Signing Off?

--That feels a tad like clickbait a YouTuber would produce (just saying)...
But whatever, not in the mood to quibble about it. You clicked on the post, so it's somehow your fault. ๐Ÿ˜
[ p ฮน n ั‚ e r e ั• ั‚ ] : wavyฤธฮนara✨

Anyhow, hi. How ya doin'. I happen to be recovering from being sick -- yep, it apparently was inevitable, as literally EVERYONE else I know had already gotten sick. Still wasn't quite expecting it, but got hit full force this past Thursday with sniffles, a sore throat, listlessness, headaches, and nausea. Not horrible, I guess. Has to happen sometime, I guess. Still -- wasn't entirely enjoyable, and cut into my plans a bit. ๐Ÿ˜ก

Why the title, you ask? Well, remember that horse job/internship I was super excited about? Been gearing up for that -- postponing or cancelling jobs, responsibilities, and obligations, packing, shopping, setting up things in general.

--really, REALLY looking forward to it, though. There are some things I'll miss, of course -- being able to celebrate my birthday (in early March); watching some of my bball girls @ their last tourney (in middle of March); work (you do actually like it, I suppose), my friendses, dance, etc. It's okay, though -- those things will still be around, and the opportunity really is rather worth it. ๐Ÿ˜

February, overall, was kinda a meh month -- I honestly have to go back to that Lemony Snicket quote I used earlier *sigh*...
Lemony Snicket:
...but a lot of good stuff happened too.
College stuff is starting to gear up -- gonna take care of as much of that as possible before I head out. The weather has been pretty odd -- downright balmy and warm (EW), then cold and crystalline (yES).
Outstanding Collection of Cinemagraphs by Julien Douvier - CAT IN WATER
I personally prefer clear but cooold days ๐Ÿ˜

--also really sorta craving a beach trip.

Today (i.e. Sunday) was actually very nice -- woke up a bit bleary-eyed from foal-watch the night before, and headed to church with mom. Which was a really, REALLY good time. Glad I went.
Came home, yakked w/ Yon Boy al telefono, drank some turmeric tea, and then took a short (but really good) nap. Was then pleasantly surprised by 2 ball friends showing up (to help us deliver neighborhood papers, as it turns out). While they were out, warmed up some frangipane tart and Asian soup, as well as making some hot cocoa/tea, which was imbibed while we chatted and they assembled more papers to continue delivering tomorrow. I also stole their input (woot woot) for some
weekly segments (ft. Kaffy & Malaysia)!
(here we gooo)

Things They’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): 
Malaysia went with an excellent (imho) choice: a fashion consultant/clothing designer. (hehe I remember when that's what I used to want as a career) ๐Ÿ‘ Having someone around to analyze your events, coloring, and styles would be really nice, for sure.
(also here's a dress I think would be v good, since I apparently haven't left that idea behind yet)
Clarisse Special Occasion <a class="pintag searchlink" data-query="%23Dress" data-type="hashtag" href="/search/?q=%23Dress&rs=hashtag" rel="nofollow" title="#Dress search Pinterest">#Dress</a>
(yes, sort of a complicated color on her, but I think her red accents would set it off surprisingly nicely--perhaps golden-rose jewelry and makeup highlights to accentuate further, idk)

--Kaffy also had v good option -- a barn/house setup with the bedroom somehow able to connect to a horse-window. (stable window?) um yes plz 

Brain Fruit: 
Malaysia generously supplied the idea of a "smoothie bank" (you know, like those banks with the delivery chute thingies)...w/ nonstop puns playing meanwhile over loudspeaker. Names of smoothies also all being puns. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
i draw pixel stuff:
...You get the idea.
(so perhaps that sounds a bit like the 8th level of Dante's Inferno to me but hey that's just my pun-unloving soul)
(jk sounds good I swear thx Malay)

Endorsed by both here is "Build My Life", by Housefires, y me gusta mucho. Puedes escucharlo aqui--

great selections, both from John (bc #twinning #goals #okenuffalready) -- from Kaffy, John 13:34-35:

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
(which was actually super in-line with the sermon I heard today @ church ๐Ÿ˜„)
--and from Malaysia, John 16:23-24:
" In that day you will ask nothing of me. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you. Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. "

...key points in there (as pointed out by the ever helpful Malay) =
*whatever you ask of the Father -- that's an incredible lot, promised to us. Whatever we ask. ๐Ÿ˜ณ
*"in my name" -- that we, as His children, take on His identity when we ask in His name. Agreed -- that's the only source of any power or ability to ask Him. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Somethin Oo Occured:
--stealing these next few segments, since it's the last time for what will likely be a little while ๐Ÿ˜‡--

...Oo is that Beffs (best fraind/basically older sister) and I got together yesterday for a bit, and it was lovely. Consumed some tea (actually *both* recovering from being sick #moretwinning) and an orange each, decorated some laptops w/ markers, played with snapchat filters, and ate a bit more food -- all while communicating in our usual quirky, funny way. It was really nice to catch up and talk and hang -- needs to be done more. ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ’ข๐Ÿ’•

Lit Bit:  (me)
..this little quote right here. Really, really good.

(and also reminds me of a Switchfoot song so #doublewin)

Gimme a Visual:
..this one be 'specially applicable, as my new phone's notifications are a tad jarring -- and, if I wish to check it, I must climb all the way down from my comfy loft bed to the desk below (where it sits).
this isn't happiness™ - photo caption contains external link:
*melodramatic sigh*
(also, I hate phone calls, so even MORE win) ๐Ÿ˜จ

Is That Really Funny?:
...felt le need for some especial dankness, so here ye go.
it's funny bc it is ok just let me laugh in peace ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Artsy Larksey:
Oh look, I actually do make my own art sometimes? Who'd've guessed
...ok, actually, these were just some little name cardlets I turned out for my Chinese TA students a few weeks ago -- mostly letter copying w/ careful inky pens (bc guess who doesn't have a decent nib atm) (or prolly the skillz to use it either ๐Ÿ˜’), plus some gold leaf for good measure--
...and they actually ended up looking okay. (to myself, at least)
(no kidding, though, I literally spelled "Leonard" instead of "Leopold" a solid 2 times. SMH.)

Kaffs volunteered when you hold le door for people and they don't thank you
and also I'm guessing hand-in-hand with that-- 
Kevin hart. That face you make when you try to hold the door for one person and ten people walk through:
ikr Kaffy smh smh smh
..And Malaysia couldn't recall hers, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say mismatched sox
--primarily because I always seem to mismatch mine and it drives her crazy--
1 out of 8  Hansel From Basel Mismatched Crew Sock:

(malaysia: )
[ p ฮน n ั‚ e r e ั• ั‚ ] : wavyฤธฮนara✨:

...Alright, and that is pretty much that. I'm finishing this well into Monday morning (I hear birds chirping, so that's a pretty good indicator), since I'm up watching foal cameras anyhow (this post consequentially took a LONG time to write). Post-Kaff/Malaysia visit, cleaned up the house a bit more and enjoyed an episode of Star Trek (as well as some caramel corn) with mom before taking a short nap. Also, painted one set of nails, for no apparent reason. #pampering? ๐Ÿ’…, this next month could turn out several ways (blog-wise, although I guess that could also be a bit of an overgeneralization too):
a) I do not doggo the bloggo at all -- enjoying a blissful sense of neglect (?!?), and picking it up later bc I'm just too busy w/ important things atm ✌✌
b) I have some time, so I do update the blog. A bit. On Sundays. Who knows.
c) I have more time that previously anticipated -- or mad blogger skills -- and update/write bloggo twice/week, Mondays and Wednesdays, like I'm "supposed to". (arbitrary self-assignment, but whatever) who knows, we'll see what happens. Got a lot to do, and looking forwards to March (and my birthday!!) (really want some red velvet to celebrate)
High Society Tea:
*grabs megaphone* tHE MORE ICING THE BETTER OK, yeah! Till later, I suppose. Gonna go get some sleep soon, hopefully. Feeling...excited about this next time period. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
Image result for you're cute chibird:



best & b blessed 



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