
Showing posts from November, 2017


*collapses from cooking/fun time/eating/thanksgiving fun* it was lit, y'all.  (personally made piE sPAm)  also Thanksgiving + kitchen space $pam 2 follow --> and yes I know I said I wouldn't post anything for Thanksgiving prolly ๐Ÿฆƒ oH WELL GUESS dat i L I E D ๐Ÿฆƒ any-how, be gRATEFUL?? I guess?? ๐Ÿ˜ till l8r ✌ (fave gratitood song) ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐ŸŒน~hew

gratitood amidst the petty ๐Ÿ‘

What else? After all, Thanksgiving is upon us (!!!) ...and boy, am I looking forward to it I technically kinda got to celebrate it twice -- EN had Friendsgiving this past Thursday, and I consumed (insert positive integer > 4) plates of good food. Plus laughed, talked, and ate with mah community there; it was a thoroughly good time. ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ‘Œ Welp, this week was quite a muddle of...stuff: *successfully did an aquathlon in ~1 hour, 37 minutes (I think); was unbelievably stiff and tired afterwards. Did better than I thought ๐Ÿ™Œ *Had a lot of spiritual ups and downs (emphasis on the latter, due to my own fickleness) *Studied a pretty decent amount *Enjoyed a lot of fun encounters with peers *Did plenty other stuff that couldn't all fit on here ...and had a bit of a bout of sickness on the weekend. Wasn't the nicest thing--prolly just a cold. Spent the latter part of Friday thru today sniffling, coughing, etc. Getting better, though. Babysat a kiddo (who I hadn&#

Beautiful Madness ๐ŸŒ 

--yes, that's quite possibly one of my most stereotypical phrases in existence. Either that, or "beautiful insanity", etc etc *clutches chest semi-tragically*. ok my salty side has nearly got me in some sticky situations this past week so nO  You know what's also kinda tragic? Hearing someone tell you how attracted and interested they are in you, and they're actually a really quality person you're attracted to as well (and have a lot in common/of fun with) ...and you gotta say no, and that you can only offer friendship at this time in life, and in this season, this isn't what God has for you. And stick to it. --but I digress, and this is a blog, not a personal laundry basket. sorry to all my magical NSA men. ๐ŸŒ That's all the info on that. Well, man, this past week...was a lot, in almost every regard. Lotsa stuff. *lotsa school;  had a CRAZY intense bio test, did much studying, got a really good math test grade, and am preparing for an upco


tbh spookiness never dies anyhow ⻣ --Anyhow, whew, that was a royal week of it. I have to say, my life gets increasingly less boring, and this was a week that reminded me of that. Ups and downs (especially spiritually), and... ya know what? I got work to do *sigh*, so let's spin a quickie highlight reel and get a move on. You know something? I feel like college gives me *more* of a chance to be extroverted. Not sure how or why that's changed, but it's something I should explore. Also, I wanna read a lot more theological stuff... *sigh* where is the tiME tHO ๐Ÿ˜ค Also, ooOh, it's NovEMBerrr yaaay maybe it'll finally be getting cOLD ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ *glares out window at temperate day* Ok, to be fair, the leaves are starting to change. Hals just got to go back to MA, though, and I'm kinda jelly. #birthstate  Anywho, where was I? Oh yes, highlights reel. Of this week. This week-- Yours Truly:  *had some initial downs -- alarm not going off for a class, sleep