New kid on the block

...Y'all, your girl just got back from going off on a super-last-minute retreat with Every Nation (campus ministry) -- wasn't initially going to go until the day of, when her parents, brother, friends, and God collectively got together to say "yooo you def need to go" (and boy were they right).πŸ‘Œ

and...her mind is blown. Soul is too. Body's pretty tired as well. Emotions have gone through pretty much every shade possible.

(we were out in VA somewhere w/ no service [rlly nice actually], surrounded by marshy lakes and sunshine and cool weather)

Anyways, not much of a bloggo posto this week, but...suffice it to say it was incredible, and I feel almost silly posting on the *same* blog (while feeling like such a different person). In any case, have some half-effort spam from my camera roll--

--and we'll call it a day (or a blog post), as I cogitate on (and process) all the crazy wonderful God-filled stuff that's gone on. 

*also, guess it's been the official first full month of my college fall semester *summons a 'yEEt'*

--k me bois mihoys, till l8r--

 - blessins -



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