Hasty Updatey (On My Life) :-P

A new day of a new week of a new month! YES and YES and AMEN LORD YES.
......what the actual ...........??????? O.o
(Thank you, Internet. You never fail me, and my gif cache grows fatter by the hour)

Well, this blog post is, once again, overdue. To whom, the persnickety side of my brain asks, do we feel so obligated to maintain continual dank posts to? It's not like your followers are battering down the doors, demanding an update. Or like you have followers, at all. It's like you getting mad at yourself for not shouting in an empty room every 30 seconds...
Unicorn pepe. Most rarest of pepes.:
Well, that was deep, and/or depressing. To which I reply, Whatever! I feel the obligation to update this, and that's all that matters! *flaunts perfectionist cape*

...Anyhow, THIS PAST WEEK, in short:
Ballet--I did it again. Whoop de doo.  Tuesday and Thursday, did some decent dancing--didn't feel like the best week, though. Which happens. I messed up some turns and combos pretty spectacularly.
pirouettes ftw #ugh #hopping #whentheteacheryellsatyou #andyoujustgiveup #cap
Also, wore my specially nice leggings (because I felt like it, and adult students can wear whatever they please), and saw/cheered up The Bean (who was having a less than spazztastic week, but still looked gorgeous); perhaps I erred on the side of pestering her incessantly/hopping around like a fool to entertain her as best I could, but look, when someone's your friend, you do dat. And I swear, if she says one more time that she doesn't feel pretty...To which I say:
Leo Christopher • Undone...:
:-)  #nailedit
..So, of *course*, I was nice to her and let her make incessant fun of me, sit on me (she has very sharp seat bones, the skinny bean that she is), and invent a new nickname which refers to how much I sweat (which I'm NOT gonna say, it sorta annoys me, which means it's a good nickname and it's probably gonna stick). (I think I referenced that earlier--I blame athletics, and she knows it) But despite the trials (pfft), always fun.
Swim--I did virtually nothing (which is gonna change, in this new month)--although I did coach again, and that was fun. I procrastinated on coming up with the workout till 10:30 the night before, but it clicked into place. I enjoy coaching, actually. Watching, slightly hopping around on the pool deck when I'm bored, drawing on the empty spaces on the board...plus, the smell of chlorine (which seeps into your bones, I've become addicted).
Academe--I did some more Greek, Spanish, ASL, French, etc, though not quite as much as I might have liked. Getting ready to review some biology (which I love, yay!), and some chemistry, as well. Random note--apparently, December is National Language Month or something, so I'm considering going through this little booklet I have for learning the basics of Arabic in 30 days. Who knows? (Why not?)
Etc. -- a general categorization of the rest of the stuff, since I'm racing through this--did a fair amount of sleeping (but not enough, and am still a little deprived), served at Summit Kids on Sunday (which was crazy--at first I was the only one with nearly 20 2nd-graders, and correspondingly high stress levels; in addition, none of the microphones worked. Still, we made it, and it was actually decent),...Took care of ducks and cats, per usual, did more cleaning and planning and finalizing of stuff. Many other things that I'm not including.
The usual weekly stuff:
Brain Fruit: Ok, ok, get this--a hat that you can put your pet duck on and WEAR. Brilliant, eh? Alright, I'll admit it's somewhat specific to me, since I own ducks, and there are some logistics to deal with--a collar? Diaper? Padded interior? Leash? Who cares, no one said this had to be *practical*, so somebody please get on that ASAP. (Let's hear it for my beautifully imaginative brain!)
Rain or Shine: Ces dernières semaines
(No, not like THAT, stop making fun of me--on another note, WHERE did this gif come from?)

Mewsics: This week's selection is actually (a) Not exactly music, and (b) horribly geeky -- it's the background "idling noise" that plays behind the Enterprise in Star Trek Episodes. There are, I kid you not, different ones; The Original Series has more beeping, is a bit lighter overall--The Next Generation is almost majestic, with a hint of danger to it...? I don't know, maybe I'm starting to feel silly about distinguishing between different types of silence. Anyhow, it's legit, I swear. #trekkiealert #sorry #movingon
Scripture: I've just started in the book of Jeremiah (and I'm actually *on**track* to finish reading the entire Good Book in a year--wheeee), and even though I've delved into it before, it's already really good--and really honest. Happy-go-lucky, feel-good scriptures don't always cut it, and I really appreciate the honesty of Jeremiah 2:11 --
 Has a nation changed its gods,
    even though they are no gods?
But my people have changed their glory
    for that which does not profit.
So simple, and nothing crazy, but somehow really poignant and leaving you with a clear sense of "wow".
(*clears throat of conviction*)

Something Oo Occurred: I can't recall something especially Ooo, so this is a composite:
a) I bought a Tribble (or tribble-like) bag-tag from Walmart a few nights ago, and I'm inordinately pleased whenever I look at it hanging off of my (also relatively new) backpack. It was $1. I don't care. It's a TRIBBLEEEE *obligatory Tribble-related image*
Tribble anatomy:

b) I found out that kids (e.g. the ones that I babysat) still watch Magic Schoolbus. It's not even that Oo an Occurence, but it made me feel not-so-old (or did it?). That theme song is STUCK in my head now, though. (**"AND TAKE A SECOOND RIGHT PAST MAARS!--"**)
Thing I Want But Can't Have (yet):  This dress would fit the ticket quite nicely. It's not *crazy*, but it's rather...nice. Undoubtedly not in the market for me (or anyone), I assume, but still, a woman can dream, can she not?
Notte By Marchesa Black Embroidered Illusion Neckline Dress:

Alrighty, that's the end of this update. I'm looking forwards to this new month, and the fun to come (as well as the cool weather, YEHAWW FALL IS HERE)
*crams candy corn pumpkins into mouth* (I love those things, man)
Till later, whoever. Life continues to be straight fire. (Our new favorite family phrase. We're terrible.)

~le meme queeen


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