
Showing posts from August, 2017

Muy 🐒 Rapido

Image respects to both this week, and this post. 😜 --first off, this week: my first complete week of classes. Wow. Already?? 😱 If this is the pace I'm on for the whole really *will* whizzz by if I don't keep tabs on it. *gets distracted by gifs* oops ANYwho, The Quick Rundown : -I made it to all of my classes on time, and enjoy them all πŸ“š - from the math to the bio :) -I've had fun connecting; with people I know, and individuals I haven't yet run into. Lunches, dinners, social things, sheer divine arrangements. Grateful for that. πŸ‘― -I've felt out a bunch more of the various possible commitments and stuff I'm interested in -- ministry, activities, etc. Man, there's so much around to do and find...just boiling it down and trying to follow out God's will. -I enjoyed a restful and lovely Sabbath today; visited an old church of ours with the Parental Units, ate good food in a rose garden with fellow believers, napped, and am now r

☝But I'm Still Here

tag urself im data and worf simultaneously  πŸ“―(All bc of His goodNESS) πŸ“― *turns up J-Moss playlist* ok, no really, she's back. A πŸ‘lot πŸ‘betterπŸ‘, in some ways. Not so faded. πŸ‘€ (hopefully less extra than this instance lol) ...Well, it's nice to be "back". Not sure what that means (or if I actually legit am? idk),, yeah. Things are changing well, in recovery phase. I have ups and downs and those days that are maddeningly in-between. But I'm mAKING prOGGrESS! So! πŸ˜€ uh, yeah, sparing the more personal info and deets, on to this past 7-day period, or What's Been Up (This Past Week): (told ya that title was staying hehe) *I took a break (total and/or partial) from a lot of stuff. Certain social media, attitudes, relationships, activities, workouts (which start up next week tho bc tRIathLOn), dieting (had to re-calibrate for my current college/physiological situation),...the list goes on. It felt weird, and unnatural a

whimsy woo ✌

Will my blog titles get better? worse? Who knows tbh my memes won't either but can't say I regret that as much 😎 In summary, this was a bit of a roller coaster week, and I'll leave it that. All moved into college housing (yay), and getting ready for classes to start on Wednesday. Due to craziness (and maybe me staying up till at least 2 am every.single.night for the last week)-- *CRY LAUGHS AT ACCURACY*  --I need to fix that, too. School doesn't mix well with late-night tendencies, usually. Already semi-falling asleep, as it is. me @ normal sleep cycles, doggo = disappointed frainds πŸ˜‚ OK, ok, memes aside (mental health is important kiddos), we shall see what bloggo is in the next few weeks. May get back on the proper-weekly-update wagon (which would be good), might sign off for a little while altogether (which is still okay). Waltzing along this adventure of life. um not that type of waltzing but...ok Till l8r, h8rs - stay dank 😏 🌹~hew