weapons in the war ⚔

~sponsored by none other than my MY OWN WHIMS AND DESIRES MUAHAHAHA~

ok but y'alllll 2 blog posts in 1 week? WEEET WOOOO I be poppin' off chicas~

- blame it on the LDOC, maybe. yes, you heard correctly,, today marks the LAST DAY OF MOI CLASSES FOR THE SEMESTER!?! and I just may be a little happy about that. 

anywho, for unexplained reasons (aka idk y), I have caved into the irresistible urge to share some of my (current) fave resources as a Christian gworl. "weapons in the war", if you will. *end title plays* 

forgive me Father for I have committed a pro gamer move 😎

 anyways, enjoy this conglomeration of content bois 🌟🌟🌟


DEVOTIONALS: "our daily blog", by Jim Laffoon/the Newsboys - I've had this devotional since I was in high school, and have since given away/gotten new versions multiple times over the years. 


Well written, has nice new revelation and solid scripture examination mixed into a nice little pudding. Worth having in the personal library. 😊


INSPIRATIONAL FIGURE:   Lilias Trotter - a British artist and a Protestant missionary to Algeria, who lived from 1853-1958. She was an incredible painter, but walked away from a path forwards in that as a main focus to be a North African missionary (which, for the times, was pretty unconventional to say the least).

I've started her biography (worth the read!), and possess bits of her art (printed and on Pinterest boards). One of our quiet heroines of the faith. 


ART : morgan harper nichols - this woman's art, y'all. Go look her up, follow her on insta, download her free wallpapers - she makes some of my favorite art, in visuals AND words. 

*hums happily* 


INNER SELF: "Emotionally Healthy Spirituality", by Pete Scazzero - *also* still trying to finish reading this, but it's been SO helpful for me as a Christian (and also just as a human).  



WOMENS TEACHER: jackie hill perrys' online content - this woman brings me rap, podcasts, humor, theology, and spoken word all in varying doses, and I am HERE for it. look her up, my dudes, for realz!!! 



MUSIC: "yours to use" by aaron cole ft. jonathan mcreynolds. this song was among the handful of things that got me through my rough patch earlier this week. had it on repeat. you should too :) 


PRAYER: "becoming a prayer warrier", by Elizabeth Alves. Yes, it's as old as I am, but it still absolutely hits across the board. It's rare to find something as comprehensive as this. 

Timeless and really helpful; prayer often has us Christians quaking, and this book deals said problem a resounding thwack. heck, *I* could use another readthru, now that I think of it...🧠


PODCAST: Gospel Portions - quite simply, a Spotiy podcast composed of lovely little bites of the gospel truth, ranging from 30s-4 min. They really heard, "I just don't have enough time to soak up the truth/love of Jesus", and said "BET". πŸ˜‚ see gospel portions on spotify


UNPACKING THE WORD: Bible Project on youtube - this is an excellent scripture visualization channel (? is that the best way to describe it?) . LOVELY resource - simple but pretty animation quality, great exegesis, and quick to watch.  a wholesome and edifying rabbit-hole to go down! πŸ‡

bible project (on yt)


YOUTUBE: Cinema Therapy -  in their own words, is a youtube channel at which "licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and professional filmmaker Alan Seawright break down your favorite movies, searching the characters, themes and plots to find things you can use to improve your mental health, your life, your looks? and your cardiovascular fitness (nope)." Again, one of the most wholesome and encouraging rabbit-holes to fall down on the internet!!! I laugh, learn something, and overall have good and hopeful things/approaches to life reinforced. :)

MENTAL HEALTH/PEACE: The one and only "Pause" app - which was introduced to my by my spiritual mentor! Simple format, multiple lengths of guided + God-centered meditations (from 1 minute upwards!), and that's it. That's the tweet. 

It's free, well-made, and has honestly been quite the help in vet school (and overall as a person). I'm always amused by how reluctant I can be to take that "pause" (which the app reminds me of), thinking "ehhh this won't really help me right now"...and then 3 minutes later I'm MARKEDLY BETTER. HOW DARE IT WORK 😠
anyways do give it a go! 

LITERATURE: "the ides of april" + "beyond the desert gate" books by Mary Ray. Just well-fleshed out historical fiction, following threads of the times and Biblical times and Christianity (and the people/characters that did/may have been caught in the flow). 

frfr give them a try, I really like these as an adult and as an adolescent; they give me that sense of adventure, inspire me in my own faith, and let me think about what the biblical times might have realistically been like (albeit through an adventure story lense - but, then again, why shouldn't life as a Christ-follower be such?). 

BEING A WOMAN AND ALL THAT JAZZ: "Sex and the Soul of a Woman", a book by Paula Rinehart - technically I'm rereading this (spedread it over the summer, and am slowing down to properly absorb this time w/ a friend). Still, I really like this one, above many others I've thumbed through on being a Christian, a woman, and a human (quite the mix, I know). It's not a "how to get married" manual, or a purity culture manual - it strikes more at the sense of the title, and I really appreciate it. 


CHRISTMAS TOONS: "Handel's Messiah: A Soulful Celebration", executive produced by Norman Miller/Gail Hamilton/Mervyn Warren - y'all, when I tell you this is one of my unfailing Christmas music classics, I say that with my whole CHEST. Best way to describe it comes from the good old wiki itself: "a reinterpretation of the 1741 oratorio Messiah by George Frideric Handel, and has been widely praised for its use of multiple genres of African-American music, including spirituals, blues, ragtime, big band, jazz fusion, R&B and hip hop."

- and I tell u, it does it RIGHT. listen to it this second OR ELSE. here is THE YT LINK OK


OKEY DOKEY, ya girl is done with this post AND school (till January 4th). Happy for the holiday break to be upon me, and for new rest and rhythms. Here's to that, and hope these resources are of blessing to someone (as they have been/are to me). 😁

smell ya later haters



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