
Showing posts from September, 2018

Previously Mentioned "Go" (Pt II) ✈🏰🌄

- this, in essence, was our trip to a local town. About 20 min. worth of walking from the university, we found a pub (the Lion), and spent time chatting, relaxing, and blitzing around with soccer balls and other recreational objects till dark.  a sample of nearby locales and domiciles - it was really pretty and quaint skyline behind the pub - dotted with sheep and chickens, to our animal-science delight yes, that's a kiddy playground structure, and yes I played on it. #unwind self-taken pictures - my preferred modus operandi, as a photographer/someone who doesn't like being "photographed". It makes more sense to my brain, somehow? (at least it turned out well) a little shot of the pub, and another of a rando house we passed  the comrades, engaged in spirited discussion another rando domicile (I promise I'm not padding this blog length) ...really. Also, these were nice flowers, and my mum likes flowers, so

What Previously Said "go" Entailed (Part I) 🏰✈🌄

~Refering to my previous blog post - yeah. My trip to the UK was, overall, a lot of fun. The trip there went smoothly (although layover exhaustion was brutal) - we all made it in one piece, and nobody killed anybody.  we're actually looking @ memes here on the floor but don't tell nobody   We got to stay in nice, single-person dorms - no AC (they don't usually need it), so a bit steamy, but I figured out ways to ventilate. Very neat, efficient, and comfortable overall - and I really appreciated having space to myself. :)   viewz We ate meals together - breakfast, lunch, and dinner were all provided. Breakfast was my favorite - from past experience, Brits do a proper meal of it, and I wasn't disappointed for the most part. 😛     baked beans are muh JAM We studied a lot of different areas - the general topics of Animal Behavior Therapy and Physiotherapy have countless subcategories - and from 9am-5pm, we were pretty much occupied in lectures, pract

Had a bit of a go 🍵

lol gUESS WHO'S BACK PONE FACES school. Whoops. Yeah, meant to update this blog sooner than that (lol). I've been putting off this blog post for *checks calendar* a month or so? Ooof. 😀 - So, yeah, let's pick up where I left off. Specifically, my study abroad trip to the UK (which I'm well past back from). #packabroad #sickofthehashtag  ...Actually, see, there's only one small problem. ...ok, more than one. There's a W H O L E lot of pics from the trip (some better than others) - A WHOLE LOT. SERIOUSLY. AND THERE IS DEFINITELY NOT ENOUGH ROOM ON THIS POST FOR THEM ALL. OR IN MY PERSONAL PATIENCE, FOR THAT MATTER. solution? I'll do the rest of my "official UK post" tomorrow (it being a Labor Free Day, after all) (literally) (it's labor day) thanks guys i actually do try sometimes 😎 - there's a ton of other stuff I wanna do tomorrow, too - but that's one of the