
Showing posts from September, 2017

🥔Kartoffels und Kafers 🐛

--wish there was some super deep, intrinsic meaning behind a "Potatoes and Beetles" title, but...nah fam, there isn't.  (que vas a hacer, eh? Nada, que es) 😎 All foolishness aside (also *aside* the fact that 90% of this blog is composed of such), hello there. Welcome back to my 60-something'd post (grammar??whats that??); here we are, in this fine last week of September (whoever said the year speeds up as it continues wasn't lying) (oh wait, that was me) (bc duh like a b o s s) yes I'm in a dumb mood and I swear I'm moving on  --and now, having eaten the rest of my self-baked chocolate snickerdoodles, swallowed a large mug of orange juice, and clicked play on my green little Spotify button, here's to a semi-thorough (and brief) look at the hi-lo's of my week. 👌 Today was actually pretty relaxing, with adventure sprinkled in-between plentifully (hey, life with the Wubbs is rarely a bore). Slept in a lot (got to bed late, and was

💨Deep Breaths

*sputters bc said deep breaths are hard to do with an aching throat and swole lymph nodes* 😤 oh that reminds me this blog *says in leonard mccoy voice* nEEds mORE TreK --As I was saying (however indirectly), yes, I am currently recovering from a sick episode-- nOT that kind of sick *sigh* "sick" as in "remnant of the flu, complete with shivers, slight cold, hatred of food, sore throat, sleeping 15 hrs straight, sniffles, an even more manly voice, and the overall sense that time is moving 10x as slowly". That kinda sicko. --thankfully, said sickness has been weakened (no doubt by going thru all of the other University Students first), so it took a night or so for me to recover. (yay for a decent immune system, snoozing, a doctor mom, and lots of OJ) (and dank memes) (clinically proven to improve sickness) 😎 Other than that, though, it was a good (and much-needed) weekend off. Spent a fun time at a friends' surprise birthday (with Ilsa the duc

lit lit l🔥i 🔥t 🔥

*all star by smash mouth starts playing*  ok no not tHAT type of lit that's the last song I need stuck in my head rn 😎 ...this post is heading nowhere, really fast. 😯 --Well hEllo there, how goes it? This was a crazy piguva week for me--but I made it and...I'm sure glad I did? uhhh LOOK I'M TRYING OK MY BRAIN IS FRIED LIKE AN EGG ATM   tho maybe that wasn't the best sentence structure I've ever encountered 😑 ...gonna try and make it thru this blog a little quicker than usual; I have a lot more on my plate this week (just when ya think it can't get any busier), but sTILL determined to do at least a l i l blog blurb. (ooh I like that) ("blog blurb") {catchyy} ok o k I'm going to  What's Been Up (This Past Week): *La Escuela: Courses go well--exams have me working harder than usual, but I enjoy it once I crunch down to it. ANS 150 exam felt really good. Got Bio and Precalc coming up. Lots and lots to do all, really

like a buttered 🍠 potato🥔

--I'm sat here like one. (inside reference😏) whoohoooo off to a gr8 start here m8s  No wait ok I can legit explain I promise (sorry about the memes) ...actually, no, why do I even bOther.  Aside from the more obvious parallels I share with potatoes (round, brown, starchy, still sorta personable) 😬 ...I took the (questionable but suggested) liberty of ... self-pampering, is it called? Involving deep-conditioning my hair (that part was v nice), showering, and applying body/face oil all over. It *was* partially relaxing ...but is also kinda weird being greased up in such a manner. (10 minutes later I wiped most of it off anyhow altho it still feels kinda odd) So, how goes it out there *waves vaguely* ? Life going on for all of yoou in its varying forms and adventures? I type this from the Familial Abode (i.e. home) dangit I'm extra  ...back at home since yesterday (since it's Labor Day weekend or whatever?). It's rather nice to be back, check in wit