Just Another Update

jk you really don't want me coming up with a mixtape would prolly be the most offensive thing ever π
Well, this past week was...
part good
part meh
part bleh
(perhaps more meh and bleh than I would've liked)

thanks but nO I'm kinda trying to get back on the wEIGHT LOSS WAGON 'K

...needless to say, that part of my week was part meh, part bleh. π
*sighs again*
I mean, yeah, there were good parts--
*made some weight loss progress, and got back to dance -- which was tiring, but still okay. Badly in need of new pointe pads.

did surprisingly good with turns, though -- and I really am NOT generally a turner, so *self-π*
*I got my finger seen -- good news is that I'm officially released to swim and ball again yaaay! It still looks and feels super weird, but I'm pretty used to it. It'll prolly be that way for awhile longer. Also, the bone that was broken appears to...not have healed. Just sorta held there by...stuff? So it's fine? Doesn't hurt, anyhow. Kinda
*clears throat*
fascinating π

*giggles most un-Vulcanly*
...BUt yeah, yay, I can exercise a lot more easily now!

also this will be me this week smh
*college stuff -- much has gotten done (or been done? idk, I'm whipping through this post as fast as possible). I officially (FINALLY) have my summer courses in, and a bunch of other stuff got more settled, and...yeah. I feel a bunch better about it all. π
*I slept more regularly! I did! It was weird but good I think!
...although I still sleep best between 8-11 a.m. (which leads to inconvenient dozing off), and I *oddly enough* feel more tired? Even with more sleep? This normal circadian rhythm thing is complicated.
Still, I was 3/5 successful during weekdays, so...

*self-loathing increases*
*I got in a lot more planning, so...that was nice too. I think I'm actually gonna be able to have a birthday party, get-togethers, and other nice normal-ish things. Yay.
*other daily segments were fulfilled (most of the time),...though later on in the week, they got kinda abandoned. Some or most of them, I guess. π
*etc etc etc I guess transitioning back from vacation wasn't so easy as I thought heh
--This weekend was actually pretty full, or at least felt so. Cooking, family stuff, work, shopping, events, a spring party, kids' work (which actually went super well today), and birthday celebration for mi madre. Gonna finish this, then ice a flourless choco cake that turned out GORGEOUS if I do say so myself (only spattered batter over half the kitchen), maybe write some letters if I have the time, eat a birthday dinner with the fam, and plan/do a bunch of other stuff before a busy week. Gonna be up at 530 am or so for swim, starting tomorrow, so... *weakly* yay?

am getting tired of staring at this screen so mOVING ON will think about the pain later
Weekly Segment Time!
#thankful #reaccs #only
--ok ew that was a virulent sorta green so let's maybe go more with
Our Weekly Segments?
...yeah, that's nicer.
um excUUSE me wat r u doing
what?? who??

um no you're just the salty sardonic sarcastic rude side of my personality what do you want now
oh plz sheddap i compose like 90% of you and also
![[ You're Beautiful ]✧. Love Anika @i1uvMYFAMILY:](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/5d/28/6d/5d286d584c07c3bbc364e47444ef5d3e.jpg)
...on select occasions. Shut up. Now, WHAT??
um, you said "*our*" weekly segments. first off, there's no "us", technically -- that's like a personality disorder or something u bum. oh and also, if you *are* doing ""Our Weekly Segments"" or watever ur grammatically correct self calls it, i better b included
The answer is no, you pretentious tumblr-loving...thing. Maybe later.

Aaas if. Anyhow. Nice talking.

K, cool.
Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): As some of my companions know, I have a thing for chandeliers. As in, a stop-and-stare, make noises, serious thing for them.

--I actually spent a lot of time staring at these in hardware stores, as a kid. Probably 75% of the reason I was so constantly getting lost from my family. π
Brain Fruit: ...actually based off a really pretty, bittersweet dream I had this week. Had a lot of dreams this week, really (bc actual REM sleep, not just blacking out, maybe?). This one was really sad and nice, at the same time, though. Hard to explain.
So it seems and feels, that as though I walk through this world like empty rooms in a beautiful but condemned hotel.
Mewsiks: "Hills and Valleys", by Tauren Wells. Had this on repeat for all of this past week or so. Danced to it, sang it, thought about it...the whole nine. Still like it, though. π

a personal fave
Somethin Oo Occured: I attended a Spring Dance yesterday -- a jolly sort of event, hosted by one of my dear friends. Cooked some food (to help out), pulled out some stops (ok, maybe most of them, but classily) with makeup, grabbed my pink tulle dress and black heels, and...actually had a good time. Was probably the oldest (or one of) there, and rather dressed up. Saw many compatriots, observed juvenile dancing and activities with amusement (and maybe did some of my own), ate a lot, laughed, got an uncomfy amount of compliments (or maybe I'm just naturally awkward with compliments duh), and ended up with a lot of pictures. Behold ensemble below (Ft. Leopard Beanbag).
It was a solid *good time*. π
Lit Bit: I ran across it and I REALLY LIKE IT. Not sure why, but...I do. Makes me start to write stories in my head, or something.

Gimme a Visual: Saved a lot of out-of-context comics this week, this among them.

#madness #staywokefam π

also see "you still datin that lil girl"
Artsy Larksey: Mostly because some avoCADO was consumed this week, and also

Ugh: Thanks to some faceless horror at Pinterest, two forms of evil present in one host form have manifested themselves.
I present --

..alright, well, I gotta get going with other stuff (always the work to be dooone), but this was good (though took a bit longer than expected). Time to frost that cake, too.

*wakes up from daze*
Uh, yeah. Take care out there, and

(personal favorite)
(though as a tall athletic person isn't always super easy)
A'ight. baiii ❤✌
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