Civilian Life (again) :D
*blinks dazedly* oh, lookit that--seems I'm home on break, after my first "official" finals season

not that kinda break
And (not too surprisingly but just enough) still alive?

A good deal overall, I think. (hush, memes have been a sustenance most true)
WHAT'S BEEN UP WITH ME? SINCE I LAST POSTED? Well, I'm glad you asked--not sure how else to phrase it, but A Lot (Not Really). Some of the stuff that's gone on:
*I officially "did" finals (3 main ones, anyhow). Animal Science was basically a buncha multiple choice (not too bad); MA107 was 12 questions that I apparently answered better than I felt like, and BIO183 felt...almost breezy despite the 72 MC, 5 fill-in-the-blank, and 2-3 SAs (not without nothing, though, leading to my next point)
*I did a l o t of work going into these -- I mean, I just wanted to finish out well, really. Reviewed/learned s o much, and got very sick of computer screens and reading for a bit. I note that this has gone away, now that I a) don't have to look at screens/study, and b) because memes. always. π
*I seem to have got As in all my classes? An A+, As, and A-s, to be specific, which...good God (literally. v literally), that's better than I could've hoped for. How? The good Lord in heaven, that's what.

idk man I'm still processing
*I got to the 20-lb weight loss checkpoint, which...also felt really good. Not the most important thing in my life (nor are grades); and prolly not there now for sure, but it was nice. And I'm gonna see if I can get back there soon (or at least by the end of the year). Still...IT HAPPENED. π
*I gave and got Christmas presentz -- me friend Hals gave me a DIY trekkie gift (!!!), i.e. a metal model starship Enterprise. Was v happy. Had a blast brainstorming gifts for profs and TAs, too. π
*Post-exams (i.e. Wednesday), I packed a buncha junk up and came home with the parents (Yon Boi will be back Monday, I think)
*...And I've since been eating, sleeping/staying up way too late, entertaining meself, learning to enjoy non-screen-related stuff (also not work. and nature too π), catching up with the fam, reorienting self in general, connecting with others again, and planning (ah, how my heart loves the latter). There are soooo many thingses to do over break -- events to attend, people to catch up with, things to do--and it's absolutely delightful. πππ
~On We Go~
Things I'd Like (but prolly can't have yet):
As I've been tryna plan accordingly for college, fare, and my Overall Future...I've come to realize how much I would love one of these little guys:

Meet the ELF, a hybrid solar/pedal hybrid form of transport. My big bro was initially super into the idea, so that's where I initially heard of it. This puppy runs about $9000, though -- which is prolly an investment I'll look into making as time goes on, especially with my interest in sustainable transportation. π #agirlcandream
Brain Fruit:
This was, in all honesty, 90% of my fight in college--
~being focused doesn't mean you won't ever get your "eyes off target", or have tunnel vision (that comes with time); but it's getting them back off that donut/person/entertainment/thought/whatEVER, and back on to what you know is ultimately worth it, that makes the focus real~, yup.
"Good Fight", Anthem Lights. Kept me sane on exams day (and still playing in my "Whimsies" playlist). ππππππ
As an image-bearer who struggles (duh) with sin and the sense that I really shoulda blown it by now, scriptures like these give me pause, every time. Just...His utter refusal to follow my patterns of patience and frustration. (the Divine NERVE)

Something Oo Occured:
I went out and stared at the sky this past Wednesday; why, you ask? π
...bc it was the Gemini Meteor Shower, 2017 edition, and lemme tell you...even from my limited perch by our lake, it was beau ti ful.

(not me duh)
FR though. Watching these shooting pieces of rock light up the sky was a truly awe-ing experience. The type that makes you gasp, breathlessly laugh, and praise God for. Prolly one of the more special moments in this young woman's life. ⭐π π
Lit Bit:
This bit of words from Lilias Trotter. Just...

She had a way with words as well as a brush, man. #newfave
Gimme A Visual:
Behault, cute Orange Wonder of mine (photo taken this afternoon).
Is That Really Funny?:
Very seriously considering changing my definition of humor;
"if it makes me wheeze, it's my type of humor" howzat sound? π
Artsy Larksey:
My current obsession is Lilias Trotter and her art (which I slightly mentioned in earlier segment). Watched a featurette on her recently ("Many Beautiful Things", highly recommended), and...just...


I resonated with so much of her (artistic, persona-wise, spiritually, and lots more), and her story is an incredible one (just like her art and way with words). One of the most talented artists (in the 1800s), who chose to go with mission work (in ALGERIA NO LESS) instead of a life focused on her art *specifically*....

She has an incredible hand with capturing the "essence" of things (something I hunger after), but there's so much more to her than that. Ruskins (a highly known art critic of the time) was enamored with her work, and it's no surprise (I know I currently am), in a time when women really weren't thought to be good artists.

I couldn't possibly include near all of her art -- it's all beautiful, even her doodles--

why can't MY journal sketches be THAT GOOD AHHH
--But seriously, I would highly recommend looking her and her story up. Were it not for the work of a few, she would be completely forgotten (as she mostly is currently; something which hopefully changes more).

me mouse scroller is currently non-functional, and...ya don't realize how much you rely on the little things, I guess. Ranges from "mildly annoying" to "straight-up inconvenient"...also, to be honest, #firstworldproblems

also yes in other news im horrible jUst lET ME ENJOY ME HUMOR
Alright, It's been a crazy time (you have no idea how often I tell people that right now), but...the good Lord has a) been faithful, and b) made it an adventure every time.

(me getting my final grades in)
Took long enuff--I'll prolly update once or twice more dis month. Plays out pretty well, as it is, for my (personal) 4 posts/month quota.
Hasta luego, fellow surfers of the Web:

(literally. especially bc this world is a beautiful creation with gorgeous things scattered everywhere)
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