn't get out. Except for the very occasional drink of water, and very constant bathroom break. Between the wommitin' (vomiting, sorry, that was a James Herriot reference), dizziness/nausea/pounding headaches whenever I moved, fatigue, muscle spasms/cramping (ok, I guess I'm just going into full-out complaint mode here), loss of appetite, shall we say, pyro down under? 😓 was

Linkety Clink

...Just realized I should find a way to leave my social media accounts up here. Might as well--I swear, I'm gonna make my update posts soon, just not yet! This is sort of a recovery week. :-P My Pinterest: My artistic IG (private): My FB: Hasta luego, y'all :-D ~moi