and the year so fresh and new and all ⭐🌟🌠

⭐🌟🌠well, hello.⭐🌟🌠  *notes tone change*

skeletonΓ‚ animated GIF


Yes, I'm still alive. How, Lord only knows. This year draws to a close - bewilderingly soon - and a new, glowingly unknown new one looms on my horizon. 

cinemagraph gif beach cinemagraph zero virtual theorem qohen

So much has happened and passed - since I wrote, especially, and in this year overall. This little leaflet of a blog hasn't seen much of that - and, honestly, I'm okay with that. Not like I have a giant fanbase anxiously awaiting my next updates. This will, though, be more of a space for my own randomness and fun in 2019. I'm looking forward to that - maybe a more general life update every month or so, but otherwise just...whatever I please. I want to let a lot more of my creative ideas sail this year; what better avenue than this? Features of friends, too; exhibits of personal art, maybe. Like this upcoming year of my future, what this blog will look like is new and TBD -

and, again, I'm peaceful about both those facts. Who knows, maybe I'm growing up. πŸ‘€

Have I mentioned how much I love him


so, from a mocha girl to you, typing away on her lychee-juice stained laptop (with a sticcy space bar) πŸ˜›:

a happy Nu Year, from me, this blog, and the good Lord to you. may it be one of growth, wonder, dreams brought into fruition, stretching, and pursuing what's in my lane - of forgetting what's behind, straining toward what's ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly calling in Christ Jesus: may it be one of Him. ❤

Just Like That

...that's all that matters, after all. :)

Though you are small, you are still seen here, and by grace these mountains will be moved



este ano's sound


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