
2024 is here ?!?

  when i tell y'all january has F L E W -  also, happy new year! hard to believe it is the grand year of 2024. the fam and i rung it in with a flourish - invited a bunch of ppl over, cooked a mess of food, and assembled + set afire our 2023 effigy. it was truly an impressive sight, and one we are already planning to improve for next NYE~ also must face the inevitable heffalump in the room - i haven't been on the blog for a hot minute. *shocked gasp from my imaginary cult following* i truly meant to,  i promise! this past year, imma be honest, wound up being way harder than i thought. i feel like i've said that every year, in some form; honest to gosh, though, this one was the hardest. i feel like ive regained a lot of my shape after making it thru (and the Lord has been restoring my soul, true to His form, in ways i hadn't even considered). honestly, i just wanna touch the keys on this blog every monthish, and that's as rigid as i'll consider being.  speaking of

sum of my top music ~ALBUMS~

 good evening! it is a sunday, I am back, and recovered from rona~  ...yes, ya girl got it last week, and wound up spending a whole week in NC (instead the 4 days I planned). gave me serious deja vu to when I caught it last summer.  - but yay for a) having a robust immune response, and b) testing negative today (so I can go back to work tomorrow)!   ok, so quickly realized it's a whole...ongoing...project to do ALL my favorite albums, so I've since decided to start at maybe 25? I like that #, for no particular reason.  the reason why I'm doing this project? hmmm, CAUSE I WANT TO.  sosososo,, what are my criteria for "favorite album", you ask? welll that's a tricky question (not really but let me pretend okie), but usually I'd put an album in that category if I a) Am super into most-all of the songs on it (or have very few that I'm ho-hum about) - b) Find that the album overall has really have a great flow -  c) Have kept them long-term in my library. 

jus a lil blurb that's all :)

 hallo, hallo, it's ya girl. june is nearly halfway thru, which is hard to believe - the summer just keeps on rollin' right on by.  tbh, I'm blogging this blog with no set idea in mind. *influencer voice* just wanted to hOp oN and say hEyyyyyy tbh just seeking to live my lil maisy life, girl had it made  ....but actually, yeah. I have a draft of May's Happenings sitting in my archives, but didn't feel like fully polishing + uploading it. I'm going to bed by 915ish - shortly after my grandmother does - so mostly just wanted to ramble a little.  today was good, overall. happy juneteenth btw! ya girl didn't have work bc of today being a holiday (AND RIGHTFULLY SO), so I slept in till 12pm or so (which was lovely). got up and planned my day, had my devotional time, and did a little 12 minute exercise warmup before tidying my room, brushing my teeth, and starting to do stuff ~outside~ of my room.  Didn't per se frolic much - ya girl had a to-do list she wante

January in hindset: new ways new days

hallo hullo henlo,  welcome to post #2 of the year! (technically, I didn't fire this post off *during* January, but at least it's still getting done) I personally tend to like Januaries - the starts to our new revolutions around the sun are special, if you think about it.  Not gonna lie, it really did fly by - even the difficult parts (though maybe that's the gift of hindsight). Had a lotta ups and downs. Overall, I feel proud of how I made it (and grateful for God & others in making so much of that journey happen!), and happy with a lot of the progress made. 😄 Some of the challenges of the month:  Car issues - having more of those, in the midst of other stressors, really stunk. I finally snapped, and set aside a chunk of money to buy a new one before summer comes.  Adjusting to life after my familys' health scare - has been harder than I thought (who knew that traumatizing events could be...traumatizing?). Saw my counselor, pinterest boards, friends, and coping me