Quick life update/Thought-of-the-Week: Certain Proper (Someday) Things

--Hi, and welcome to this week's blog--or, to be precise, *piece* of blog. One which is horribly late (to my perfectionistic view, not like anyone's keeping track, but ANYHOW), and late and hasty as a result. As a result, I'm just gonna combine the sparknotes of this past week with another random little post I've been working on--check the title.
I don't even understand why this is so funny but I'm crying:
(OOHG SO DANK YAS k I've fulfilled that longing)

This past week wasn’t one of much regard--I was still sick, and overall very unproductive/lax in most areas of my life. I write this, during this rather warm evening (where’d you go, fall??), from a grey couch--not my own, but belonging to the people I am doing last-minute babysitting for. No effort is really required, since the three boys (ages 2, 4, and 6) have already gone to bed, after watching the tail end of a Pokemon episode. (not my thing, but I guess I can see the appeal). Aside from craning my neck around the corner periodically to make sure no mischief is being had (I think they’re nearly asleep now), it’s just me and the terrier. I’m also rather hungry right now--despite not really following my diet this past week (i.e. just eating what appealed to me), I didn’t actually gain weight (lost some, actually), so...somehow, I’m actually on track to make my monthly weight goal. Unexpected, but great. :-D

Areas of interest, in rapid-fire track below:
* I cleaned almost the hull entire house, cause I couldn't stand how messy it had gotten (I seem to have settings: neat freak, or contentedly-residing-in-nest-of-chaos. I blame my parents.)...so that's nice. Burned incense/candles, swept, scrubbed, put away, organized, and trundled stuff around. Looks pretty decent now, if I do say so myself. A clean abode is a nice thing to have (however briefly), and the process is somewhat cathartic for me. B-)
Hello gothic fairy tale cottage :)
(much gothic)
*I went to the NC State fair this week with my GLOW girls--3 girls from the Congo + me--for our annual fair outing. And it was actually one of the best I've had; I tend to get existential or moody at fairs sometimes, but I legitimately enjoyed myself. Went on a total of 5 rides--4 of which were appropriately stomach-turning (what can I say, I've become somewhat of an adrenaline junkie); the fourth was easygoing, similar to this--
Swings over Vienna at Prater Park. Terrifying but incredible views over the city!:
--but not so high, of course. Ate turkey leg, roasted corn, kettle corn, NC State ice cream (we made it at the last minute, when all they had available was chocolate and vanilla; it was still good though), and various other junk foods. Enjoyed each other's company, laughed, and generally wore ourselves out with sundry merriment. They've made some changed to the general formatting of the fair, which are very nice, and make it run faster and smoother. Going early on in the process also meant less crowds (except on the rides)--which was great. Highly recommended. 
*I got to do my weekly balling with the team this past Friday--which was muy divertido. I think they're gonna be really good--and I didn't do so bad, either :) We had some new/more amateur girls, and were at a new gym, so slight deviation from normal routine; still, lotsa fun.
*I managed to dance twice this week--I don't remember how I did very well (I feel like it wasn't my best, though); *one* of the times, I made the mistake of wearing my red leo--and it was GROSS. SWEAT MARKS EVERYWHERE. PERENNIALLY EMBARRASSED. WHY, BODY, WHY.
“ me: *doesn’t truly understand what i did wrong but i want her to stop yelling at me* i’m sorry girl: sorry for what me: ”:
#trulydank #literally

*I did my swim coaching this past Friday-went well. Took me a longer-than-usual amount of time to compose the workout, but I did. (and crashed afterwards, cause I stayed up too late)
*I went to my friend (Malaysia)'s senior night volleyball match this past Tuesday--which was lovely. :) I'd missed seeing the girls, and how the team's been (they're doing SO well). And Kaily (other senior) was her 6'5", smashing BEAST (in a quiet but in-your-face way) of herself. I was so proud of both of them--it was an intense match, but we ended up winning (and the girls were actually glad to see me? Wha?? Wowza.)
Volleyball probs <a class="pintag searchlink" data-query="%23PhelpsFace" data-type="hashtag" href="/search/?q=%23PhelpsFace&rs=hashtag" rel="nofollow" title="#PhelpsFace search Pinterest">#PhelpsFace</a>
(obligatory volleyball meme)

*Aaand finally: Le Parental Units were out of the house (at a job of mom's), so I had the place to myself. Cleaned up (like I said), played music a little louder (rad, amirite),...um, stayed up really late and read #edgy, and did a bunch of pastry baking. Turned out some sweet apple tarts, and a lime curd tart for The Bean and her fam (more on that in Something Ooh segment).

And, of course, here are the quick weekly segments:
Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): This door mat. Partially because ours is getting old, and partially 'cause it's salty. (why else?) Someone, please get this for me.
Brain Fruit: Kind of random, but I was just thinking about how heaped with memories my room is. Nearly every single object has a specific association, memory, or point to it. And that's not even counting the things *inside* my head, or the associations I have with places, objects, animals, scenarios...man. Human life is kinda crazy like that.
Mewsiks: Oldie I dug up recently--"Revive Us Again", by Big Daddy Weave. Learned a bit of this as a dance, and loved the song for awhile...and just forgot about it, I guess. Back to loving it!
Scripture: Simple, but a pointed reminder for me--2nd Thessalonians 3:13: "do not grow weary in doing good." Easy to do, easier to quote than live out.
Somethin Oo Occured: I went with The Bean to see Don Quixote @ Carolina Ballet. And, I might add, thoroughly enjoyed it. Even with it being the B cast, the personalities, choreography, and dancing really were nice. (and several of the costumes were on fleek) *burns self on litness* Scrabbled with The Bean (hadn't seen her in 2 WHOLE WEEKS, so it was nice to get the saltiness flowing again, so to speak.), talked a lot, nearly dozed off once or twice (was tired from insomnia baking). Rather Oo for me, a good highlight. :)
Lit Bit: I *JUST* finished reading David Copperfield (had the whole pdf on my phone #likeaboss)...and wow. Still stunned by how good it was, and how much I liked it. Different from the way I liked Great Expectations...but really nice still. :)
Gimme a Visual: Random comic. Applicable. Slightly odd. 'Nuff said.
(why the mirror? idk...)

Is That Really Funny?: Yep. Definitely is. In a sort of salty, why-did-I-have-to-turn-18-and-vote-THIS-year-of-all-years way.

Artsy Larksey: ..Don't know who to acknowledge for this, but found it from officiallylittlemissnorthwest.tumblr.com. Love the orange (which I have an odd, hidden penchant for), and the overall look of the piece. Almost edible. #synesthesia

Alright, and below is the other snippet from this week--which I will finish as this week progresses, 'cause this part's already long overdue. Till later.

Hi, and welcome to this week's random bit of writing--the part of the show where I show up, grab a random thought, and run as quickly as possible through a tree-covered avenue of speculation and introspection while I shape said thought into the rough outline of a topic...
Not sure where I was going with that metaphor; let's just conclude that I finally drop it in the mailbox (which symbolizes my blog), and keep going. To get me out of that awkward description, here's a pretty picture of a worthy tree-lined avenue.
Looking for similar Pins? Follow me! pinterest.com/kevinohlsson | ohlsson.link/portfolio:
(nice, ain't it? Almost looks like a view of Duke, except I know it ain't that pretty and the streets are different. Back to our discussion)

Anyways, this week's random (or semi-random, since I wrote it down so I'd recall it later) thought, is (GLANCES AT THE BLOG POST TITLE): Certain Things [I Feel It Necessary or ] Proper for Someday or Some Point In My Life. (I really coulda gone with a better title, but I'm not aiming for polished efficiency here yet.) Granted, I've been inconsistent with doing these *every* week, so I may just do these once every two weeks.

A forewarning: I get the feeling this post will be a tad more girly [in my typical stoic, this-is-the-way-it-is "girly" style], so now you know. I'll make a more plain version of the warning below, hope it helps:
*WARNING*: Potentially Girly Post Ahead
...and if it's too late for you, here's an uncomfortable meme to help you cope.
(one of my personal favorites, ain't it nice)

Alright alright alriight *in Miranda Sings voice*, enough dillydallying, let's get to the point of the blog post.
When I say (or think) of that rather long-winded definition, I quantify it as certain things
(a) That I've aspired to have once I'm an adult, or in a general way, living my life as a grown up,
(b) Which I consider important, or semi-essential, to aspects of existence in this day and age,
(c) Just stuff I rather like AND consider practical.
This is a pretty long list of stuff--and although it might seem an absolute essential, that list does NOT include me a MAYUN (man, for those of you who are Southernese-challenged). :-) While I am fine with God potentially giving me that, I don't consider than something I need, have to have in my future, or desperately crave. So no, this doesn't include an impassioned plea for a hot guy to spend the rest of my domestic life with. (ew)
*SCHNERK* he got it goin tho B-)
Ok, ok...
First department of thought: Transportation 
...After all, I have to get places, and preferably in style. First things first, I'd like to have a nice little hoopty of my own--nothing crazy, but preferably with good gas mileage (at least 31 mpg), a long life, minimal need for repairs, brakes and heating (you can do without AC, but generally speaking, not warmth in the winter)...and *oh luxury* air conditioning and a radio.
After that, I also really want to have my own old-fashioned roller skates--sometimes walking just don't cut if, folks. Size 11, preferably pretty, definitely comfy, along with knee pads and elbow pads and a helmet. (girlish wish involved to some extent, maybe)
There's of course my bicycle--it might change over the years, but I'd prefer something geared more towards leisure w/ a bit of grit. I currently have my pink-and-white Lulu bike (complete with light pink basket and plushy pink seat), so I'm for the most part content with something like that.
Image result for pink lulu bike
(mine's more beat up, but more or less,...yep. Got it for free, too. :) NO I DIDN'T STEAL IT, YOU
 If I was feeling verra extravagant...well, I might have *whispers* two bikes (!!) (does 10,000 hail marys to atone for indulgence). One for leisure, one for hardcore/racing bike stuff. Who knows.
I also really would like an ELF -- part bike/solar car/pedal-powered urban vehicle. They're expensive, but really sweet--I think my big bro found them first.
ELF Velomobile Kickstarter Three Wheeled Solar Vehicle.  Half bike, half car Solar and pedal powered urban vehicle by Organic Transit.  What a great idea!:

What else is there? YOU'LL JUST HAFTA WAIIT! 
#lackofsuspense #toomuchwork #bye


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