
Showing posts from 2021

๐ŸŒŸfare thee well (& good riddance) 2021⭐

waw. new year's eve, 2021. legit one of the craziest, hardest, and most wonderful years I've experienced yet.  ?como? well, a few of why -  ⭐ Finished my undergrad education, got admitted to vet school + moved back home, and passed my first semester  @ncstatevetmed  with flying colors.  ๐ŸŽ“๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ⭐ Spent months recovering from disordered eating, endocrine disease, and injuries I thought would never heal - but God did.  ๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿฝ‍♀️ ⭐ Went from almost giving up on dance (for the previous reason) to performing again, working in a paid commission, and growing more as an artist than I have before.  ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’ฒ๐ŸŽ‰ ⭐ Went from the lowest of lows to the heights of victory (& everything in between!), spiritually - both in my personal walk with Christ AND in my formal ministry with undergrads ( @enc_raleigh ), inner healing/deliverance, and worship work.  ✝️๐Ÿค˜๐ŸŽผ ⭐ Watched myself be built into a new level of support & community spiritually, professionally, and friendwise; one that I never

just shy of a month #cvm

- of vet school, that is. And wow, what a month it's been.  Some Items Of Note:  ~I really do enjoy it. I say that as a reminder to myself a lot (especially at hour 3 of anatomy lab!), but also because it's true. This crazy peace just descends upon me whenever I step onto campus - I am supposed to be here. This is part of what I'm called to do in life. And it is...well, wonderful. ~There is lots and lots of info - and class time - and work to be done. One must accept (a) there will always be something waiting to be worked on, (b) you have to pick your prioritized material to learn ("what's important" is mentioned a lot!), and (c) this all takes time. I personally need to "punch" material >5 times before I feel like it's becoming "mine". Will this change over time? Probably. But, in the meantime, trying lots of different approaches and understanding what works for me is key.  -I will say, though, that my brain is starting to get back

My Time Is Now

 [Type of vibe I suppose I'm in:  jon foreman's "before our time"  ] time is a mockingbird, the embers of what we were, but the years are still burning in my veins - and my time is now head and heart are cooking up an unusual amalgam of feelings here, as I wobble on the cusp of this great big new adventure that is vet school. orientation is over; nearly all preparations as I can make are out of the way; organizing and planning and cleaning have run their course. four years of undergraduate studies have concluded themselves in what feels like years ago (though only several months in actuality). and yet, here I am. aqui.  the summer has passed. it has been, to quote Eagle of the Ninth , "a kind summer, a kingfisher summer" - how I've enjoyed it! I have unashamedly played much, and worked little. Camped with friends, retreated to the beach, did staycations with the house to myself, gone to farmers' markets and thrift shops and berry-picking farms.


 a couple of things, I guess.  1: I got accepted to Purdue vet school. *visible shock* - Yeah, it felt like free fall internalized. Dang. Praise God. 0.0 2: I got some pretty reddish-blonde highlights. Because? Because impending graduation, vet school acceptance (see #1), and  3: I got diagnosed with a hormonal/endocrine disorder. It's honestly felt like a lot of relief, but also not a super easy journey to be on.  4. Surprise! I'm 23 now! I was very tired during most of my birthday, but it was overall a good one. 5. I'm finally back to being more active - knee is being rehabbed properly through PT (AT LONG LAST), so I am able to get back to working out, basketball, and DANCING.  may there be more of that in your (and my) future :) ~ur blogger ๐ŸŒน                                                                                                                  

helloooo 2021

  John 15:5 (ESV): "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." Walk in the strength of that this week! You are now the branching offspring of God, through Jesus the vine, and the sap of the Holy Spirit flows through you to bear much fruit, as you abide in Him (and only as you do).  good new years' song to hit 2021 w/ ~a note by urs truly #happynewyear