
tbh spookiness never dies anyhow ⻣

--Anyhow, whew, that was a royal week of it. I have to say, my life gets increasingly less boring, and this was a week that reminded me of that. Ups and downs (especially spiritually), and...
ya know what? I got work to do *sigh*, so let's spin a quickie highlight reel and get a move on.
Pinterest: slaybeautifuls♚

You know something? I feel like college gives me *more* of a chance to be extroverted. Not sure how or why that's changed, but it's something I should explore. Also, I wanna read a lot more theological stuff... *sigh* where is the tiME tHO 😀
Also, ooOh, it's NovEMBerrr yaaay maybe it'll finally be getting cOLD πŸ‚πŸƒπŸ
*glares out window at temperate day*
cinemagraph gif cinemagraph peace china valley jiuzhaigou
Ok, to be fair, the leaves are starting to change. Hals just got to go back to MA, though, and I'm kinda jelly. #birthstate 

Anywho, where was I? Oh yes, highlights reel. Of this week. This week--

Yours Truly: 
*had some initial downs -- alarm not going off for a class, sleep schedule being a bit wack, that time of month #thesethingswillpass, some last-minute computer craziness, a crabby left ankle, misscheduling (izzat a word?) and missing time with God a few times...there are other things, but let's be honest--who wants a laundry list of my problems?


*and a lot of ups -- winning a fun volleyball game, doing well on a math test, learning a bunch, getting back the grade she wanted on her most recent ANS exam, seeing her friends a lot, doing decent art, seeing some relational things be resolved, hearing from loved ones, and getting back into it with God. Tonna blessings, tbh. πŸ˜‰
*she also had lots of running -- daily, really -- as well as dryland and weights workouts. Her (my? dangit there go my proper tenses) triathlon class final is in a week or so, and she rEALLY wants to not pass out during it, so...yup. Body is taking it really well, surprisingly. πŸƒ
*has had her fair share of schoolwork; it's yet another exam week-or-two period, so things have been adjusted accordingly. Got a BIO one tomorrow I really want to do well on.
*had some adventures with weight loss, but they turned out overall well
*really really REALLY needs to use up her meal credits. She checked her balance recently, and has about 120-something left (?!?!? on a block 180?!?!). Time to feast, I guess...?
Friday is a grazing table kind of day! This hearty spread is brought to us by @yourplattermatters
--or, actually, just be petty and go and get yoghurt or fruit. 😜

*did a lot of biking on her fixed-up road bicycle, Northy (to whom/which? she has gotten increasingly attached to. Not sure why, but she does that with a lot of stuff). Made between-class transitions a lot easier at times -- hairstyles, not so much. πŸ‘±
*did a lot of ballet (more on that later), which felt reALLY GOOD(!)
*and, speaking of dance, pranced 'round campus last week in the Hall'ween costume of her choice. Lazy much? Yes. Impractical? Yes.

Fun? Also yes. 😎
Image may contain: 1 person, standing, shoes, sky and outdoor

bueno, ahora vamos! a los 


(Quick) Weekly Segments: 

Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet):  Now that I'm back into ballet, I really miss my good Russians. They're quite possibly my fave shoes at the moment, and I'm secretly hoping someone will be a DARLING and get me a new pair soon. 😍
Rubin Russian Pointe Shoe #DanceWearCorner
hint hint hiiint

Brain Fruit: 

"being known for a "distinctive" or definite sorta thing is...well, considered important oftime here on earth. Thinking about it, though, that "one thing" is often supposed to take the central focus of your life *and outside of a Divine context, that's not good*. Perhaps much of my life had indeed been me being...different things. Playing different sports, having different styles and interests and identity aspects and surface identifiers that sometimes seem multitudinous. Yet the one central and defining core is God-- AND perhaps that's meant to be. Very meant to be." 

(ok maybe it is but it's also one of my fAVORITE yEAR rOUND soNGS)
(and it's Lindsey Stirling)
(so hush)
(also I love her new album title bc it describes me rather well)
"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch", Lindsey Stirling ft. Sabrina Carpenter -->

Deuteronomy 30:19-20

Somethin Oo Occured: Not a huge deal, but
--ok forget it yEAH, ya girl auditioned for and got accepted into NCSU's 1st OFFICIAL bALLET CLUB COMPANY
pinterest // kelseyeliseb

*or more like*
The magic of Fred Astaire

...needless to say, I'm happy to be back, whacking it out late in the studio. I love my company mates, the progress being made, and the opportunity to be a part of it. 😊

Lit Bit: Been reading through a bunch of Scott F. Fitzgerald's stories, and swept through "A diamond Big as the Ritz"

A diamond as big as the Ritz

...and it was fabulous. Crazy, odd, fantastical, super well-written, and somehow a worthwhile Halloween tale. I highly recommend it, especially if you're an imagery nut like me.

Fitzgerald The Diamond As Big As The Ritz Quote


The Extraordinary Jewelry of Alexandre Reza...A SAPPHIRE AS BIG AS THE RITZ..Rivaling the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London and the Hope Diamond in D.C.'s Smithsonian Natural History Museum, the collection of Paris-based maitre joaillier Alexandre Reza features some of the world's rarest gemstones. To the French designer, a brooch was no standard lapel dΓ©cor. Among the retired designer's elaborate pieces is his version of a brooch: a stunning, 134-carat Ceylon unheated sapphire surrounded by …
doo it nOOow

Gimme a Visual: Saw this lil guy out on Monday last week, making his way 'mongst the heath bushes, and...he was perfect, to say the least.

πŸ’— #schmetterling

Is That Really Funny?: Surreal memes have continued to be a thing this week, much to the questioning/concern of some friends. πŸ˜‚  I personally see no harm--after all, they're so goOd
(and usually wholseoem 2)

Artsy Larksey: Here this week, we have a very nice piece entitled "don't leave me alone at a veterinary conference with 3 differently-foiled Hershey's kisses" 🍫

and YEs, I was paying attention, no worries. πŸ˜€

You know, breaking my ankles the past 3 (4?) times just *wasn't* enough. I really need something else to endanger the precious tendons in my poor feet--
Play Stuff Blog » Archives » The Pogo Bal Paradigm | National Museum of Play
Seriously tho
...the only reason I'm eVEN MORE SALTY about this is that *glares at youtube ad* TOYS R US is tryna bring these back this Christmas season?? I can't. I'm done. Just nO. #injuryprone #PSA


Well, off go I to another weekfulla...well, who knows what. 

Either way, it'll be lit, and "I have no fear; what can man do to me?" 😊

till later me boi mihoys



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