Casi as in -- Ya know that "almost" feeling? (roll credits)
You know, being almost done--you're almost finished, and you know you can make it. The final minutes of the basketball game, last few words in a paper, the ending reps of a workout, the--
--ok, enough of my verbose poetical side. Ya 'nah mean. ("know what I mean") 💁
Yours truly writes from her dorm room--still a bit tired, but much better than the worn-out, nutritionally-off-balance, roller-coaster little author she was for the past week. Wasn't a super-challenging week academically, but...yeah. Off kilter in some ways, but I made it (and have pretty much bounced back). Two weeks of relative freedom, almost here. And, thankfully, I finally have some decent time to blog (before my Sabbath ends, and studying for final Bio exam 2morrow begins). 😁 More on everything later, I guess--but I'm relieved to have made it. A further detailed "college" post will likely be made later. 👍
Some randome instances of
What's Been Up [This Past Week]: (ooh I liek dat segment name we gone keep it now)
*a lot of fatigue, dieting, mood swings, soreness - I mean, once again, it was the last week, and I was feeling it. Dining hall food also is a bit low on the nutrient side of things, so...yeah. Didn't sleep so well, which didn't help, plus going through some more "personal overhauls", as I like to call them. A lot of cat naps, power naps, and whatever else I can call them to legitimize them. 👀
me tho
*finished COMM 110 (y e e t), with a final group project that *somehow* came together surprisingly well. And an A+. (yaaay) As mentioned, I'm almost done with BIO 181 - which I've also really enjoyed so far - with just a final exam tomorrow, and I'll be done. 📔📕📖📘📗
*exercised - took more breaks than usual from my normal semi-intense routine, but still felt good. Several new group fitness things (which were varyingly fun and interesting), personal workouts, walking, the usual. Definitely fitter than I thought I would be at the end of this summer (though about the same weight) #musclemass #idk
*social schmocial stuff - I made more acquaintances, deepened ones I already had, began a nice lil meme account on Instagram (hehheehehe), and got to enjoy some really nice interactions and events with varying peers. Little by little, things have pared out well concerning that. 😊
more like the U.S.S. Frienderprise bc I'm seeking out something idk actually exists lol gag me
*etc etc etc ok I'm getting bored lemme talk about my not-so-mad-rad-straight-fire-lit weekend
Me: So, weekend, how were you?
Weekend: well idk you literally never anthropomorphize me like this?? wyd??
Me: ...
Me: just maybe tell me bc this is in the middle of a blog post sweet higgety biscuits plz?!?
Weekend: you'll literally forget me in about a month, but ok.
Weekend: you finished classes, did some studying, ate a lot of comfort food/indulged in a lot of entertainment, did Barre Burn group fitness (and danced in the empty studio afterwards), generally laughed and cried your way to unwinding from stress, came home, crashed, ate 3 plates of pasta, did logistics stuff, caught up with your cats, hung with most of your fam, tried out new weight loss tool-
Me: --ok ok that's plenty yeesh way to overshare
...but also thx? Ok, on we go to today
Sunday = I got lotsa sleep (almost missed church tho), heard a real gud sermon, survived a crazy large summit kids service (tho I somehow enjoyed myself at various points); came home, ate some cookout food (courtesy of fam), and crashed for a solid few hours. Got up, checked in for upcoming pet-sitting job, picked and ate an abundance of ripe grapes & tomatoes from the garden, cooked myself a killer bowl of bison chili, and...headed back to campus.
*deep breath*
Welp, um...
...Weekly Segments? Yeah, let's do those 👌
Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): Saw this GAWJEOUS semiprecious-stone-composed dagger (which is probably ancient and priceless)--but. still. 😍
--I blame the knife thing on hereditary stuff. Got a serious thing for them (in a harmless way ofc) 🗡
Brain Fruit: The online app I usually store my dumb little musings and ideas on has crashed (hrmpf), so...um..here's an immediate one I've been knocking around?
Sometimes my head feels rather clouded and full, like a sky over chaotic city lights you just want to short the electricity to sometimes?
idk how to explain (as always), so anyhow. Moving on.
Mewsiks: David Crowder's "Run Devil Run". I liek. V much. Needed it this past week, too. ♯♭♮ https://youtu.be/m9LzZ2x6rgQ
Scripture: Y E S
Somethin Oo Occured: Yours truly has just been informed of her *updated* housing situation. In short: I will be living slightly off campus (but it's still supposed to count as university housing). At a place that looks like...well, this.
..They're called Towers or something? A thing involving towers in the title. and university. Anywho, that's where I'll be. And I've connected with my roommate, and we're on the same page as of rn👐.
So... yep. Yaya.
#tripleyeet #m3m3lyfe
Lit Bit: Been going thru a bit of a CharleZ spERGEONN obsession this week--
--seriously, tho. The guy dropped wisdom on the regular. Look him/his quotes up. Fo realz. 💎
Gimme a Visual: ok so *inhales*
Is That Really Funny?: no, but college has really supported my meme addiction, so I no longer care 😎
*snorts milk up nose laughing*
Artsy Larksey: Saw dis & it made me smile :)
Nom: Ya gurl made a version of this last week (not intentionally per se), using cherries and blueberries and a lot of gumption. And it was tHE BOMB.
sho wuz good, thinking o making another version dis week if possible once I'm back home 🤔🍒😋
--oh, also had some lovely watermelone this weekend so gotta include that
bc duh
You know, being almost done--you're almost finished, and you know you can make it. The final minutes of the basketball game, last few words in a paper, the ending reps of a workout, the--
--ok, enough of my verbose poetical side. Ya 'nah mean. ("know what I mean") 💁
Yours truly writes from her dorm room--still a bit tired, but much better than the worn-out, nutritionally-off-balance, roller-coaster little author she was for the past week. Wasn't a super-challenging week academically, but...yeah. Off kilter in some ways, but I made it (and have pretty much bounced back). Two weeks of relative freedom, almost here. And, thankfully, I finally have some decent time to blog (before my Sabbath ends, and studying for final Bio exam 2morrow begins). 😁 More on everything later, I guess--but I'm relieved to have made it. A further detailed "college" post will likely be made later. 👍
Some randome instances of
What's Been Up [This Past Week]: (ooh I liek dat segment name we gone keep it now)
*a lot of fatigue, dieting, mood swings, soreness - I mean, once again, it was the last week, and I was feeling it. Dining hall food also is a bit low on the nutrient side of things, so...yeah. Didn't sleep so well, which didn't help, plus going through some more "personal overhauls", as I like to call them. A lot of cat naps, power naps, and whatever else I can call them to legitimize them. 👀
me tho
*finished COMM 110 (y e e t), with a final group project that *somehow* came together surprisingly well. And an A+. (yaaay) As mentioned, I'm almost done with BIO 181 - which I've also really enjoyed so far - with just a final exam tomorrow, and I'll be done. 📔📕📖📘📗
*exercised - took more breaks than usual from my normal semi-intense routine, but still felt good. Several new group fitness things (which were varyingly fun and interesting), personal workouts, walking, the usual. Definitely fitter than I thought I would be at the end of this summer (though about the same weight) #musclemass #idk
*social schmocial stuff - I made more acquaintances, deepened ones I already had, began a nice lil meme account on Instagram (hehheehehe), and got to enjoy some really nice interactions and events with varying peers. Little by little, things have pared out well concerning that. 😊
more like the U.S.S. Frienderprise bc I'm seeking out something idk actually exists lol gag me
*etc etc etc ok I'm getting bored lemme talk about my not-so-mad-rad-straight-fire-lit weekend
Me: So, weekend, how were you?
Weekend: well idk you literally never anthropomorphize me like this?? wyd??
Me: ...
Me: just maybe tell me bc this is in the middle of a blog post sweet higgety biscuits plz?!?
Weekend: you'll literally forget me in about a month, but ok.
Weekend: you finished classes, did some studying, ate a lot of comfort food/indulged in a lot of entertainment, did Barre Burn group fitness (and danced in the empty studio afterwards), generally laughed and cried your way to unwinding from stress, came home, crashed, ate 3 plates of pasta, did logistics stuff, caught up with your cats, hung with most of your fam, tried out new weight loss tool-
Me: --ok ok that's plenty yeesh way to overshare
...but also thx? Ok, on we go to today
Sunday = I got lotsa sleep (almost missed church tho), heard a real gud sermon, survived a crazy large summit kids service (tho I somehow enjoyed myself at various points); came home, ate some cookout food (courtesy of fam), and crashed for a solid few hours. Got up, checked in for upcoming pet-sitting job, picked and ate an abundance of ripe grapes & tomatoes from the garden, cooked myself a killer bowl of bison chili, and...headed back to campus.
*deep breath*
Welp, um...
...Weekly Segments? Yeah, let's do those 👌
Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): Saw this GAWJEOUS semiprecious-stone-composed dagger (which is probably ancient and priceless)--but. still. 😍
--I blame the knife thing on hereditary stuff. Got a serious thing for them (in a harmless way ofc) 🗡
Brain Fruit: The online app I usually store my dumb little musings and ideas on has crashed (hrmpf), so...um..here's an immediate one I've been knocking around?
Sometimes my head feels rather clouded and full, like a sky over chaotic city lights you just want to short the electricity to sometimes?
idk how to explain (as always), so anyhow. Moving on.
Mewsiks: David Crowder's "Run Devil Run". I liek. V much. Needed it this past week, too. ♯♭♮ https://youtu.be/m9LzZ2x6rgQ
Scripture: Y E S
Somethin Oo Occured: Yours truly has just been informed of her *updated* housing situation. In short: I will be living slightly off campus (but it's still supposed to count as university housing). At a place that looks like...well, this.
..They're called Towers or something? A thing involving towers in the title. and university. Anywho, that's where I'll be. And I've connected with my roommate, and we're on the same page as of rn👐.
So... yep. Yaya.
#tripleyeet #m3m3lyfe
Lit Bit: Been going thru a bit of a CharleZ spERGEONN obsession this week--
--seriously, tho. The guy dropped wisdom on the regular. Look him/his quotes up. Fo realz. 💎
Gimme a Visual: ok so *inhales*
Is That Really Funny?: no, but college has really supported my meme addiction, so I no longer care 😎
*snorts milk up nose laughing*
Artsy Larksey: Saw dis & it made me smile :)
Nom: Ya gurl made a version of this last week (not intentionally per se), using cherries and blueberries and a lot of gumption. And it was tHE BOMB.
sho wuz good, thinking o making another version dis week if possible once I'm back home 🤔🍒😋
--oh, also had some lovely watermelone this weekend so gotta include that
bc duh
Ahhh, that was satisfying. Blogging is becoming quite an enjoyable habit for me. Wonder how long I'll keep it up -- ahh, who knows. 😀
That's it for today, then; here's to a new week, and a bit of nice, free, enjoyable summertime.
--ugh, that reminds me, I need to get together with so many fraindzz.
*sighs somewhat happily bc loves friends*
May your adventures and endeavors be worthwhile and blessed this week--
LOVE DIS CINEMAGRAPH and also now I want to go in a hot air balloon even mooore 💓
Till later, cuties ✌
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