My Time Is Now

 [Type of vibe I suppose I'm in: jon foreman's "before our time" ]

time is a mockingbird,

the embers of what we were,

but the years are still burning in my veins -

and my time is now head and heart are cooking up an unusual amalgam of feelings here, as I wobble on the cusp of this great big new adventure that is vet school. orientation is over; nearly all preparations as I can make are out of the way; organizing and planning and cleaning have run their course. four years of undergraduate studies have concluded themselves in what feels like years ago (though only several months in actuality). and yet, here I am. aqui. 

the summer has passed. it has been, to quote Eagle of the Ninth, "a kind summer, a kingfisher summer" - how I've enjoyed it! I have unashamedly played much, and worked little. Camped with friends, retreated to the beach, did staycations with the house to myself, gone to farmers' markets and thrift shops and berry-picking farms.

Did I mention camping bc NOW LOOK AT DIS

- I also made the occasional money - babysitting, pet-sitting, and hoof-trimming (goats & sheep), participating in research studies, things of that sort. Attended church, bridal showers, baby showers, weddings, and potlucks. 

Watched movies, anime, kdramas, and plain old YouTube videos as I pleased. I got spiritually renewed in so many excellent ways - schools of empowerment, leader retreats, Bible studies, and more. 

I got to play with my pets. I enjoyed brunches and dinners and breakfasts and boba with so many people - close friends, acquaintances I'd not seen for awhile, mentors, family, and younger mentees. 

- Oh, and I finally got into a decent semblance of fitness. Locked myself into a 5-6 week HIIT (low-impact) plan, and ran a bit. Hated it at first (and got bored of it by the end), but was WELL worth the agony. 

In short, I have been MARVELOUSLY out to pasture in a way I've needed and missed for four years. done mostly what I pleased (with a very slender undercurrent of vet school preparations). In case it's not conveyed enough here, I'VE ENJOYED IT THOROUGHLY~

- and so I happily bid it goodbye. It was an abundance of grace to enjoy that season - and I can already sense the new grace that is awaiting me at the start of vet school classes tomorrow. I look forward to it, more than I expected I would. 

(insert dance footage of myself this past spring that encapsulates much of where I am right now)

password: danceminor2021

so, here I be. I'm jumping into 4 years of hard yet easy, challenging yet exciting, tough yet joyful, hills and valleys. I simply desire to do it with God, and draw others to him along the way. 

and I remain very, very unafraid.

🌹 ~hew


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