๐Ÿ’ธSwiggety Swingle ๐Ÿ’ธ

y am I single ๐Ÿ’
(not original content)
Sometimes he acts like a mature adult, but other times he acts like...this hahaha!
(like my memes hehe #stolen)

Hulla, there. Greetings on this Sunday, July 9th. How goes it? Well? Not so well? A curious juxtaposition of the two that makes your stomach feel queasy sometimes?

...Yeah, that's me atm. 
 Just...feeling a bit like a haunted house on a sunny day. There's brightness and beauty and order around, but more immediately, darker or deeper or "hold-up" things (which to be dealt with). If that makes sense.

cinemagraph gif life cinemagraph tree loss fathers

Just realizing things about myself, and my life -- and yes, that's also probably partially exhaustion and change and (and a particular emotional jag I get into sometimes). Also the Spirit, though, who knows late nights are the best time to tap me on the shoulder of my heart and say -- in His loving and faithful way, regardless of how I've been screwing up -- "hey, we need to talk". (and boy, was He right. Like He always is, man)
it is everything i am not. and it is everything i could ever need.
reason #25493755 I am grateful for Sabbaths. And Him. 
..So, yeah. Yours truly is feeling that (and a lot better for it). Doing a lot better, in the span of a short time, than I was previously. This past week? Yeah, let's get started on it.

How Things Have Went:
*This go-around, a bit chaotic tbh - last week, I had just gotten sorta comfy with structure; then with holidays/class cancelling/exam days off everywhere, it felt a bit wibbly wobbly woo (and my personal routines and tendencies kinda suffered as a result). Did well, though, and am overall alright.
*Started out a la diet a bit excessively - I tend to go overboard (sigh*), and at some point I realized how stupid I was being and kinda "gave up" a bit. Let my body eat, and freak out a bit, rest at times, and...normalize a bit. I'm tough on it *sigh*. That was a painful (but humbling) (and interesting) experience. Time to regroup, I think. ๐Ÿ˜Œ
*Made more acquaintances - yes, keeping it restricted to that, but still good. I'm cautious (read careful) about who I get to know closely (and run with), which is paying off. ๐Ÿ˜Š
*I hev exercised a decent amount - daily segments, some group fitness stuff (still finding stuff I like, etc), a whole lot of fast walking (these class times yo), et al.
*School-stuff continued - I had my first exam(!! in Bio, which went pretty well I think); did a chapter (group) presentation (which also went pretty well); and pulled some later hours at night to get it all in. Went well regardless, though. Focus is key. ๐Ÿ“•๐Ÿ“•๐Ÿ“•
*Dealing with some ups and downs (like I mentioned earlier), and transitions and changing culture and community (just got a gud word from a fam member re: that, which was v encouraging). It's still been exceedingly good, though - especially when I turn my face upwards and consider where I've come from, and what crazy grace and blessings I've got, and what hope I hold firmly to (or, should I say, that holds firmly to me, regardless of my own foolery ๐Ÿ˜œ).

And, with that, time to proceed to a special (or, perhaps more accurately, different) weekly segment
(different be-cos I have some FAVORITE HOMIES FEATURED SO hang on to ur hats ladies and gents)
(also bc some answers are a little different this time around. Stay wit me.)


Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): wellll WELCOME to a delightful exception to this usual section - bc one of my wishful little things gOt fulLFILLeD! ! ! ! *flutters*
My vewy dear Bean got me a birthday present (which made me awkward and emotional in the first place because I'm not used to getting presents and yeah it was rather sweet). And, of course, she had to get one of the favorite things (that I also considered impractical and impossible)-
 K I T T Y ๐Ÿ‘ G L O W ๐Ÿ‘ L A M P
Displaying Snapchat-509626350.jpg
--and she gave it to me the day before yesterday and I was sorta close to crying (but don't tell her of course) because I'd really wanted it and it's absolutely JUST what I wanted it to be and it also changes colors when you tap it on the head and ahhhhhh needless to say it was nice in the utmost ๐Ÿ˜ป

Brain Fruit:
...Something from bonbon/roro about ripping a net makes it have less holes??
❁ Pinterest: @0kaii ❁
idk they're busy cracking up over puns and stuff
"Don't make me put on my ANGRY Eyes!" -Mrs. Potato Head, from 'Toy Story'. The 'Best Meme Of The Olympics So Far, Is Angry Michael Phelps'.

Mewsiks: Song suggested by le bonbon - which I had a listen to, and now reallllly like -
"Happiness", by needtobreathe .



This one's kinda been hitting hard whilst I've been at college (in a good way). Especially while I'm grappling with my struggles in scheduling and inflexibility *huffs*.

Matthew 6:34

Somethin Oo Occured:
Thanks in part to this past week's wonkiness (and consequentially light-er workload), I made arrangements, worked ahead, and did some wheeling & dealing to spend dis weekend at The Bean's. (where else duh?)  She made it back from Switzerland/London (yAAAAAA), and had a good time, by accounts - so we got together and hung out, caught up, and did some mild foolery over said weekend. Pool times, work (lifeguarding for her, school stuff 4 me), food, stories, warm fluffies, and such. As mentioned, le Bonbon stopped by too, and that was also v nice. Rather a treat (and intensely glad to have her back). ๐Ÿ’ƒ

Lit Bit: A book previously mentioned Bean is reading - "The Lost Conspiracy", by Frances Hardinge.

The Lost Conspiracy by Frances Hardinge — Reviews, Discussion ...
she doesn't like the cover, she says 
so is just for you-the-reader's enlightenment 

...It seems like an interesting read
said bean also says she doesn't know how to explain plot/doesn't want to
so you guys will just have to make do with a B&N link to click 


thanx bean s m h

Gimme a Visual: 
Pic I stole from Bonbon's pinterest
Underwater cavern
man do I do a lot of stealing 
~~biblical thieving~~
ooh man I could make a brain enlightenment meme out of that brb 

Is That Really Funny?:
Forgot where I was when I found this, but slightly choked. Then sniggered. For way too long. ๐Ÿ˜‚
@ aodh ur the grey
don't ask y 
just laff 
laff i tell u 

Artsy Larksey: Cute dancer-ish piece I found on the Webs te other day.
Eo dancing, from sealiz.tumblr.com
(from sealiz.tumblr.com)

Also suggested by bean/bonbon - some type of fudge? I mean, I know of many types (and I like plain). Apparently a brand? A specifick one? In NC? Starts with an M?
so um
Raspberry Chocolate Fudge by Recipe4Living
have a generic fudgy picture? hopefully that does it? ๐Ÿ‘


Alright, well, it has been a good and eventful and peaceful Sunday. Back in dorm, relaxxing a bit + prepping for this week. It's been good, y'all. 

(a "do it" sorta thing needed at this moment). 

Time for this young woman to look out to the horizon (however cloudy and/or bright and/or mixed)
cinemagraph gif cinemagraph chicago cloudy afternoon
...and see hope. A new way to go, as always. With Christ, there always is. ๐Ÿ’“

Take care, out there -




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