bugs in the system

...no, literally. In my physical system at least--don't worry, my computadoras are doing just fine. I'm currently typing this away while slowly on the mend from being rather sick over the past few days. Most likely gastroenteritis (intestinal/stomach infection, occasionally referred to as "stomach flu"), just in a particularly nasty vein. Really not sure where I got it from, to be honest, but..I definitely got it. Kinda shattered my weekend--started feeling kinda slow and down and sluggish and feverish/chilled on Thursday, so I crawled inta bed and...pretty much didn't get out. Except for the very occasional drink of water, and very constant bathroom break. Between the wommitin' (vomiting, sorry, that was a James Herriot reference), dizziness/nausea/pounding headaches whenever I moved, fatigue, muscle spasms/cramping (ok, I guess I'm just going into full-out complaint mode here), loss of appetite, and...um...how shall we say, pyro down under? ๐Ÿ˜“...it was quite the couple of days here with just my cats and myself. As can most likely be imagined, unpleasant and kinda painful, and something I'd prefer to forget.
...Yeah, aside from occasional hydration, neck stretches, voyages in search of lip balm/lotion (cause brah it was getting ashy on dem elbows, y'all)
pinterest: <a href="/xpiink/" title="Kylaa ๐Ÿ’Ž">@Kylaa ๐Ÿ’Ž</a> ♚
*chokes on tea* WROOONG but ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜‚
Image result for ashy meme
Image result for ashy meme
--ok no this blog post ain't dedicated to that side of...um...me. Maybe we'll explore that later? Ok? Cool.
(but gurrl hmmm you really iz ashy do EYYYY)
(man, so many different weird aspects of me *sigh*)
--Yeah, besides sleep, exploration of dank memes, occasional contact w/ a friend or two, music, and a bit of Cinema Sins/Honest Trailers and some other internet hijinks, really uneventful and unproductive weekend.
Which, yeh, is kinda bummin', 'cause I had a lot planned. Studying, workouts (I still did my ab challenges, though, in spite of being shaky and feverish cause *fist pump* ... I'm dumb like that), catching up on my Bible reading plan (uugh sO BEHIND), clean the house (work of an hour, when I do it), and two parties (my dgroup hed a cookies-and-milk party Friday, and family group is having a Christmas sweater party tonight--which, unfortunately, I'm still not well enough to attend).
chill grant 

...But, at least I'm getting better. Took me out for longer than expected, I suppose. And I have lost at least 5 lbs.--prolly not a good thing, I know, I know, likely due to dehydration and irregularity/lack of meals--actually, wait. Have I eaten today? I have NOT eaten today. La Estomaga wasn't feeling it, let's just say. I did have some milk and kefir and water and berry tea, though, so...that's something? *sigh* lET'S JUST CALL IT PROGRESS AND LEAVE IT AT THAT K COOL
#selfie #HatersNeverWin #ratemeinthecomments #noTan #nofilternomakeup feel free to use this photo for catfishing you'll catch all them rich bois:
cool alrite
..Ugh, this is really a very dank update, isn't it? I blame my nourishment-deprived state. Speaking of nourishment--and the fact that I love lists--wanna hear what the top 6 things I kinda wish I had to eat (or was capable of eating) right now? of course you do. naturally.
--shrimp shumai, frosted soft sugar cookies (HEEBITY JEEBERS I WANT THOSE), avocados, those dry chewy lil pineapple cakes you can only find in Taiwan or other Asiatic places, lasagna (or, if I was being accurately dank, lasagne ๐Ÿ˜Ž ),....and bread. Bread would be cool. Maybe challah (if you dunna know the beauty that is challah, allow me to enlighten you)
Image result for challah

Let's see, what do I usually do next at this point in the blog? It's been awhile...๐Ÿ˜
*snaps out of it* Oh, yeah. This past week.
Um, to be honest, mostly recovery after Mexico. Everything (but especially my room) was kind of a wreck after all the last-minute whirlwinds, as well as neglect from my being gone. Much mess, much clean, much rest, trying to get back up to speed after travelling, spraining my ankle (which is now pretty much healed, just stiff), and a lOAAD of Thanksgiving food. You get the idea.
this isn't fair.
--Speaking of Thanksgiving--yes, we had an (unexpectedly small) Thanksgiving party (aka "2nd Thanksgiving") last Sunday...which was good. A tad stressful, but there were fun bits; for example, my lovely Bmag gal Hannah coming to visit for a few hours (and helping bake some pies), a cozy fire, my cranberry sauce that turned out reallllly good #TRADITION, and lots of other little things....including Jeffrey, a friend of his named Yolanda, and I shrieking with laughter over dank memes and jokes. Definitely one for the memory books. :)
Other Stuff of Notice to Me--
*I did make it to one day of ballet on Tuesday last week (for a smol reunion with The Bean after our separation during Mexico), and I did...better than I expected. Not perfect, but pleasantly surprised after ~2 weeks of no dancing. Weight loss is really starting to kick in--and really help. ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„
*I made it to a casual dgroup meeting on Wednesday. Wasn't a specific structure, so we just kinda all caught up on each other's Thanksgivings, how everyone was, etc. It was good to see the girls again. <3
I crashed two of my bball team's games (to watch, of course)--one against a sports academy, but they held their own and worked hard--and one against Trinity, not too hard and really nice to watch. I'm so, sO proud of them--how they're all growing and gelling and stuff. Even if they got their stuff to work on, they're doing so well--and I love being able to chill with them. Malaysia was great, as always, Tido was fLAMING during the 2nd game (awesome shots, and like 8 3-pointers?!? ๐Ÿ˜ฏ--it was great seeing her confidence going up as well as her play, as well as just...her), Gray was awesome and headstrong and drove it in towards the paint SO well, and THE SAVAGE HAD HER FIRST GAME BACK SINCE HER ACL SURGERY--I WAS SOOOO HAPPY YOU HAVE NO IDEA. She scored her first basket, rebounded, did sOOO MUCH with and for the team--I coulda cried for how great it was. It completed so much, and made up for so much. Go git it, my girl. ๐Ÿ˜˜  And everyone hit it off, too, of course--can't wait to keep up with them all. :)
*I just finished clipping my toenails. Feels great. And...That is really, really not that important, but...
mine kawaii offensive text
...I guess I'm on a roll. Moving on--
*It's--guess it--Nutcracker season! Which means there's tons of Nutcracker and dance-related posts and info and all flying around...which makes me sad cause I miss it.
ryanishka:Actually one of the most vivid happy moments of my life:
maybe miss the toenails that fell off and all the nasty snow I swallowed, yeah...
 It was a lot of fun--especially getting exactly the roles I wanted. Cause CHOCOLATE YEAH ๐Ÿ˜„

(Okay, maybe I kinda liked Mouse King, too, but hey, I really liked Chocolate. As in a.hull.lot)

--Ok, end of semi-interesting stuff. I gotta get reading for a verra busy (but good and nice and fun) December. Rather looking forward to it. Lots to plan, do, and go to. ๐Ÿ˜Š
 And now it's tIIME for
dippety dooo
you kno it's troo
(ugh, that was singularly unpoetic)

Our Weeeeekly Segments! 
(which I still need to force one of my friends to do for me sometime just 'cause):

Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet):
well, been workin' on mah wish list in preparation for
MOVING Photo of Linus Licking Snowflakes
did I mention it's supposed to maybe snow here sometime this week
*snorts tinsel*
anywho, for the self-defense/prepared/knifework side of me:
me gusta mUHCO:
--Ok, but really. Idk how decent of a blade it is (I'd most likely give it a couple of rasps on my sharpener anyhow, I like my stuff to be razor's-edge), and it's a tad clunky in some regards, but I really like the concept, and the design ain't so bad. Thanks, Etsy.

Brain Fruit:
Lots of interesting little pieces in this department, but here's an un-deep one.
"When I hear "rolling in the deeep", all I can think of is being locked in lethal combat at the bottom of the deep end for sharks & minnows."
Swimmers, ya get me here, no doubt. I guess that annoying Adele song finally makes sense in SOME regard now. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Just re-heard an old favorite of mine-- "Concrete Girl", by Switchfoot -- and I'm...well, reminded of how much I like it again. What else would I say? Covers so many moods and musical tastes of mine, knows how to use those EG licks and subtlety interchanged with power surges, and lyrically is just...so compelling and good. Most likely never leaving my Top40 list.
"concrete girl, don't fall down/in this broken world around you/"

1 Timothy 1:7 has popped up multiple times this week--in dgroup, during my sickness, and other places as well:

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

...I remember memorizing this as a kid, under so many circumstances, and...it's so incredibly powerful. Succinct, but also thorough, and something I've reached back for and held to time and time again. ๐Ÿ˜

Somethin Oo Occured: Well, I'LL TELL YOU SOMETHING OO THAT OCCURED: my beautiful friend of a Bean debuted her role as Snow Queen this weekend, tHAT'S WHAT ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ˜บ๐Ÿ˜
--See below:

...I need to take a break and recover from that sheer beYOOTY YOWZAAA
-- Anyhow, it was her dream role, and I unfortunately couldn't see her first performance due to this gastroenteritis, but you best believe that (A) She killed it, (B) She will continue to kill it, and (C) I'm gonna be there to see her kill it (and possibly cry a little) this Saturday, at her next performance. Suffice it to say, I'm a proud friend. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Lit Bit:
Ah yes--Bukowski, as usual, being a repeat offender in the poetry and literature department...๐Ÿ˜‰
...sort of abstract, yet not, and one of a choice few "free-flowing" poetical expressions I really, really dig.

Gimme a Visual:

Is That Really Funny?:
Ah, yes, the classic question pertaining to most of my humor (if not all?). The answer, this week, happens to be "no"; however, that is "no" as in "I still spent an inordinate amount of time laughing at it till my stomach hurt":
Just...don't ask. It's better this way. #lyrics #pfftttt #questionsareokay

Artsy Larksey:
Just when I start to think of trying out sculpting and carving again, I stumble on something like...Oh, I don't know, the facial and emotional detail on Michelangelo's "David"?!???
"David" by Michelangelo - (detail) the high renaissance is the culmination of earlier developments in painting, sculpture and architecture. The duality of naturalism and tension is clearly seen in Michelangelo's David. The beauty of the classical rom is evident. Other giants include Leonardo and Raphael working in Florence and Rome. We also see venice emerge as a major renaissance art center with artists such as Titian.:

*shakes head*

Ok, our final bit now--

Look, ok, maybe the whole lumberjack cake thing is legit--it's just a cake like any other, and I'm wierd, granted...
I know it's supposed to look like plaid and all but it looks like a logging accident to me the first thing I thought was "blood" :-/:
(and let's not even consider eating it *retches*)

...ok, that's that. I need to go to bed, and kick the last bit of this gastroenteritis. It's been rad--and wow, this post is downright impressive. Or something.
or something 
After a long, hot shower, and consumption of an apricot scones (wHICH HAS STAYED DOWN SO FAR YAY), I'm feeling much improved. Eating is pretty cool.
my man!!!:
ikr--oh and eating oreos sounds pretty awesome, as well, but not now *sigh*
(but still rather excited for the season *fiddles with Christmas playlist*)

..."A cup of hopes and dreams."  How cute with the reflection of lights lookin like it's coming from the mug!:
Ok. Take care, be encouraged, danksters--
Words to live by:
um. yeh. sure, do dat. take care out there. ๐Ÿ˜


~ya girl


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