
so much in that statement. Oy. oy. oy. oY!
I make these with Garry's Mod please google it.
...don't ask guys it's been a long week πŸ‘Ύ

Did I say it was a long week?
In case I didn't say it enough
*clears throat* 
ta da

it was
--Not a bad one, I mean. It had its ups and downs; some days you bound out of bed, others you barely can drag yourself up (and adjust accordingly). Fought with some moodiness and problems - I'm human, after all (even if I forget what said human looks like sometime)

...So, highlights reel:
(because I need to get to bed soon and log off because I left my laptop charger at home *sigh*)
*did an amount (idk what that's supposed to mean grammar-wise) of working out - usual morning challenge, 15-min afternoon workouts, group fitness (dance stuff, TRX, and such), occasional jogging, ab challenge segments, and the usual walking, I guess. A bit more time noticing its effects, too -- I look different, act different (somewhat), and clothes are fitting different. (a good thing, I guess)
*went through a lot of school-stuff: a lot of learning, a biology exam (another one, yes), a speech (that went really well), lab work (which included data-collecting at a nearby lake), and reshuffling of my schedule/priorities to make sure I stayed on top. Some distraction, but yeah.
*Got in some art, music, reading (re-reading The Count of Monte Cristo and iT'S SO G U D). Didn't venture onto social media till Wednesday - and it was kinda nice, really. Good for me, I think. #focus
*Spent more time and snatches of in-between moments acquaint-ing myself with more peers, talking, getting to know familiars, and connected with the Every Nation Bible study peoples here on campus πŸ‘
*Had/did other random things: played a little soccer, used all of my meal swipes (wow what an accomplishment), got a lot tanner with all the sun I walk through, journalled...et al. πŸ’₯

Came home this weekend (via bus and much sweaty walking). Spent a lot of time sleeping, some eating, chilling with pets, and unwinding a bit from my college frame of mind, etc. Good stuff.

Alright, on to our (my)(duh)...

Weekly Segments:

Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): Not usually a sunglasses person, but I kinda do like these bluebird-tinted sunglasses. πŸ‘€
●●pin @leahlunt ☼ ☾︎︎

Brain Fruit: no comment on this week's one, except that it's accurate and honest atm
"being in love is being vulnerable is being truthful and scared at the same time of the pain you're so ready to feel and cause and makes you scared of what you are and what they are to you and now I think I know just how terrible in a lion sort of dangerous way love can be even on our shallow little levels and how crazy this must all be for God"

Mewsiks: "Baker Cat" with Pusheen kneading dough. It's actually an indefinite looping app that I keep on my phone...don't ask why, 'cause I don't know. It's catchy. Classy version of Nyan Cat, mebbe? 😎

Scripture: An important reminder I...missed this week.
Do not be anxious about anything. But in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. | Philippians 4:6 | Inspiring bible verses
..."but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. " ow ow ow owwww thanx Lord tho

Somethin Oo Occured: I gave yet another speech this week (we have a lot for this class) -- this one, an informative speech on: Kirby, the video game character. Yep. 😜
Kirby! This makes me smile. I'll always have a soft spot for this little cutie.
--And it went really, really well. I stayed on time, didn't stus-stus-stus-stutter, and made it work. Small little thing, but it was really meaningful.

Lit Bit: Yep, at NCSU, now that I'm up at 6:30 (before the hordes of peoples)...this is a thing. πŸ˜ŠπŸŒ…

before heat drenches everything into a sweaty nightmare

Gimme a Visual: Little aesthetic where I wish I could spend a bit of time. Not worrying about school stuff. With food. And a certain bean and bonbon.
I like windows a lot
*sighs wistfully*

Is That Really Funny?:
"i like this segment because it always is (funny)" ~bonbon

Post this post...
quality quality hehe

Artsy Larksey: Yours truly pulled out her old watercolors that she never used, and played around with some late-night "art" attempts. I'm reminded why I never really did paints--

..but actually, hey, it was fun.

Ugh: Ok, let me be petty for a sec
just ONE sec
and say that I'm running into this clothing style more and more
Pinterest: @claudiaa_em ☾♡
and I would RATHER I could run over it with a TRUCK 
if I could drive that is *sigh*
but sTILL 
ok we're done 
still needs to die tho #fishy

Many regards to thee, wherever you are right now, on the cusp of this new week. 

cinemagraph gif cinemagraph nc rough ridge

*sigh* man, I miss having some cool ivories to stretch my hands over. I need to hunt out a piano around here.
BBC Sherlock’s Theme   Sheet Music
lowkey taught myself this before finding this version hmu lol

Till later, then. Take care, out there. 

"We live for the night's decor, it reveals what we dream of." - Glowing Eyes by Twenty Øne Piløts

bai ✌



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