Still Pretty Alive *(OML Update)*

Greetings, You. (yes, you!)
...How goes it? Having a pleasant (or not-so-pleasant)(or somewhere in-between) time of it? Hopefully the former former (?) of the three. (awkward construction there, Ms. I-Love-Humanities-and-Literature)
#idk (why do I always seem to start with memes?)
I write semi-merrily from my comfortable turret (a footstool I like to sit on for no apparent reason--it makes me look ridiculous and cramps my back eventually, but who cares. It makes me feel short. #secretwish)
..Ok, um, anyhow--from my turret I semi-merrily write, eating a single, cold, buttered pancake (left over from lunch today) drowning in WAY too much maple syrup. I still have to write my weekly correspondences, do my devotions, and feed these idjit cats (they've been particularly troublemaking lately), this will be a quick-ish post.
(and yes, I usually say that and then end up crafting a virtual Magna Carta, but whatever. I *really* mean it this time)
(are there any dank Magna Carta memes out there? What would that even look like?)
(Ok whatever)
...I also had another part of last week's post to finish (the one on "proper" things), but I gotta get to bed on time for swim tomorrow, so (once again) hafta postpone that. :-(

ALRIGHTY THEN, let's start with today. One moment while I turn on my Fonky Jamz. B-)

*"Animal Spirits" by vulfpeck starts playing*
christmas day like

Dance--this week was actually quite fun, because I visited my old studio this Tuesday--blast from the past! Decided I might as well, it's been too long. It's still running--YAY!--my teacher is just as lovely and nice, with a touch more lightness to her hair, members of the old gang are still there, and the wooden floors are just as slippery and fuuun as I remembered them being (the shoes came off during grande allegro, fo sho). It was really nice, going back to where it all started--the place is SO full of memories and nostalgia for me. And it's nice to be able to see how my dancing has improved. (sometimes going away from somewhere, then coming back, is a really good way to gauge that).

Also managed to dance *once* @ le normal studio--I was a tad late because I went to the fair with the fam (including The Bro). This greatly enraged The Filthy Bean, especially since I jumped into the younger class (instead of hers). However, once they switched it up for Dracula rehearsal (which neither she nor I were in), we got our tyme together. I wasn't on my best game--cramps and feeling tired from fair-walking--but it was still okay. She was nice about it. :)
wow haven’t seen this one before!
(we need to learn this, since she weighs next to nothing. Actually, a pas with us would be HILARIOUS)
..but yah. Next!
Academe--I've dived into independent biology, chemistry, world history, and math review--and it's going decently well. A bit at a time, and I feel like I might just get this stuff. Languages are progressing--a bit too slowly, though, I think I do need to ratchet up the pace/intensity more.
Swim--Really did nothing *AUGH* with it again--I did go this past Friday (and killed myself, it wasn't an easy workout. Started out feeling good, too--then just sorta died in the water, like a whale. Not a lotta yardage). Gonna go all of this upcoming week that I can.
Animal stuff--I'm getting cracking on more of this, cause...well, I need to. With all of these things I'm juggling, it's easy for something to get pushed to the back burner and not be noticed.
Circadian Rhythms--I need to redo them. Messed them up pretty thoroughly this week--which is prolly why it was so disordered. Bedtimes are a good thing!

Weight Loss--this week was actually ok--got near-ish to my goal. Not as bad as I thought it'd be. Need to work out more, though (and stay ON DIET as in ALL THE TIME *sigh*).

Babysitting--I did dat. This Tuesday, as usual. Brought in some of my old kid books (we were out of other ones)--and the kids loved 'em. Rather a lot, tbh. I lost count of HOW many times we read "How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?", "Rabbit's Habits", "Something Special", and "Farmer Jones' Animals". Which is good, I guess. The kiddies weren't in the bestest of moods, but it was still good. Lots of moderating.
Fair--I believe I have gone a total of *3* times. Wheee! Went with Le Fam this past Wednesday, then again this Friday with a bunch of girls from my Summit College group (which was fun, I was sort of the guide for the group, unexpectedly. Led them to the fried food, in spite of the personal quandaries involved...#doctorskid) ...I really did enjoy the fair a lot this year, unexpectedly but nicely. Also, the apple dumplings @ The Apple Shack are (and hopefully always will be) killer. SO good.
Other Stuff of Relative Notice: 
* I got to talk with my dear friend, Owl-In-Seattle, this past Thursday--which was lovely :) . She's doing well, and it was really great to check in with a friend as dear as her (and banter about everything from family to cats to food...anything, really. I love that gal.).
*I finally cleaned up the broken glass on the floor of my room--kind of an odd one, but for some reason, I'd just left it there after an incident (a weird one, too--a perfume bottle fell off of my bookcase and onto my glass Weight Watchers scale. The scale shattered, the perfume bottle was perfectly fine. ??)
“the chin the jaw”
..either way, not having glass scattered over the floor to get stuck in my foot is nice.
*Weather: IT'S ACTUALLY DECENT, THAT'S WHAT! After way too much warmth and hot for this tyma fall, it finally dropped it (like it was...Spock B-), and now it's actually chilly out. FALL WINTER COLD TANK TOP SHORTS YES

no, no snow, but oh well. I can deal with this, as well. And yeah, for some reason, I love wearing minimal attire in cold weather. (how else can you feel it? #logic)
Maple Syrup:
...I did not just absentmindedly lick up the large puddle of it left on my plate after the pancake. Um. K.
*true story: I was obsessed with maple syrup as a kid--I have a vivid memory of hiding while drinking it out of a bottle (and pretending, with great relish, that it was "soda")* ...?? Idk, I was definitely a little odd.

TIME FOR WEEKLY STUFF, WOOT WOOOT (does one say "wewt wewt", or "whoot whoot"? Pronunciation matters...?)

Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): STAR TREK TRIBBLE SLIPPERS *WITH* PURRING EFFECT. !!!!
Star Trek Tribble Slippers with purring sound effect:
*throws $$ at computer*
'nuff said. Sheer perfection. Add it to my list, Horatio.
Brain Fruit: A random little snippet, inspired by a happenstance earlier in the week--the Canada Geese (whom I've long since dubbed "The Armada") which have been on our lake for ages, and whom I used to feed daily, tame, pet, and help raise countless goslings from...have come back and actually eaten again. It's been forever--and it was such a sort of childhood thing for me, I guess. Reminded me of those little moments in life when something shows up again--something you liked, but forgot about, but didn't know you missed, but you did. I dunno--applies to a lot, now that I think of it.
"the geese came back": a phrase of the heart
a friend returns
a pinhead of hope shows up
a good word filters down
you sleep through the night
a reminder of the One Good out there
a reprise, return of a good thing once thought gone 

Mewsiks: Random little instrumental piece from Adam Young--"The Pilot". I love the "starting-off" feel of it--I like to start playlists, the day, moments, whatever, with it. Chugs along pleasantly, feels like flight in a pleasant, loopy sort of way. Worth the listen. (as is practically ALL of his stuff with these new solo albums)

Scripture: FINALLY caught up completely (again) on my scripture reading plan, and I rather love this piece of Psalms 90:12 (which I didn't know--was written by Moses! It's one of my favorites out there)

"So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom."
Somethin Oo Occured: This Saturday, I assembled my odd fashion taste--checkered pantses, red knitted fingerless gloves, long cape-ey jean coat, winter boots, cabbage necklace from Taiwan, and aquamarine-colored earrings--threw my hair in a messy bun, left off the makeup, and meandered up to The Bean's house for dinner (which she and her family graciously hosted me at!). We hung out (i.e. insulted each other, scrolled through pictures, blathered), I saw her room (SHE HAS A BUTTERFLY MOBILE, A BED CANOPY, and GLOW-IN-THE-DARK STARS PASTED ON HER CEILING TOO--which is KINDA CREEPY #similarities #continue
practicing flirting like
We left at 7:45 to go watch TYB's production of Dracula--saw TardisZilla there (fellow dancer/trekkie who just had toe surgery :( ), too. It was performed at The Bean's school, so that was of random, sorta cool note. The company did a good job--I did zone out at a few parts, being up really late the night before. The Bean and I faced off in a WWE match (i.e. scrabbling-at-each-other) during the intermission, which I clearly won. B-)
(idk who was Gorn and who was Kirk, but I think I was Kirk this time #boss)
After that, got back to her place (after nearly freezing outside cause SHE DIDN'T WEAR A PROPER COAT AND SHE'S STICK THIN so I had to keep her warm), chilled more while Dad made his way up to get me. Overall, rather fun time of it. :)
Lit Bit: I rather like this poetical piece from Robert Frost (#likeaboss #sickrhymes). It' unfairly accurate, poignant, and simple. What I love from poetry of his--he knows how to say it so calmly.
*sniff* Thanks, Frost.

Gimme a Visual:
a) It's fall, and
b) I LOVE PEANUTS (the comic, but also the food, sorta)
c) I like this snippet. Man, I'm feeling nostalgic now. (I still have a squeaky Woodstock plush toy that I treasure, aww)
Autumn Fun

Is That Really Funny?: but it is mildly dank, and weird, and suited to my sense of humor. :-D (as well as informative)
#staywoke #literally #crustaceans

Artsy Larksey: *adjusts edjimmicated glasses*
Here we have a: Fine Japanese Carved Ivory Netsuke of a ‘Fukura Suzume’ (1800 to 1900)
Fine Japanese Carved Ivory Netsuke of a ‘Fukura Suzume’ (1800 to 1900):
...*drops glasses* HOLY SMOKES, IT'S LOVELY :-O
(I used to have a penchant for wood carving, and love Japanese art in general--this fulfills both of those.)

Aaaaaaaaand a *blerp blerp*
NEW SEGMENT! (because apparently I can't count, and I thought I had *10* weekly segments when I really had *9*. Look, math, ain't exactly my strongest suite.)
Simple enough, titled: Ugh-- cause hey, I got my preferences and dislikes, too. Might as well put 'em to use.
This week's Ugh: THIS LOAFA BREAD--ok, backstory: I have a mild edge of tripophobia ("proposed phobia (intense, irrational fear) of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps"), and this bread, while not the worst I've seen...still grosses me out.
Leopard print bread:
*flinches* EEGH, ok, sheesh, let's move on please

...Ugh. Forgot to update about today. Ok, long story short: went to church (for a holy-smokes-that-was-convicting-sermon); did Summit Kids (went well, especially leading worship--which I had missed doing); came home, chilled w/ Dad and The Bro and made pancakes, tofu, collards, tomato-mozzarella snack, and noshed/talked together; took a (longer than intended) nap; went to Family Group at 6:30 (was a tad late after dropping off Bro back at Duke, but was ok), and had a good time there. That's pretty much it.
Tyme 4 my bedtime routine--as well as finishing up letters, etc. It's 10:22, so I'm running a bit behind on that front (ugh). I think this is gonna be a busy, but fun, week coming up ahead. Looking forward to it. Hope yours is good, too. (whoever ye be) Till l8r, l8rs :-D


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