An Eventful Time of It (Power Outage)

noooooo Lights go out at the superbowl. All because that guy from 'airplane' pulled the chord... lol. #funnygif POOWER TO THE PEOPLE

Hello there--
Yippi-ki-yay, yep, our power's out (like many others in NC). I am very grateful that we only ended up with that, high winds, a bit of flooding, and a whole lotta rain. I do, however, look forward to getting electricity back, especially for our food, online work, heating (it's starting to get cold out here, y'all), and communications. Duke Energy said that, hopefully, the power will switch on at 9 (which is in about 1.5 hours), so let's hope. #committment

In the meantime, a short and snappy update from the inside of my truck, where my computer is plugged in/linked to my father's phone's hotspot.
Most notably, this week I got sick; with what, who knows, but a sore throat, overabundance of mucus, inability to sleep, headaches, loss of appetite, general dullness and unproductive behavior? Sounds like a deal.
GEORGE & BRAD TAKEI Present: Team Takei — Sometimes I just Vulcan’t. Source: Nerdgasm
(can't tell you how much Trek I've watched since getting sick. Clinically proven to make patients heal faster.)
I spent most of the week dreading it (I knew I would get it in a weakened form anyhow, since my mom had it for awhile #inevitable), but managed to get to Friday before really succumbing to it and letting go of my usual "rigourous" daily agenda. I'm not even *that* sick, to be honest, but I really hate being slowed down by it. I like doing stuff, I suppose, and not feeling like a brainless, giant marshmallow monster from Ghostbusters.
Ok, ok, this past week, as I was saying: I got in my usual two dances (without the company of The Bean, unfortunately; she was missed), Tuesday and Thursday. They went pretty well--I actually FINALLY got the hang of Italian fouttes (secret: turn your upper body towards corner, and really developpe), which was SO EXHILARATING--
Alina Somova. Flawless Italian fouettes! These might actually be my favorite ballet turns
(Thank you, Alina Somova, I'm getting there)
--I also nailed some chassee-attitude turns (something I typically struggle with, but was on this time around)-
mine ballerina Giselle Ballet GIF royal ballet Natalia Osipova nataliaosipova gisellegif royalballet
#werk #osipovastyle
--and actually managed to nail a good petit allegro (over the courses of two classes, but still, as a tall person, it was an accomplishment). Thankfully, we didn't have to pas-de-quatre it and hold hands or anything--that woulda been a REAL nightmare.
Knowing that whenever you hold hands in a ballet dance and do a petit allegro that section is always a bitch to learn and forever called Swan Lake.:

...Ok, this is just turning into a dance post, so I'm gonna stop now. Plenty of mistakes/things I could complain about happened too--I had to work hard to recall the good ones--but I'm trying to find some redemptive points here *sob*

(....dANGIT, I was on a roll of non-dank-meme-ness. Fell off the wagon again.)

SO, aside from being sick and dancing--I did languages, per usual. Learning how to flirt in French? Seems legit. Really, though, one of the pickup lines my program gave me to learn is "Even without gravity on the earth, I would still fall in love with you"
...sorry, language program, I've got plenty of other sources telling my I needta find me a man, not you too.
I also started up my biology and chemistry personal review--I'd forgotten how much I actually liked this stuff, Looking forward to refreshing more of it in mah brain.
Random note: SO many people's birthdays were in September, and now I'm going into overload doing belated birthday presents. (which I secretly love, since giving people presents is one of my most favorite things ever) Still, so many of them...

Jeffrey got to visit home briefly this weekend--it's fall break, but he "has a lotta work to catch up on". Sounds barely legit to me, more like he couldn't stand my dankness amirite 
dank memes - Google zoeken:
(only for you, big bro) that was good. His cat was happy to see him, we ate a lotta stuff, traded lots of insults, I'm sure. Overall, noice to see him. Such a fatty.
"Always a man of your word, hm?" His voice was dry, and he rolled his eyes as he motioned for his men. The dagger slit my brother's throat swiftly.:
(also for you, big bro *grudgingly waves*)
Today was spent primarily sleeping in (church services were cancelled, thanks to le hurricane), mostly due to a fairly busy Saturday. First, babysat from 8-1:30 p.m. (last-minute need); even though I was barely awake, we managed to have fun, the kiddies and I. Watched veggietales, ate pizza and cereal bars, binged on favorite ballet segments + Sarah Reich (amazing tap dancer) videos (thank you, YouTube), filmed our own "sideways skit" (look it up online; the one involving Twenty-One Pilots is the best), and generally did your nostalgic Saturday morning kiddy stuff. It was nice. :)
rantmuffin: “RUNNING IN THE 90S ”

After that, I booked it with Dad (through the rain and wind) to basketball with the team, from 2-4. Even though I can't technically play with the team, (a) you can always use practice players, and (b) I love those girls too much to stay away. :) And it was a surprisingly good time, for sure--even with the weather going on. At a new gym, which is pretty sweet. Attendees included Malaysia, Tido, another Hannah, Ellie, a new girl (from MS, whose name I can't recall--but she was good!), and The Savage (some of these are nicknames, yes). They're gonna have a good team this year--I can feel it. They're strong, smart, good at what they do, scrappy, fun-loving, unified, and more than a little sassyy; just the way it should be. I love it. :) And, I didn't do too badly, for not having been on the court for awhile--was able to run well, made some shots, scrimmaged, and had a rad time overall. I look forward to helping them improve.
(BTW, Howard = me)
(Although, if I'm recalling correctly, he's been working on his long-range shot a lot lately, so maybe this is no longer applicable? Whatever, it's fulfilling a stereotype)

...After balling out, we went and got Le Brother (and his laundry), came home, and did stuff until Power Outage of '16 (hey, that's what the weather outlets do, right?) arrived, around 7 pm or so. Did a bunch of reading, etc., after that--Le Bro and Dad went and got cheap Chinese food for dinner, and we had a merry time of it with some candlelight and a bunch of irate cats. Stayed up a bit too late reading by candlelight--it's rather fun, actually--some old Little House in the Wood books (which I found odd/slightly questionable in their approaches to life. Anyone else wonder at that? I always found them kinda annoying, as a kid)
ANYhow, back to after sleeping in--I got up, wandered around the house, tripped over some cats (who were still perturbed by the power outage or something), fed the ducks (who are doing quite well, actually), wrote my weekly correspondences out (just two friends this time: The Bean, and Seattle Girl--una pelirroja amiga in WA)...once Dad got back, we went shopping for foodstuffs and dry ice for the fridges/freezers. Foodstuffs = yoghurt (on sale), lunchmeats/bread, terra chips, and pita + hummus; nothing crazy, a bit geared towards the things I crave while sick. Also cough drops, etc, for sickness. (maybe a few York patties in there too, but also for sickness, I swear)
New York City Ballet, Pat McBride:
(How a York Pattie would look in human form. Thx Pat McBride #synthesis)

...and, Lo! The power has come back on, conveniently timed! Yaya!
Sometimes all our day needs is a creepy Riker gif. Riker concurs
(him being my favorite TNG character)
Alright, well, this is great! All that's left are our weekly segments
(who is "our"? No one asked for this, man)
*shakes self* Whatever! Here we go!
Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): The list groweth. This week's item is (unsurprisingly), largely due to the amount of Star Trek I watched while sick--
This Data mug. (if you are unknowing, this is one of his standard catchphrases) I mean, it's not even that clever--pfft, I could probably do it to a blank mug of my own--but it's so clever, somehow.
Data's cup. When I have my coffee I am (usually) functioning within normal parameters too.
(either that, or I'm very easily impressed by unimpressive things. One of the two.) On second thought, potential art project, coming up... #inspiration #trekkiefulfillment #bestofbothworlds

Brain Fruit: This week's contribution, unsurprisingly, stems from my being sick; you know how, at that particular stage of being sick, you just want to curl up in (or on) something, and vegetate? (if not, just keep reading) A bed is too...well, flat...a couch is too narrow, the floor isn't terrible (but covered in cats), and chairs just don't work at all! (I swear I'm not this finicky in real life)
...What do you need? A giant, plush, half-avocado pillow-beanbag thingy! (working on the name, but you get the drift) Yah. A giant, avocado-themed thing--instead of a pit (cause that'd be dumb), you can have a big hollow to curl up in! It'd be soft, snuggly, warm, and an EXCELLENT piece of home decor, if I do say so myself. #brilliant #imdone (Please, let nobody else have already come up with this *crosses fingers*)
...while you're recovering from that stroke of genius, let's move on to...    
Mewsiks:      !!Significant Other Alert !! 
...Yes, this song is based more towards that; I think life deserves to be about lots of different things, and I really like the way Britt Nicole puts it in her new song, "All the Money". Catchiness is a factor; musical drive, the way she uses her voice chops, and the theme of the song overall combine to make a powdery, intense confection that I do enjoy. A listen is suggested. ( )

Scripture: Gotten a bit off of my Bible reading, but a revisited verse that's a tad convicting (it's so easy, sometimes, to stretch or change or smoothly pass over the truth) comes to mind, short and sweet, from one of my favorite books: "Whoever gives an honest answer kisses the lips." ~ Proverbs 24:26    ...perfection.

Somethin Oo Occured: I realized (courtesy of the kiddos that I babysat) that I could refer to my friend The Bean as Jelly Bean.  :-O
Jelly Beans:
...and everything changed. [Guess what she's getting for Christmas :-D ]
(that's not really Oo, but I'm the one who defines this blog! So there! *flounces*)
(um, who are you talking to? And since when do we wear petticoats?)
*facepalm* I don't mean for this to keep happening.
(You know what else needs to stop? These discussions while we're blogging.)

And now, for our BRAND new segments! Because, apparently, there weren't enough of these before
(and partially because I just wanted to have an even 10 of these, don't judge me)

Lit Bit: This = something literature-or-book-related. Poetry, even. It really depends. This week, anyhow, is simple enough: a favorite book of mine that I flipped through recently, called "Homeless Bird". It's a Gloria Whelan book (and she's had some good stuff), about an Indian girl a long time back. With the background of stuff I've had/experienced from Indian culture, it really evokes a good sense of that world, culture, and she definitely gets things an amateur just plain wouldn't. The balance of honesty, reality, and redemption is well-nigh perfect, too. I've read it several times before...and I'll probably do so again. Give it a read (or a look) at some point--it's in my Top 10 favorite books. :-)
Image result for homeless bird book

Gimme a Visual: The power of visualizing es muy importante--we depend on it so much as humans. This is more towards the "caught my eye" part of the show, often acknowledging my love of comics or random visual moments, and less towards "oh haow artsy (reserved for Artsy Larksey)" and "muhuhu is dis memes too dank 4 u" (also a part of me, but not something I'll include here, to the best of my abilities). These should require less explanation, too, so yay. 
Random piece, to kick this off (made me snort):
They don't know you like we do.:
*schnerk* lol #thestruggleisreal #ornaw
...I have an affinity for old comics, and sometimes, they capture such odd/funny things that you simply HAVE to save them.
Is That Really Funny?:   Perhaps, with the inclusion of this entry, my weird humor will permeate the rest of my blog to a lesser degree? Debatable, but anyhow, we shall see. This, incidentally, is what I feel like doing to these cats sometimes...
"can't wait to be a veterinarian, mom and dad"  X-D

Artsy Larksey: 
My love of art is is acknowledged in this weekly segment! Just a bit from my favorite artist(s) to you (and dank memes aren't included, so you can breathe a sigh of relief). As an artist (aspiring in many areas, comfortable in others), this segment is geared more towards *actual* art.
This weeks' portion is classical, so to speak--Something from Claude Monet (1840-1926). I'm a huge fan of Monet (though I only have 1 physical copy of one of his works), and have an ever-increasing virtual collection of his jaw-dropping paintings; it regularly stuns me that
(A) He could literally never paint a stroke wrong (at least in my eyes)--it all looks unfairly good (Like The Bean's dancing, hehee), and
(B) That he painted SO. MUCH. STUFF! I don't think I'll ever be able to see/find/save it all--he was so incredibly prolific and creative.
I blame the latter point for keeping me from picking a favorite painting of his--but here's one I particularly like, to get the the actual visual point here:
The Parc Monceau - Monet:
(Note: Monet's most generally known for his water-lily work, but he has so much more in addition to it, too)

...Alright, well, this turned into an unexpectedly long and full blog post (a pretty decent one, too). Wow. Got to get going on real life now--got a lot going on this upcoming week, and I still have to empty the cat pans and garbage (oh scullery work), feed the cats, and do my bedtime routine--got an early morning of swim tomorrow! Whee!
...I also might seek out some guests (i.e. obliging friends) to feature on this blog. Might as well make it more weird, ey? Who knows?
Till later, plebeians. Can't believe I spelled that right on the first try. #likeaboss
~la bonita senorita


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