
--soo, yes, this week is going to be a quicker blog post
(or so I'm saying)
(I know myself)
(prolly just playin said self) 

Regardless, this past week wasn't perhaps the *absolute saccharine best I've ever had*
(wow such standards)
...but things still got done. Gained back a bit of weight (which I'm working on dealing with appropriately), did a bunch of college stuff, planned birthday party, cleaned, recovered from stomach bug, took care of animales (ducks are growing sO FAST AHH) πŸ₯
...did DMV prep (wanna get permit soon and then work on learning over summer weekends), and...other stuff. *groans* I promised myself it'd be short, ok ok 
The most unusual road signs in the world. [Leh–Manali highway in Northern India]:
so vague ugh anyhow moving on before I change my mind 
Only a week before summer college stuff starts?? ahhhhh 😱😱😱😱😱
Check out @guapshawty ❤️:

--oh, and my sabbath (today) was actually rather nice. Helped fam get out door (Parental Units are off on excursion), listened to le sermon (which was really good), made it through working with Summit Kids (we had some kids that oOOooh Lord, I was tHIS cLOSe πŸ‘Œ to TAKING πŸ‘ in πŸ‘ HAND πŸ‘)
...came back home, caught up on devotions (missed yesterday), and napped for a good long while. Got up, organized kitchen a little, wrote a letter, and such. A lot of planning/logistics (which I like). πŸ˜„
it has also been quite the week for tumblr
Literally read it in my head and started crying. I kid you not there are legit tears in mine eyes:
and memes 
but that is a whole 'nother story 
it's a cold and it's a broke waluigi:

--ok ok enough distractions let's get on to our weekly segments before I lose it completely--

Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): This--this chair thingy? Furniture egg? Whatever it is, I like and want it. Can hide in it by myself (or with a friend), throwing a blanket over the front seals it off perfectly, my cats can climb on it...yup.yup.yup.
A place to curl up around a book (and link out).:

Brain Fruit: meet my old (and wrong) (but still prevalent) school philosophy. See, mom and dad, this makes those questionable grades make TOTAL sense.

~πŸ‘€11:59, my time to shineπŸ‘€~

see it's funny if you make it rhyme
...Ok, that's that.

A brand-shining-new release from Lecrae and Tori Kelly -- "I'll Find You". V, v new; and I really like it so far. 🎢🎡

A really good scripture, apropos of today. 😊
"You are my place of quiet retreat. I wait for your word to renew me." Psalm 119:114 #lampandlight:

Somethin Oo Occured: I got to spend a day and a half (or so) with The Bean (as I alluded to in last weekday post), since school is now officially out for her. Pictures were taken. Some (perfunctory) work was done. Walks were walked. Brownies (of non-pot variety bc wholesome)🍫 were baked, laughs were laughed, arguments were...argued? (and won. by me. as always. 😎), tickles were...tickled. It was rather a good time. She heads off to Thither and Yon, and I to college stuff, so I take what hangouts I can. 😏

Lit Bit: it's been raining a lot out here lately, sooo...
eeeeeeee πŸ˜⛈⛆

Gimme a Visual: sleeping in aesthetic πŸ’­
Good morning world:

Is That Really Funny?: why do I even continue to do this segment 
---------------------------------------- For more dank memes to satisfy your dank needs, follow @HeroofSkyloft:
or should I say 

ok i h8 myself no more than usual baahahah

Artsy Larksey: Ok, this isn't technically "art", but it also kinda is bc of how accurate it is.
the most realistic thing I have ever seen:
basically me this whole past week #motivation 

Nom: Ok, these are legit cool. Like, legit leGIT KEWLIO. Chocolate Skulls Gone Nuts, by Sparganum.
Chocolate Skulls Gone Nuts by Sparganum  The skulls are available in white, milk and dark chocolate, while the brains are available in walnut and candy.:
aahhHHHHHHHH I LOVE also I wanna eat these casually during class plz hehe 😜

...a-ight, that's that. Still longer than I meant, but I also feel better for doing it. My grandmother called (I sent her a letter last week), so that took time. 
Anyhow, yupperoo. Busy getting distracted by social media (which I took a break from today) so -- weekly encouragement, let's go. 

Have a good one, guys -- 
gifs para fondos de tumblr - Buscar con Google

~hw 🌹


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