
Showing posts from January, 2018


...What a Sunday. Feelin' like a Newsie after a matinee performance. (or at least how I would imagine one to feel, I mean c'mon the mOVes in their CHOREO) I'm just sayin'...anyhow, it's been a long day.  HOW long, you ask? Well, glAd you asKeD-- ...ok, it was a long day, as I mentioned. Church, brunch, running laundry + washing dishes, a short nap (during which I dreamed of being late to ballet classe, then woke up and wasn't πŸ˜…) , went running for 30 minutes *gets random memery 0ut of veins* + a ballet/choreography session with the Ballet Peeps, then onto a hip hop community class (a lotta fun, and a lotta sweat). Then came back, showered, started writing a letter, put away me laundry + generally organized All My Stuff, and...yeh. Here I sit, having just eaten yoghurt + cheese + dried fruit, with my music and a few spare minutes. #feelinggood  😊 --And, as i' t'were, not much time to jot this post off. Almost didn't, but sched


--What's in a week, you ask? (WELL GLAD YOU ASKED THIS ONE WAS SNOW) ⛄ (how the South reacted to the wintriness moving through) -- This was, resultingly, quite the week--nothing Monday because of MLK day, and then most everything cancelled once the snowiness hit. And it was pretty properly ❅ing, too. Big, unhurried, floating flakes. I enjoyed it pretty well--went out, got chilled, built a few snowmen, and watched the General Populace slip and slide about (plus act like kids). Hey, we're just college students, after all. I hate myself for that last one, man πŸ’€ #meme With all of that, I only had one "real" class day, on Friday. Not too bad, and most of the snow has melted off--in fact, today was downright balmy. Southern weather, man. 😁 Things of Interest and Import also happened this week, of course--a few of these included: *Learning a LOT about what I can do next, "career-wise" - and relieved that I don't have to start chasing rese

FWOC πŸ“šπŸ’₯πŸ‘Œ

Well, salutations-- Second post of the year, check. Second post in a week...nyergh. Didn't quite happen. πŸ˜€ (Howzit we wait till February, mayhaps?) As it stands, I've officially had my first week "back" a la University. Not per se a "full" week of it; labs haven't officially started up yet, and my dance class (improv) doesn't start until March 1st, but still. It was good, too--I like alla mi clases. Poultry science is really catching a spark in me (finally, that duck experience has a place), Chem 101 is a bit...complex, but I wanna do well in it (and I'm better at Balancing Acts than I previously thought possible), Calc is just review so far (and I'm looking forward to it, actually), and ANS281 is, I think, the course my PreVet self needed. Overall, I'm blessed to have these classes--let alone be here. I'm reminded of that daily, in this place. Outside of school, this was definitely a pretty good week for exercising; my main

Hey to the O

As in HEYOOO IT IS 2018 FAM πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ #hitthatyeet  It is good. to. be. bACK fam. First official post of the new yeaaar, as well as my *double take*  81st POST ON THIS BLOG??? whew t b h this is setting up to be one lit of a time-- Anyhow, hope your holiday season was fun and joyful; mine was rather pleasurably spent, for the most part (minus the being violently sick on New Year's Eve). (still set off firecrackers though) 😏 Aside from that, though, it had lots of good stuff. Really reconnected with the fam, spent lots of time with/fixing the pets (amateurishly, I'm not a vet yet). Sewed a bunch of stuff, played bball, danced, cooked a bunch,...the list goes on. Thoroughly refreshed, I think. Honestly, 2017 was tough in a lot of ways, but also incredible in...a lot of ways. I'll spare you the Complete 2017 Update and Reflective Post, for now (maybe another blog later?) (especially since I haven't *exactly* done said reflection yet SKRT) 😎 --also as