--since it's the first month of the year. See? See what I did there? And NO, MARK GOODRICH, THAT WAS NOT A PUN YOU KNOW MY FEELINGS ON THOSE *clears throat* Well, well, well, it has been quite a time of it. This past January, I mean. Not just generally referring to my whole life--though I suppose I could. But I don't think I am? Just the past bit of time, I guess ...um... ...ok, could I literally have not phrased that more awkwardly? --ok, yes, that was kinda awkward, but I'm trying here, 'k? FORGET IT THEN ...as I was saying before being so rudely interrupted (by myself?) (what?) *almost gives up* --so yeah, the month of January is wrapping up. Already. And quite the month it's been. *turns on reflective/introspective mode* *finds out switch has been immovably stuck on that setting for an indeterminate amount of time* *realizes blog is rapidly spiralling out of...something that wasn't ever control...and doesn't care* HERE WE GO! 5 H...