January in hindset: new ways new days

hallo hullo henlo, 

welcome to post #2 of the year! (technically, I didn't fire this post off *during* January, but at least it's still getting done)

I personally tend to like Januaries - the starts to our new revolutions around the sun are special, if you think about it. 

Not gonna lie, it really did fly by - even the difficult parts (though maybe that's the gift of hindsight). Had a lotta ups and downs. Overall, I feel proud of how I made it (and grateful for God & others in making so much of that journey happen!), and happy with a lot of the progress made. πŸ˜„

Some of the challenges of the month: 

  • Car issues - having more of those, in the midst of other stressors, really stunk. I finally snapped, and set aside a chunk of money to buy a new one before summer comes. 
  • Adjusting to life after my familys' health scare - has been harder than I thought (who knew that traumatizing events could be...traumatizing?). Saw my counselor, pinterest boards, friends, and coping mechanisms a whole lot; somedays, it's all I could do to just keep on walkin'. 
  • Schoolwork/schedule - this semester is STACKED academically, and that (combined with my extracurriculars), has been a lot (especially since I feel like winter break wasn't very much of a break).
  • Sticking with new habits - I set a bunch of those, and the first month is always the hardest to get into gear on. 
  • Home changes - similar to #2, it still takes me a sec to get used to our new household rhythms (and, to be honest, I still am working on feeling stressed while in the casa). 

January highlights: 

  • Did great, for the first time in awhile, on my fitness + other 2023 improvements! Such as running, sketching, journalling, and others - something finally clicked, and the dopamine rush of consistency turns out to be AMAZING :) 
  • Dance - continued with my little kpop club and modern dance company, as well as starting up a new choreo project. Creative brain is still alive!
  • Social - saw friends/loved ones pretty regularly, chatted on the phone/zoom with others, and restarted my mentorship of others. I credit that as being a big part of my making it through the month. 

Below are some of the related pictures in my January photo album, as well - I usually am quite negligent when it comes to photographic documentation, but I'm improving at such. 

me during my first week of midterms - said week was lowkey BRUTAL (in a different way than last semesters' finals). I made it through with passing exam scores, but also a lot of sleep deprivation, prayers, and out-of-whack schedules. I'd like to say I've completely learned my lesson, but...I think I'm still learning, shall we say. *muffled clown noises in the distance*

*also* me during the first few weeks of clinpath (picture courtesy of Going Seventeen, one of my favorite KPOP shows on YouTube). They weren't lying when they said this course was intimidating - there's SO many different moving parts. By the grace of God, I'm doing well in the course; exams have been HECKA intense, yet I've made it! πŸ“š

Been drawing more! My bestie Bethany gave me this book last year, and it's been really nice to fill out. I am behind on my daily goal, so am trying to double-time - it's really good for breaks, when I need to process stuff, or to calm myself down. πŸ–‰

Occasionally, I feel weary during my commute to vet school (often directly correlated by how stressed or sleep-deprived I am). Thankfully, the natural phenomenon of sunrises has a way of dispelling that. Yes, somedays the fact that I drive straight into them is...intense...but overall, it instills hope and calm in me to see the colors of the sun launching itself from the horizon. πŸŒ…

my new hair color! this was from January, of course, but it's still doing well now. I was surprised by how well it's stuck, as well as the delighted reactions from my friends. It definitely feels like a good fit for my current personality now - especially accepting how I've changed recently. πŸ’‡

January also meant the cats got caught up on their care - and that Jade continued her consumption of cobwebs? why??? regardless of her dietary choices, I'm grateful for how these kittykats greet me every time I get home. Sometimes, after a tough day, that's what cheers me up the most.🐱

Got to do lots of henna this semester - both on myself and my classmates! I'm currently working on making a poster with one of my classmates (so I can more professionally field my inquiries), and am fielding more requests for events. Good side hustle, I guess - I'm still always kinda amazed when people admire it. πŸ–Œ

Blue sky over my school - it's always nice when I get this view, whilst walking to classes. There's often a myriad of wildflowers by the path as well - it's become a small pleasure to gaze at those, as well as the songbirds that populate the area, whilst I tread to work. πŸƒ

Dang, the introverted urge to photograph the sky is really showing through, huh? Doesn't do it justice, but this was a gorgeous lava-colored sunset that made me cry after a hard day. Sets right over the parking lot. πŸŒ„

With our new home arrangements (my brother is living with us now again), I spend more time in my childhood bedroom - and so do my cats (under supervision). I made the mistake of showing Cody (my panther depicted above) some mouse videos on my laptop, and now he will NOT LET IT ALONE. Makes for a good photo-op, but a lot of swatting him away as well. πŸ’»

Took this photo after my near all-nighter before my first clinpath exam. It was hecka foggy, close to 4am, and I was done with everything. Made for a cool pic, though. #ambience

Systemic pathology exam 1 prep :'-) 

January unfortunately has not been very sunny, and I can feel myself getting pastier by the day. Supplemental vitamin D is good for maintenance, but golly, do I need some good sunshine.

Had fun performing in a kpop showcase - my friends are still making fun of me for the ONE time I feel myself while I dance? Like dang πŸ˜‚

My scripture for the year <3

Alright, here's to the rest of the year being up and up! Till next time (aka Februarys' missive) ~ 



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