
Showing posts from October, 2016

Still Pretty Alive *(OML Update)*

Greetings, You. (yes, you! ) ...How goes it? Having a pleasant (or not-so-pleasant)(or somewhere in-between) time of it? Hopefully the former former (?) of the three. (awkward construction there, Ms. I-Love-Humanities-and-Literature) #idk (why do I always seem to start with memes?) I write semi-merrily from my comfortable turret (a footstool I like to sit on for no apparent reason--it makes me look ridiculous and cramps my back eventually, but who cares. It makes me feel short. #secretwish) ..Ok, um, anyhow--from my turret I semi-merrily write, eating a single, cold, buttered pancake (left over from lunch today) drowning in WAY too much maple syrup. I still have to write my weekly correspondences, do my devotions, and feed these idjit cats (they've been particularly troublemaking lately), this will be a quick-ish post. (and yes, I usually say that and then end up crafting a virtual Magna Carta, but whatever. I *really* mean it this time) (are there any dank Magna Carta

Quick life update/Thought-of-the-Week: Certain Proper (Someday) Things

HOLAA --Hi , and welcome to this week's blog--or, to be precise, *piece* of blog. One which is horribly late (to my perfectionistic view, not like anyone's keeping track, but ANYHOW), and late and hasty as a result. As a result, I'm just gonna combine the sparknotes of this past week with another random little post I've been working on--check the title. (OOHG SO DANK YAS k I've fulfilled that longing) This past week wasn’t one of much regard--I was still sick, and overall very unproductive/lax in most areas of my life. I write this, during this rather warm evening (where’d you go, fall??), from a grey couch--not my own, but belonging to the people I am doing last-minute babysitting for. No effort is really required, since the three boys (ages 2, 4, and 6) have already gone to bed, after watching the tail end of a Pokemon episode. (not my thing, but I guess I can see the appeal). Aside from craning my neck around the corner periodically to make sure no mi

An Eventful Time of It (Power Outage)

noooooo   POOWER TO THE PEOPLE Hello there-- Yippi-ki-yay, yep, our power's out (like many others in NC). I am very grateful that we only ended up with that, high winds, a bit of flooding, and a whole lotta rain. I do, however, look forward to getting electricity back, especially for our food, online work, heating (it's starting to get cold out here, y'all), and communications. Duke Energy said that, hopefully, the power will switch on at 9 (which is in about 1.5 hours), so let's hope. #committment In the meantime, a short and snappy update from the inside of my truck, where my computer is plugged in/linked to my father's phone's hotspot. Most notably, this week I got sick; with what, who knows, but a sore throat, overabundance of mucus, inability to sleep, headaches, loss of appetite, general dullness and unproductive behavior? Sounds like a deal. (can't tell you how much Trek I've watched since getting sick. Clinically proven to make patie

Hasty Updatey (On My Life) :-P

A new day of a new week of a new month! YES and YES and AMEN LORD YES. (Thank you, Internet. You never fail me, and my gif cache grows fatter by the hour) Well, this blog post is, once again, overdue. To whom, the persnickety side of my brain asks, do we feel so obligated to maintain continual dank posts to? It's not like your followers are battering down the doors, demanding an update. Or like you have followers, at all. It's like you getting mad at yourself for not shouting in an empty room every 30 seconds... Well, that was deep, and/or depressing. To which I reply, Whatever! I feel the obligation to update this, and that's all that matters! *flaunts perfectionist cape* ...Anyhow, THIS PAST WEEK, in short: Ballet --I did it again. Whoop de doo.  Tuesday and Thursday, did some decent dancing--didn't feel like the best week, though. Which happens. I messed up some turns and combos pretty spectacularly.  #ugh #hopping #whentheteacheryellsatyou #andyoujustgive