Decent Week Update

Salve--Hola--Hello--live long and prosper. Happy Sunday to you all--and welcome to Hannah's update of the week OML (On-My-Life), in The Year of Gapness.
This is likely to be short, divided over a day or two, and less-detailed (though, knowing what a stickler I am for details, not sure how long that will last)--due to the fact that I've just gotten back from a college retreat over the weekend in Black Mountain, NC, with my church (Summit). Currently, I'm tired (late nights = practically assumed for girls on retreats), a tad worn out emotionally and spiritually and socially, and more than a little over junk food in any shape or form.
me sick
(*begins diet with a new vengeance* *sleeps until noon*)

Anyways, the week--or what I remember of it; for some reason, the events (earlier on especially) are starting to blur in my brain. Wait, no, I need to start with how today went--no, but that's somewhat dependent on the linearity of the week as it happened--UGH, okay, we're just going to start with the past week to save time. And because I'm lazy and procrastinating and a shirker of responsibility tired, like I said. Here we go.

(SORRY, don't get mad, I haven't had access to my dank memes the internet for the weekend. Feeling a tad deprived, had to get it out of my system. Back to your regular scheduled update.)

So...this week was a little less consistent than most. (not that that's all bad, just a note) I worked out about half of the week, didn't the rest of the time due to my retreat/exhaustion/whatever. I got in a bit less language/academic study, as well--the only real new things I worked on were pretty minimal. I got through certain foods in French, which was good, considering my obsession with edible stuff. (for example, this nori-rice combo, for your consideration...*drools*)
おにぎり Onigiri
**alright, this isn't a food blog, BACK TO THE UPDATE**

Where was I? Oh, yes, las linguas. Greek is going...albeit slowly; learning to actually read the words is sort of a mind explosion; like "oh, wait, they spell things and words and you have to say them the way they sound in Greek not in English" brain poof. :-P
Horrible histories jaw drop
(Oops, ok,.. came on a little strong there. Please don't leave me yet.)
ASL is going well--I'm really, truly starting to enjoy it. There's SO much to learn, a whole language, and getting into the culture is really eye-opening. In addition, I enjoy the physical feeling of it--using my body, face, and hands in communication is something I enjoy. I'm through pronouns, responses, some common phrases/necessary words. ALSO, if you wanna see something cool, look up "Hear My Heart" by Andy Mineo. A tribute to his hard-of-hearing sister which is really good in so many ways; a teense literal ASL-wise, but really awesome.)
Finishing planning out the other stuff I want to review/do on my own--geography especially(my great Achilles heel; I hardly know what my own home state looks like, not to mention capitals or whatever, though I'm a lot better than I used to be. Also, THIS IS FUNNY)--
1. This judgmental map of Raleigh.
(I applaud the maker of this. Obviously put in a lot of effort AND IT'S SO WRONG BUT YET OOH)

...aside from geography, also gonna get ready to review physics, biology, math, and chemistry, just to make sure that it's fresh in my mind when I hit the ground in 2017. (*huffs*)
I had a lot of fun going on a farm call Thursday with a veterinarian from NCSU (same as mentioned earlier); it was just me this time, so we got to talk a lot more, and it was a really, really good time. We took care of some alpacas, drove to various places, and discussed a lot (and I learned a lot, too). A bit muddy due to the rain, but something I want to do more of (it's addictive, really).

Le Padres (parents) headed out later in the week for a conference, which I believe they had fun at (they need to have more fun together, on their own, 'specially now that The Bro and I are out); as a result, I had a bit of time to my own in the house--so time ta PARTEE, dewds B-) #turnup #party #madlit
Just kidding--nothing happened, I'm too introverted and calm. Okay, so maybe I turned up my music a bit louder and danced around a bit and cooked messily. And cleaned the house up a bit (*backs away with hands up*). It was nice, though--I do enjoy time on my own, engaging in some solitude (and overanalyzation of my life, why not); perhaps I did stay up a tad too late, although (a) that's more of a habit than anything, and (b) I did have to pack for the church retreat I was leaving for the next morning.

Said church retreat was actually alright--I enjoyed eating a lot of s'mores around a giant bonfire, eating pizza with other students, meeting people in a calm and relaxed way, and I did kind of come away with some good points (7 points exactly--coincidence? I THINK NOT, THE NUMBER OF COMPLETION #pastorskid #droppindatbibleknowledge). I think I need to talk less, not be a jerk (and be a bit more human), get involved in Christian community more, take sin more seriously, be unashamed of Christ and who I am through God, really *know* God--not just about Him--and, most importantly, consider what really matters in light of Him.
conviction got me like
life responsibilities
#trektrektrek #accurate #holyspirit #shottotheheart

But still, it was good, even if I was still kind of feeling out the vibe and the people. Had a RAD time playing rec basketball with the guys there--held my own, made dood friends, had fun, scored some in spite of the ball size difference, and enjoyed the game. My posting up looked like this with the height differential,
when dinner is ready
..but I still enjoyed myself SO much. Definitely one of the highlights of my time there. I'm skipping over a lot of what happened, but the highlights were definitely those honest, simple, people interactions between events and stuff. So, overall, I'd say it was mostly positive.
I missed out on swim pretty much completely this week--felt sick one day, forgot to set my alarm the other one. #smooth
When a friend tells you someone was flirting with you, and you had no idea       (me waking up at 1:45 pm instead of 5:30 am) nothing much there. I do have another coaching gig this week, though. (gotta make my workout for that)

Due to the retreat (as well as the whole gasoline situation here in NC, which I think is resolved now), I went to dance on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. That was...pretty good, I think? I feel like I'm already forgetting. Once again, I spent a fair amount of time distracting The Bean from the piece she was learning during her class (that included movements similar to basketball defensive slides, which I found hilarious)--I don't want to think what the choreographer thought of our antics, or how I looked doing this at the window :-D
getting friend's attention like     (both examples, really, at different times)
...still, was so very much fun, and le Bean looked real good out there (she always does, but she had an especially Balanchine beauty look this class). Also proud that she remembered to bring the beads she's wanted me to make a bracelet out of FOR AGES (really, for ages). Finally.
Wednesday class was different--since I don't usually attend it--but still good, I think. Class was taught by Ms. Amy, who I rather like (focused and intense and wryly fun). I wore my sheen-y dark blue lacy leotard, as well as fragrant white flowers in my bun. (irrelevant detail, but something I recalled, and was enjoyable), and actually was pleasantly surprised by how good  decent my feet/extensions/dancing looked. That can vary sometimes, but it felt...alright in a ok way? Nailed some good turns, as well, so that was encouraging.
dysphoricsylph: Liudmila Konovalova’s feet
*wISH MY TURNS LOOKED LIKE THAT, but no but they were still good I swear*
Gave The Bean her bracelet (I made that day, with the beads), as well as gaining a hug or two, and overall enjoyed that session of dancing. Getting back into it, slowly but surely.

..Let's see, what else? I spent more time than usual musikking -- i.e. playing piano and singing--than usual. Figured out quite a few songs I liked by ear, worked on my scales/fingerpower, played a teense with some sheet music. Finding out, however, just how horrible my voice sounds is quite *encouraging* (NOT REALLY). Huy vey. I did more art--sketching, beading, messing with things, etc,.--but nothing I'm inordinately pleased with. Jeffrey visited on Sunday, which I caught the tail end after coming home from the retreat; we chilled, insulted each other as normal, laughed at our usual sibling stuff, ate a lot, discussed stuff, and his cat was briefly placated and lulled out of his misery.

MY WEEKLY THINGSES! drops snare drum full of bees out window

Thing I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet At Least): Captain America's uniform from The Winter Soldier. As an athlete, clothes-designing person, Captain America fan, and person who loves to sneak around, it's unfairly perfect. (It's probably obscenely expensive, too, but we're pretending that money i$ no object here, so hush)
Chris Evans, Captain America: The Winter Soldier: be honest, I doubt my hair would fit in #poof #biracial #curliness , and I'd perhaps not have *mine* so tight, but still...IT'S SO CALMLY SAVAGE. I would dearly enjoy walking around in the winter with this on. sigh
Brain Fruit: I'd really like it if pointe shoes could release fragrances (NICE ones, I mean, not the usual funk). Can someone get on that? I'd personally prefer coffee, or maybe lasagna. I don't know why.
Mewsiks: Currently, I really love a song by Jon Foreman, called "She Said". It's really good lyrically, musically feels like a night out on a sand dune, and I can't stop playing it right now. Give it a look up if you get the chance. (Jon is brilliant)
Scripture: I really diggeth Psalm 91 this week--a bit of a throwback, since we memorized it as a family when I was little, and I still remember it all. It's SO good, and really heart-strengthening with a side of majesty and mystery in it; "You will not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that lays waste at noonday". Sort of like something you'd repeat on a perilous foray. I'd very much suggest memorization of it (it's not that long).
Somethin Oo Occured: I met (via social media, not in person) another Trekkie, who is (a) around my age or so (a bit younger, I think), and (b) KNOWLEDGEABLE (most valued of traits)--encountered her through a mutual friend (The Bean), and got in contact, and have made so many quips, references, and trek puns that I'm nearly tired from the sheer joy of it. ("why are we in this gornforsaken place?" :D:D:D:D:D:D #nooneprobablygotthat) Lots of fun, and it's only been a teense of time since we got in contact. No doubt we must plan a landing party at The Bean's house, and discuss Prime Directives and battle tactics and Trek history.
the one and only bromance:
^^How I envision our first actual meeting^^ #highstandards
(inwardly does awkward geek dance)
when you overhear people talking about star trek.... THIS IS REDONKULUS AND SO AWESOME!

Alright, well, let's call this an end to my update. I'm already started into my week (it took me two days instead of one to get this done since I kept losing motivation because, you know, life happens), so I need to get going on that. Spent some time thinking about what type of car and phone I'd like (I need both of those, but especially the latter soonest).
Catching up on sleep and getting back into my rhythm of work, etc, is high in priority. (not as high as I am when I come up with these blog posts, tho, amirite)
[enters with bad powerpoint effect] Hello:
(shut up, yes, this blog is art)
ALLright, that's enough, I need to stop writing. Why is my sense of humor so strange? Ever wonder that? No wonder nobody reads this stuff. (except the NSA, that's why I stick in these memes, to deter their nosiness, I'm sure) B-)
Enjoy youselfe dis week, have some bacone if you gets tha chance. Bonne nuit
(I ate a lot of avocados and turkey bacon last week, so speaking from experience)



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