Still Pretty Alive *(OML Update)*
Greetings, You. (yes, you! ) ...How goes it? Having a pleasant (or not-so-pleasant)(or somewhere in-between) time of it? Hopefully the former former (?) of the three. (awkward construction there, Ms. I-Love-Humanities-and-Literature) #idk (why do I always seem to start with memes?) I write semi-merrily from my comfortable turret (a footstool I like to sit on for no apparent reason--it makes me look ridiculous and cramps my back eventually, but who cares. It makes me feel short. #secretwish) ..Ok, um, anyhow--from my turret I semi-merrily write, eating a single, cold, buttered pancake (left over from lunch today) drowning in WAY too much maple syrup. I still have to write my weekly correspondences, do my devotions, and feed these idjit cats (they've been particularly troublemaking lately), this will be a quick-ish post. (and yes, I usually say that and then end up crafting a virtual Magna Carta, but whatever. I *really* mean it this time) (are there any dank Magna Carta ...