
Showing posts from July, 2017


Casi as in -- Ya know that "almost" feeling? (roll credits) You know, being almost done--you're almost finished, and you know you can make it. The final minutes of the basketball game, last few words in a paper, the ending reps of a workout, the-- --ok, enough of my verbose poetical side. Ya 'nah mean. ("know what I mean") 💁 Yours truly writes from her dorm room--still a bit tired, but much better than the worn-out, nutritionally-off-balance, roller-coaster little author she was for the past week. Wasn't a super-challenging week academically, but...yeah. Off kilter in some ways, but I made it (and have pretty much bounced back). Two weeks of relative freedom, almost here. And, thankfully, I finally have some decent time to blog (before my Sabbath ends, and studying for final Bio exam 2morrow begins). 😁 More on everything later, I guess--but I'm relieved to have made it. A further detailed "college" post will likely be made later. 👍

time is fleet-ing 👀

...hence and therefore the reason for my not doing a real post this week. *sighs deeply* ...reconciled to the fact that I can't do it all, so not much this go-around. It's been busy and a tad crazy at times (was sick/under-the-weather most of this past week), but had a nice weekend relaxing, eating (a bit too much--need to get back on diet erk) , seeing Dear Ones (such as Bean and Beffs 💓), taking care of pets, and overall recovering. Ready to face this ahh lAST WEEK OF SUMMER START?? ahhhhh wow and yay and man that's gone by fast tbh my feelings on most of these evil banana-colored abominations smh ...Anyhow, to make up for this (somehow my brain wants to do that), here's some random kOllEge sPAAAAAM (for no real reason) (yeet) (sorry) dorm room view  henna I did Friday  my favorite flowers (aside from roses), brown-eyed susans  sun outside of dining hall bc I'm that dork who stops and backpedals to find a shot she just saw my lil waterme


so much in that statement. Oy. oy. oy. oY! ...don't ask guys it's been a long week 👾 Did I say it was a long week? In case I didn't say it enough *clears throat*  IT WAS A V LONG WEEK FOR ME  ta da yep it was --Not a bad one, I mean. It had its ups and downs; some days you bound out of bed, others you barely can drag yourself up (and adjust accordingly). Fought with some moodiness and problems - I'm human, after all (even if I forget what said human looks like sometime) 😀 ...So, highlights reel: (because I need to get to bed soon and log off because I left my laptop charger at home *sigh*) I... *did an amount (idk what that's supposed to mean grammar-wise) of working out - usual morning challenge, 15-min afternoon workouts, group fitness (dance stuff, TRX, and such), occasional jogging, ab challenge segments, and the usual walking, I guess. A bit more time noticing its effects, too -- I look different, act different (somewhat), and clothes are fi

💸Swiggety Swingle 💸

y am I single 💍 (not original content) (like my memes hehe #stolen ) 😎 Hulla, there. Greetings on this Sunday, July 9th. How goes it? Well? Not so well? A curious juxtaposition of the two that makes your stomach feel queasy sometimes? ...Yeah, that's me atm.   Just...feeling a bit like a haunted house on a sunny day. There's brightness and beauty and order around, but more immediately, darker or deeper or "hold-up" things (which to be dealt with). If that makes sense. Just realizing things about myself, and my life -- and yes, that's also probably partially exhaustion and change and (and a particular emotional jag I get into sometimes). Also the Spirit, though, who knows late nights are the best time to tap me on the shoulder of my heart and say -- in His loving and faithful way, regardless of how I've been screwing up -- "hey, we need to talk". (and boy, was He right. Like He always is, man) reason #25493755 I am grateful for Sabba