
Casi as in -- Ya know that "almost" feeling? (roll credits)
You know, being almost done--you're almost finished, and you know you can make it. The final minutes of the basketball game, last few words in a paper, the ending reps of a workout, the--
Pink | Pastel | Rosé | Salmon | Peach | Blush | Pinku | Rozovyy | Rosa | ピンク | розовый | Rosado |
--ok, enough of my verbose poetical side. Ya 'nah mean. ("know what I mean") 💁
Yours truly writes from her dorm room--still a bit tired, but much better than the worn-out, nutritionally-off-balance, roller-coaster little author she was for the past week. Wasn't a super-challenging week academically, but...yeah. Off kilter in some ways, but I made it (and have pretty much bounced back). Two weeks of relative freedom, almost here. And, thankfully, I finally have some decent time to blog (before my Sabbath ends, and studying for final Bio exam 2morrow begins). 😁 More on everything later, I guess--but I'm relieved to have made it. A further detailed "college" post will likely be made later. 👍

Some randome instances of
What's Been Up [This Past Week]: (ooh I liek dat segment name we gone keep it now)
*a lot of fatigue, dieting, mood swings, soreness - I mean, once again, it was the last week, and I was feeling it. Dining hall food also is a bit low on the nutrient side of things, so...yeah. Didn't sleep so well, which didn't help, plus going through some more "personal overhauls", as I like to call them. A lot of cat naps, power naps, and whatever else I can call them to legitimize them. 👀

me tho

*finished COMM 110 (y e e t), with a final group project that *somehow* came together surprisingly well. And an A+. (yaaay) As mentioned, I'm almost done with BIO 181 - which I've also really enjoyed so far - with just a final exam tomorrow, and I'll be done. 📔📕📖📘📗
*exercised - took more breaks than usual from my normal semi-intense routine, but still felt good. Several new group fitness things (which were varyingly fun and interesting), personal workouts, walking, the usual. Definitely fitter than I thought I would be at the end of this summer (though about the same weight) #musclemass #idk 
*social schmocial stuff - I made more acquaintances, deepened ones I already had, began a nice lil meme account on Instagram (hehheehehe), and got to enjoy some really nice interactions and events with varying peers. Little by little, things have pared out well concerning that. 😊
Why is he so funny lol
more like the U.S.S. Frienderprise bc I'm seeking out something idk actually exists lol gag me

*etc etc etc ok I'm getting bored lemme talk about my not-so-mad-rad-straight-fire-lit weekend
Me: So, weekend, how were you?
Weekend: well idk you literally never anthropomorphize me like this?? wyd??
Me: ...
Me: just maybe tell me bc this is in the middle of a blog post sweet higgety biscuits plz?!?
Weekend: you'll literally forget me in about a month, but ok.
Weekend: you finished classes, did some studying, ate a lot of comfort food/indulged in a lot of entertainment, did Barre Burn group fitness (and danced in the empty studio afterwards), generally laughed and cried your way to unwinding from stress, came home, crashed, ate 3 plates of pasta, did logistics stuff, caught up with your cats, hung with most of your fam, tried out new weight loss tool-
Me: --ok ok that's plenty yeesh way to overshare 
...but also thx? Ok, on we go to today
Sunday = I got lotsa sleep (almost missed church tho), heard a real gud sermon, survived a crazy large summit kids service (tho I somehow enjoyed myself at various points); came home, ate some cookout food (courtesy of fam), and crashed for a solid few hours. Got up, checked in for upcoming pet-sitting job, picked and ate an abundance of ripe grapes & tomatoes from the garden, cooked myself a killer bowl of bison chili, and...headed back to campus.
*deep breath*

Welp, um...

...Weekly Segments? Yeah, let's do those 👌


Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet):  Saw this GAWJEOUS semiprecious-stone-composed dagger (which is probably ancient and priceless)--but. still. 😍

--I blame the knife thing on hereditary stuff. Got a serious thing for them (in a harmless way ofc) 🗡

Brain Fruit: The online app I usually store my dumb little musings and ideas on has crashed (hrmpf), so...um..here's an immediate one I've been knocking around?

Sometimes my head feels rather clouded and full, like a sky over chaotic city lights you just want to short the electricity to sometimes? 

idk how to explain (as always), so anyhow. Moving on. 

Mewsiks: David Crowder's "Run Devil Run". I liek. V much. Needed it this past week, too. ♯♭♮  https://youtu.be/m9LzZ2x6rgQ

Scripture: Y E S
long, high, and deep is the love of Christ.

Somethin Oo Occured: Yours truly has just been informed of her *updated* housing situation. In short: I will be living slightly off campus (but it's still supposed to count as university housing). At a place that looks like...well, this.
Rent an Apartment in Raleigh | Student Housing at NC State
..They're called Towers or something? A thing involving towers in the title. and university. Anywho, that's where I'll be. And I've connected with my roommate, and we're on the same page as of rn👐.
So... yep. Yaya.

#tripleyeet #m3m3lyfe

Lit Bit: Been going thru a bit of a CharleZ spERGEONN obsession this week--
Spurgeon had such a way with words, speaking to the depths of my soul...
--seriously, tho. The guy dropped wisdom on the regular. Look him/his quotes up. Fo realz. 💎

Gimme a Visual: ok so *inhales*
@A N N I E

Is That Really Funny?: no, but college has really supported my meme addiction, so I no longer care 😎

*snorts milk up nose laughing*

Artsy Larksey: Saw dis & it made me smile :)
Your new phone background?

Nom: Ya gurl made a version of this last week (not intentionally per se), using cherries and blueberries and a lot of gumption. And it was tHE BOMB.
Triple Berry Crisp
sho wuz good, thinking o making another version dis week if possible once I'm back home 🤔🍒😋

--oh, also had some lovely watermelone this weekend so gotta include that

Watermelon: a summer's favorite
bc duh 


Ahhh, that was satisfying. Blogging is becoming quite an enjoyable habit for me. Wonder how long I'll keep it up -- ahh, who knows. 😀
That's it for today, then; here's to a new week, and a bit of nice, free, enjoyable summertime.
Develop self discipline and keep going!

--ugh, that reminds me, I need to get together with so many fraindzz. 
*sighs somewhat happily bc loves friends*

May your adventures and endeavors be worthwhile and blessed this week--
LOVE DIS CINEMAGRAPH and also now I want to go in a hot air balloon even mooore 💓

Till later, cuties



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