Whoop de Doo

...Lots to do.
No, really. These next two weeks, the longer I look at them, become more and more jam-packed with stuff to do. So much so that, in anticipation of such, I'm gonna realllly try and keep this update post short. 😅
Today (Sunday) was good--woke up, went to Summit's 10:00 service (rEALLy good sermon that I needed to hear), and headed over to Summit Kids a bit early, just to get back in the feel of things. I've been out for nearly 3 weeks, believe it or not. 😟
Aaaand it went surprisingly well! Got some new volunteers in (good ones, too *fist pump*), saw Abbagonia (she volunteers there as well), and checked back in with leadership (who were glad to see me, yay). Got the kids to behave (a fair amount of 2nd graders, we talked about Christmas stuff and done crafts, ya get the ideer), and had fun with large group--considering the projectors were acting up, so we went back and forth between rooms till it was funny. Worship was spur-of-the-moment, but fun through it all. Overall, good session, one for the memory books.
Came home, ate something (don't recall what, but whatever it was, pretty sure I ate it 😎), wrote down some stuff, and took a (longer-than-intended) nap. Wrote a letter, started cleaning/organizing my stuff, did chores, and..for no huge reason, taught myself 5 guitar songs. Had a lot of fun with those 1-4-5 chords. 😋
...Let's see, this past week was...well, really just me recovering from being sick. Didn't *really* feel over the hump till about Tuesday or so--which kinda stunk. 😡 Ah well, that's the way it rolls sometimes, I guess. Eating again is great, though. So is being active again.

back at it again in more ways than one ehehe
...so, yeah, nothing too remarkable. Got in some academe/language studies, a basketball practice and game in there. Watched my company perform their Nutcracker...which was too much for words. It was great (especially to see it from an *audience* perspective). The Bean sparkled in her role. I mean, just look...

gEERRKIDYY OK I CAN'T EVEN and yes that's so basic but I don't care because it. is. trUE 😳
...Dad and I had the house to ourselves this weekend, and made several warm, cozy fires. During one of which, I burnt myself. Yay for 2nd-degree burns--although, honestly, it stopped hurting after a couple of hours. Now it's just a really weird, annoying blistery thing. Whee. *yuk*
MOVING Photo of Linus Licking Snowflakes:

...ok, shortness, shortness. Time for weekly segmentses! *DING*

Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet):  I've just realized that I don't have a "normal" swimsuit
...as in, a swimsuit that isn't specifically for or from my competitive swimming. Functional, but not for fashion. Anyhow, I...kinda liked this. In part because it's unusual, reminds me of a leotard, and is really classy and RED (my favorite color). 😍
Classic. Sophisticated. Timeless. The Maria features a high mesh panel at front with a sweetheart neckline and a flattering cut at the legs. The back features a comfortable low back, gown straps, and
....not gonna likely spend ~$130 or so on such a thing, though. But still. I like it/wish for it.
Brain Fruit: A segment that popped into my head this week after a period of existentialism and/or deep thought--
Even for a human so small, single as I, the thought--the *knowledge*--that there's more than just this little planet, lumped with continents and islands and swirling waters and clouds, covered in humans and plants and animals...
more than that to be and find, reaching out through our atmosphere's shell into space, star-studded time, the galaxies and expanses and universes and what's behind it. Something greater and higher and *behind* that. 
...I think it was C.S. Lewis who said “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world" ? So, yeah, I guess my brain sorta played with that idea. Anyhow.

Mewsiks: Track called "Shackleton" off of Adam Young's newest (and last of the year) instrumental album. Reallllly good song with a deep sort of groove I never expected; would lOVe to dance to it sometime, if I could. Especially like his vocal bits, and the strings playing off of each other.... *sigh* just give it a listen:

"Commit your work to the Lord,
    and your plans will be established."
~Proverbs 16:3 😯

Somethin Oo Occured: Kinda simple, and small, and not really "oo" in the typical sense, but...my girls from my team (basketball) told me at their game yesterday that they loved having me "coach them during the game, from the bench". And that meant sooo very much to me--to borrow a jaded Southern term, I was plumb tickled. I care so much about them, and do what I can--and to hear them say they appreciated, nay, liked it meant the world to me. I was glowing for at least 5 minutes afterwards. 😊

Lit Bit:
This poetical piece by Michael McClintock just...sort of played with my mind. I really, really like it, and the brief yet lasting touch it has on you. (and the gardener in me likes it, too)
Tanka poem:  digging up roots -- by Michael McClintock.

Gimme a Visual: 
Why else is Cap my favorite? 'Cause they give him random strange moments like these in the comics, that's why. 😄
poor cap
ehehehe ok yeah...

Is That Really Funny?:
Yep, my typa humor. I need to do this once I find my little hoopty car. :)


Artsy Larksey:
*sigh* I need to get back into embroidery, man...

aand, finally,
Yeah, I know it looks kinda horrid, but man have I been craving a burrito from Cosmic Cantina all week...
(Giant, chicken filling, guac and chips on the side plz) #knowmyorder

...alright, that's everything. I really, really need to get to sleep. But yay, I made it through the post! Pretty good length, too. (the photos help merhehrhrhr) Hev you a worthwhile week--spend yo time on the stuff that matters. Just saying.
--bah 😃😃😃

(me in Mexico, photo cred a la madre) 😬

~ye girl blogger~


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