🏁1 DOWN🏁

Wow, the discovery of being able to put emojis in my entry titles has made this blog 1000% more thrilling, hasn't it
- ̗̀ smell the roses ̖́-
who cares if it's reused it's a ccu rate 

Hallo! I officially hev made it through Week 1 of University Time! (wow, could I describe things any more awkwardly) 😀 *flails happily*
...no, really, that one's in the bag. And I made it. Hit all of my classes (although lowkey ALMOST missed one because a certain alARM didn't go off 😡), stayed on top of my workload, got in quite a decent amount of exercise (from TRX to dorm jogging to Barre Burn to ab challenges to sand volleyball), kept a survivable schedule (a lot more work than usual),...and somewhere in there, also made quite a few acquaintances (including at least *two* Trekkies). 👀❤
Oh, and stayed under my 12-meals-per-week rule. By quite a bit, actually. Only used about 9 of them, which was interesting. wHaT luXuRY.
💅 😏
...After all of that, yours truly returned home (to the Family and Domestic Abode)...and crashed till 2 p.m. on Saturday. (granted, staying up till 2 watching Star Trek might have contributed) 😜
Spent a lot of time just *chilling* (I needed to unwind), as well as eating/pet care (Toothless the Black Cat was glad to see me)/whatever else. Today (i.e. Sunday, Sabbath, etc) was pretty chill, too. Shot up off the couch I was sleeping on (my usual bedroom gets super hot in the summer, being the smallest and furthest away from AC), got myself together, and met with mah church family (which was v gud 👏), then did my usual kids' work -- which went rather nicely, to be honest. Odd, that my confidence in it is best just when I'm about to phase out there--and don't get me started on that. 😢
Came back home with Family Unit, made a brunch of tuna salad, ripe mangoes, and french toast (quite delicious, won't torment you with descriptions hehe 🍞🍋🍮🍀). Took a short (but much-needed) nap (especially after not going to sleep till after 4 am #oops), then got my stuff together and headed back to campus. And here I sit, ensconced comfortably in my organized and ☃ o so wonderfully chilly ☃ dorm room, in an old red competition swimsuit and swaggy purple elephant-decorated shorts (just got this weekend, at Wal-Mart, for my mom and I. 2 prs. So we can be #twinningggg 🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘
...and just painted my nails and re-applied some henna (restocked at World Market while shopping this weekend). I know, so fancy. What's going on with me.

*Oh, and yes, it's a new month! July! Yay!
new month,
Ahah funny texts
(not really but u know what I mean)

Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): iSSa MACARRON piLLOWW 😍
Macaron pillow
...should probably start seriously considering my pillow obsession, at this point. This...this is becoming a thing. 

Brain Fruit: 
a segment towards one of my close friends -- I do a lot of thinking about (i.e. adoring how lovely and perfect) my friends are, in general. (please tell me that's normal) (it's not? ok, whatever)

~you're so like the moon to me, dearling -- with all of your hidden apertures and craters and light and dark shadows of the soul; but I've seen and been with you so much that I see you glowing wholly at times, and hiding sides at others -- yet I know what the whole of you still looks like, and I love you regardless.~

Mewsiks: Superfruit's "Future Friends", from their brand spanking new album. This is my one fave off of it. On. Repeat. 24-7. 🍓😎🍉

Scripture: One I need to stuff inside my head (permanently)---

Somethin Oo Occured: 
I did a speech this past week on Star Trek (is anybody surprised) and I got aaaa 96! Yaaay!
Brent Spiner is Data from ST: TNG
b a s i c a l l y  m e 
(also I like that time travel episode where he has a coach and horses?? watched it and yehh) 😉

Lit Bit: 

Gimme a Visual:
feeling dancey this week
Form ~ Organic                                                                     Dance photography

Is That Really Funny?: maybe yes, maybe no, buT it'S quALITY
and also bc sis got sNAAAATCHED but in a wholesome science memery way hehe

Artsy Larksey: aforementioned henna that I reapplied today ---

Ugh: not many words needed. Just---yes.
*deep sigh* 
Happy Sunday to ye! That's it for now--time to get ready for the upcoming week/bedtime. Ready and...actually looking forward to it. I've been enjoying this. 😊
~take care out there -- and thanks for joining me along this crazy road I walk (and the Lord leads). 💥
aight, time for a new week -
summer cinemagraph
*turns up music* 




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