
Showing posts from February, 2017

Signing Off?

--That feels a tad like clickbait a YouTuber would produce (just saying)... But whatever, not in the mood to quibble about it. You clicked on the post, so it's somehow your fault. 😐 #saline  Anyhow, hi. How ya doin'. I happen to be recovering from being sick -- yep, it apparently was inevitable, as literally EVERYONE else I know had already gotten sick. Still wasn't quite expecting it, but got hit full force this past Thursday with sniffles, a sore throat, listlessness, headaches, and nausea. Not horrible, I guess. Has to happen sometime, I guess. Still -- wasn't entirely enjoyable, and cut into my plans a bit. 😡 Why the title, you ask? Well, remember that horse job/internship I was super excited about? Been gearing up for that -- postponing or cancelling jobs, responsibilities, and obligations, packing, shopping, setting up things in general. #breadsticks  --really, REALLY looking forward to it, though. There are some things I'll miss, of course -- bei

Train Wreck, Star Trek, the Warriors Blew a 3-1 Lead

Image, wat a title. A nd yes, I liked (and still don't mind) the Warriors, but still... 3-1 dood 3-1 friendly reminder *sigh* we were saying? Eh, this week. As the title also indicates, a little much of Star Trek was consumed. "a little much" "hA a 'little much'" ...ok, yes, 3 nights in a row of it till @ least 1 a.m. w/ mom perhaps = a lot much. but WHATEVER IT'S TREK AND BONDING TIME AND FUN BEFORE I LEAVE FOR THE FARM AND AND *sigh* # accurate ..anyhow, yes. I'd go into more detail, but there was a lot of meh, and I also have a LOT to do this week. Which is good. I *did* get caught up on my sleep, though, and resolve a bunch of adult-responsibility stuff, and start organizing ALL my stuff, and... you get the idea. Too lazy to keep going. Why so lazy, you ask? No, and did I ask opinion, I ask? *koff* --today was actually v good. Sermon was super good, and kids' work went really well -- saw a bunch

(Out As) A Wash (delayed life update)

Ya, double whammy posts--only because this one took sO.RIDICULOUSLY.LONG to get out. :-P was this past week, you say? Well, as I'm typing this up late, with very little time (and 10 or so other things yelling for my attention), that might speak for the general feel of it-- but I've heard a picture says a lot of words, so howzabout a more interpretive approach this week? 😕 ~😒 --😫 ...😰 !!!😵 ***😡 😔😔😔😔😔 ...we good? Still gonna do a summary of a few things here and there, of course, but hopefully you get the idea. Pretty complex stuff, amirite-- *hits play* feels good 2 b a gangsta 😎😎, yes, this past week was kind of a wash of a week in many ways (but real good in others); the biggest contributing factors were (I think): *tHAT DADGUMMED SLEEP DEFICIT which I *glances around nervously* think I'm finally done w/?😖 *staying up late to prepare for my mother's return from Africa (which went well) #welcomeback  *running the hel