jus a lil blurb that's all :)

 hallo, hallo, it's ya girl. june is nearly halfway thru, which is hard to believe - the summer just keeps on rollin' right on by. 

tbh, I'm blogging this blog with no set idea in mind. *influencer voice* just wanted to hOp oN and say hEyyyyyy

tbh just seeking to live my lil maisy life, girl had it made 

....but actually, yeah. I have a draft of May's Happenings sitting in my archives, but didn't feel like fully polishing + uploading it. I'm going to bed by 915ish - shortly after my grandmother does - so mostly just wanted to ramble a little. 

today was good, overall. happy juneteenth btw!

ya girl didn't have work bc of today being a holiday (AND RIGHTFULLY SO), so I slept in till 12pm or so (which was lovely). got up and planned my day, had my devotional time, and did a little 12 minute exercise warmup before tidying my room, brushing my teeth, and starting to do stuff ~outside~ of my room. 

Didn't per se frolic much - ya girl had a to-do list she wanted to get mostly cleared, after all. made myself a big salad and sat down to plot out the rest of the day, also sent some emails/texts and checked the news; then was stricken with the deep, undeniable need for a nap shortly after, so I took one. 

Then got up and did some Computer Tasks, then eventually started cooking. made chicken stew, asparagus, and roast chicken for grandma, then salmon cakes etc for myself. Sat and ate dinner with her and Brenda, which was nice. 

gosh this thing is cute aint it

I finished cleaning up while grandma watched the news - also washed my hair and did a quick little exercise warmdown. feeling much more on top of that now that I have an accountability partner set up for my health journey (yay!!!). currently, grandma is watching her antiques roadshow on TV, whilst I and my fully developed frontal lobe are sitting here. fully sat. yup. 

ok, I'm sick of writing at this very moment, so here are a few images that I like right now (from my lovely "orsthaetick moi" pinterest board). make me feel things ig? 

this is making me want to go read webtoons. and recall how I loved to daydream while looking at the clouds out the plane window when I travelled as a kid. 

bc i miss my kat Cody. he is not with me now and i wish he was. he is such a good cat and apparently (according to the fam) is not happy about my absence. he is such a good lil black panther (tho foolish).

bc AWWW THE LITTLE BABY BUNNIES INSIDE THE FLOWERS :):):) i could totally imagine them being born there, my mums' roses always look so gentle and soft and pink when they bloom.

bc i CRAVE THE SEA JEWELS. GIMME THEM. i want to thank whoever did the carving/embellishments here bc they are very subtle and yet make me Y E A R N to steal these even more.

don't ask questions, i think he's kinda cute even if he goofy (kpop boi plz hold ur horses gosh)

AAAND since we liked that so much, here's some quotes i like rn.

o look at that! it is time for me to prepare for wonderful, beautiful sleep. till next time my lil dudes. it has been great. 




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