
Showing posts from 2022

nye '22 🍾

'Tis hard to believe that 2022 is almost slipped from my grasp; I dyed my hair, am printing my 2023 goals, and am blogging out my gram of year-end reflectiveness to celebrate the occasion (though I'll probably do more of such with my family later). This year, in summary, was full of endurance, joy in a lot of circumstances, and adversity. I dealt with the most adverse health events I have in a long, long time (and nearly lost my beloved father to a heart attack). I also made some quality choices and investments in said health. I enjoyed mentorship/discipleship of girls in undergraduate ministry, but also transitioned out of that role (with much consideration and bittersweetness).  I hung out with many, many loved ones and communities, attended parties and weddings (and my first KPOP concert) - some relationships changed, and lots deepened further. I completed my first year of vet school, and the first semester of my second year (though many challenges and landmarks along the wa

weapons in the war ⚔

~sponsored by none other than my MY OWN WHIMS AND DESIRES MUAHAHAHA~ ok but y'alllll 2 blog posts in 1 week ? WEEET WOOOO I be poppin' off chicas~ - blame it on the LDOC, maybe. yes, you heard correctly,, today marks the LAST DAY OF MOI CLASSES FOR THE SEMESTER!?! and I just may be a little happy about that.  anywho, for unexplained reasons (aka idk y), I have caved into the irresistible urge to share some of my (current) fave resources as a Christian gworl. "weapons in the war", if you will. *end title plays*  forgive me Father for I have committed a pro gamer move 😎  anyways, enjoy this conglomeration of content bois 🌟🌟🌟 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEVOTIONALS:  "our daily blog", by Jim Laffoon/the Newsboys - I've had this devotional since I was in high school, and have since given away/gotten new versions multiple times over the years.    Well written, has nice new revelation and solid scripture examination mixed

at least we made it 🌠this🌠far

 🎶  *cue that one Relient K song*  🎶  good day fair fellows,, hoping that you are surviving/thriving thru your week as best u can!! as I am!!! 😬 ngl, I'm kinda barely hanging in there - some combo of longstanding fatigue finally coming home to roost, lack of a break (yet), lots of things To Be Done, mental health dips, and some weird as heck weather. There's probably other factors too (biological, metaphysical, and more), but I have a bit longer before I can have a chance to step back, get some help, and take a sec to fully inhabit Being Not Quite Okay. 😐 - Finding silver linings on my mushroom cloud of burnout isn't exactly my hobby right now, but I will say that life isn't fully wearisome. There is still a lot of good stuff I'm clinging onto; here's 10 items out of that. God's word, whispers, and worship - sometimes I'm fully engaged, sometimes I feel like I'm just sat around it like a dumpy lil toad, but He's the main one/reason I'm st


ya gworl is feeling herself with these "list posts", it seems? again, nobody can stop me so DEAL WITH IT!  😘  Since 'tis the season of Thanks Itself, I figured an appreciative focus on the foodstuffs specific to the holiday would be ~a vibe~? I'm writing this from the couch of my grandma's (on my dad's side) house up North. Since my mum is out of the country, ya girl is (largely) responsible for the Thanksgiving spread - yes, including the turkey. 🦃 It's not the most intensive menu we'll be having, but it's still taken a bunch of planning (+portaging of stuff from my brothers' place in Jersey to here).  The turkey is bathing in its' herb rub in the fridge, a satisfactory Pone (cornbread of a type) is cooling on the stove, and ya girl is waiting till after granny goes to bed before she starts the Pie Trifecta: cherry, pumpkin, and apple (there are many others, yes, that are considered classics - don't @ me aight) 🍒 LOOK AND BE AFRAID,

💖canciones de amour💖

b/c today (in the midst of finals prepping?), I felt like jotting down some of my (current) top 25 love songs. DEAL WITH IT. 😎 aka CELEBRATE 🎉LOVE 💕GOING🎇 RIGHT✅  > sez the couples' counsellor kid who, as she discussed with her brother, saw so much romantic pathology growing up that sometimes she forgets the good #oof  - anyways enjoy these, in no particular order! or don't! your lack of taste is made up by my overabundance teahee~ 😜 (and go look 'em up urself, that's 25 too many links 4 me to chase down) 💅 "smithereens ", 21pilots - clever and catchy and a lovely neon sorta vibe; I dig the casually sweet, brave side to it.  "best thing" , Anthem Lights - a simple, not-too-exciting tune I've held onto over the years. Solid, solid lyrics (occasionally a bit over-the-top for me, but then again, so is love?). "in the name of love", Christopher Jackson (aka that guy from Hamilton) #georgwashington - An ode to my 90's kid musi

good GOLLY time flies

 - Can't believe summer is almost coming to a close, and year 2 of vet school is closing in??? gah leee - But yes, so it seems. Class schedules have been released (no syllabi, etc, yet). I'm currently back home for a second - my gvt gig orientation is on Monday and Tuesday, and then I'll skitter back up the East Coast for my 2 weeks of employment there.  ft. me @ the smithsonian zoo!  Been enjoying my time here - I drove back last Friday (with a carful of loot), and spent Saturday in a flurry of activity. Blueberry picking with the fam, hanging out at an arboretum with a friend, unpacking and organizing my belongings and bedroom, doing a ballet barre with a friend, and more. Felt good, although today I was absolutely ZONKED. Got a lot of good sleep, though!   I'm trying to process all the personal changes I've undergone this summer (a lot of it internal), while also look forward to this new year - I like the commitments I currently have set up (though am fighting to

haha it's been a minute 😬

 since i last wrote lol ...hasn't it? dang. I could say the usual "life's been crazy" (more like "unexpectedly variable"), but that goes without saying. Feels good to finally be updating (something I've been intending for an interminable amount of time here). 2022 has had.. quite some twists and turns to it, I guess. - I'm writing this from Maryland, where I've been (technically) since early May. I'm here for fed work (research first, then public health) - but it's mostly been a combo of Relaxing Vacational Vibes (aka me being a hermit with zero responsibilities or self control) and Personal Crisis (either in getting lonely, into Bad Habits, "distant" from God, overwhelmed with how pathological my mental health has been, or sick with a mildly life-threatening abscess).          yea the latter really stunk ngl  ...But, somehow, I'm back. Different, for sure, and grateful to be alive + supported + reconnected with God (so to s


January, thou art on the cusp of completion, though the year is but begun.  and DANG, did ya fly by - is this what age feels like? *joints creak* - be that as it may, I'd have to say - January has been unexpectedly good. As someone who hopes for the best, prepares for the worst, I gotta say that sort of surprise...uhhhh,,....💥surprises💥 me. 😎 but whew, if I'm being honest, it didn't start out very punk pop cash munny (if u catch my drift), as my fam and I had to quarantine due to a 'rona exposure. Aside from the stress of the first day (not wanting to miss classes, be siccer than I already am, et al), and the annoyance of not seeing some ppl that were in town during break :( , I adjusted pretty quick. We all tested free of ~the virus~  consistently, PTL. And, on the bright side, I got to spend a good bit of time reflecting on the old year + planning for the new one.  Speaking of bright sides, that's *flourishes pen* one of my New Year Alterations I've been