Casi as in -- Ya know that "almost" feeling? (roll credits) You know, being almost done--you're almost finished, and you know you can make it. The final minutes of the basketball game, last few words in a paper, the ending reps of a workout, the-- --ok, enough of my verbose poetical side. Ya 'nah mean. ("know what I mean") 💁 Yours truly writes from her dorm room--still a bit tired, but much better than the worn-out, nutritionally-off-balance, roller-coaster little author she was for the past week. Wasn't a super-challenging week academically, but...yeah. Off kilter in some ways, but I made it (and have pretty much bounced back). Two weeks of relative freedom, almost here. And, thankfully, I finally have some decent time to blog (before my Sabbath ends, and studying for final Bio exam 2morrow begins). 😁 More on everything later, I guess--but I'm relieved to have made it. A further detailed "college" post will likely be made later. 👍 ...