
Showing posts from October, 2017

spoooooopy πŸŽƒ

hOLA MY SPICY PUNKINS *flails* πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ HOWZIT GOIN? (don't answer plz this is all about me after all duh) 😎 I write to ye (to nobody really, but whatever) this fine Sunday,...rather late, too, but oh well. Better late than never (Actually I always hated that saying so nvm. Let's get it started here). What was I up to 2day? Why, I'm glad you asked --   ...All schmultzing aside, yours truly got up (surprisingly free of exhausted angst, considering my late bedtime) around the bright and shining of 8:30, and proceeded to flip on her p&w (praise & worship) playlist, and made a breakfast of  blueberry buttermilk pancakes  (see below 4 quality pic) *plus* scrambled eggs, toasted cheese/sundried tomato tortillas, and avocado for garnish. It actually tasted very good (especially eaten in the company of Parental Units) 😊.  We went to church (Fashionably Late) together, which was thoroughly enjoyabl; met up with mi hermano , talked long and late a

PoinSEttia piE 🍁🌻🌸

...Literally *no* meaning to that whatsoever (also, an actual poinsettia pie would be super gross)  --all impracticalities aside, hELLO. Another week, another post, [[another meme]] (guess who's definitely not in a trashy mood rn) πŸ˜‚ --Well, as much as I would love to make a nice, full update, I have some work on my plate for the upcoming week + a lot of event-planning, etc, that I'd like to get done whilst my laundry spins thru its machine cycles. πŸ˜€ (I mean tbh it's not like I have any followers to appease lol)  (this is not much more than a glorified journal) (not counting the arbitrary weekly segments and dumb stuff like that) *snaps out of it* while I sometimes wish time was such a social construct, it sure isn't right now. Highlights? Yeah, that sounds good. Technically, I guess that's more of a social media account thing? [oH NO I'M PERPETUATING THE PROBLEM *gasps* oH NO] (scrambles to put together arbitrary list of

🎼When the things you can't hold onto/

...are the ones that you wish you could keep/  πŸŽ»(All God's Children, Jon Foreman) 🎹 ...Well, folks, I have made it through one of the most stressful, anxiety-episode-ridden, full, scary, and beautiful weeks I can think of to date. If all of those seem like they're at odds with one another, yes, they kinda are -- just like this week was. Hilly hills and valleyish (?) valleys, and a lot of stretches of road praying about what's round the next curve...all rolled into one. excusing the interspersed pretty nature pics, my heart is apparently craving them and so in they go :) Enough of that, though. Barring the details (I share plenty of those after all, Internet)--for the ten thousandth time, if it wasn't for a God who continually guided, calmed, spoke with, and pushed me from the brink of things not meant for me, I...don't know what state I would be in right now. That's the honest testimony of it. πŸ˜› (yep of course more Spurg, dat boi never fails) (did