
--since it's the first month of the year. See? See what I did there? And NO, MARK GOODRICH, THAT WAS NOT A PUN YOU KNOW MY FEELINGS ON THOSE
100% meme material
*clears throat*
Well, well, well, it has been quite a time of it. This past January, I mean. Not just generally referring to my whole life--though I suppose I could. But I don't think I am? Just the past bit of time, I guess
cinemagraph gif love food pizza cinemagraph cheese yummy delicious foodporn salami kitchen ghosts peppeponi
...ok, could I literally have not phrased that more awkwardly?

--ok, yes, that was kinda awkward, but I'm trying here, 'k?


...as I was saying before being so rudely interrupted
(by myself?)
*almost gives up*

--so yeah, the month of January is wrapping up. Already. And quite the month it's been.
*turns on reflective/introspective mode*
*finds out switch has been immovably stuck on that setting for an indeterminate amount of time*
*realizes blog is rapidly spiralling out of...something that wasn't ever control...and doesn't care*

5 Handy Dandy and Completely Unasked For Realizations I've Had Thus Far--

(1) I need sleep.
...no, really, it's actually vital to my productivity, makes me a lot better at engaging, working, and just about everything else, and affects how I feel. Among other things. As we always knew (but mostly ignored, especially for the majority of high school), turns out I'm not just a brain floating in a mostly usable body that can be pushed to the limits (well, it can, but), then occasionally refueled, hurriedly caught up on rest, and then stretched and pushed to crazy new speeds and adventures.
--doesn't bode too well for my future car, wherever you are right now. Oops.--
Anyhow, I found the highs of being well-rested vs not-at-all, and found that the former trumps in almost every case. *slow claps for self*

(2) Focus is a thing--
A very big thing, to be precise. Sometimes I lose it in understandable ways--my brain refuses to stop churning out ideas or content or thoughts, I'm tired or need to eat, it's a pretty day outside--etc. Then there's of course stuff like social media, struggles or situations or emotional stuff to be dealt with, daydreams, or things I'd *rather* be doing, yadda yadda yaa. Anyhow, yeah. Continuing to work on that, but it definitely improved. Goes hand-in-hand with discipline.

(3) there's a lot to this adult-life-thing (?), and it's great
---but also kinda overwhelming and hard to juggle. Given, I am still somewhat of a novice at it (give yourself some grace, hun), and some stuff I just shoulda gotten going on sooner; and it's made easier sometimes by my obsessive organization of my life, but...still. So many committments, daily snippets, accounts and responsibilities and calls and emails and info and -- you get the idea. You have to really work to stay on top of it. I can feel myself slowly getting it, though--some days are better than others--and I've learned that an essential element of adulthood is using judgement, discretion, and flex/change in scheduling, time management, and the like. Which I can do.
Also, recalling what's cathartic and stress-relieving/helpful for you is a life-saver 90% of the time.
(i.e. sitting on the roof outside your window, cleaning, awkwardly dancing/singing to your favorite song, naps, whatever)

(4) The joy of initiation--and its continuing rewards--is a powerful thing;
 Basically, sometimes just getting something going is really powerful in and of itself. Been said before, I'm sure--
One day or day one. Only you decide on your approach.:
--but finding out how real it is was very interesante. Whether weight loss, the first step in a long journey (i.e. college prep), making those calls, doing the workouts or extra work or whatever else -- it often has a lot of overriding power over the senses of awkwardness or toil.
And, to segway nicely into point 5 -- when it seems to not be working out so well,

(5) things/commitments can often follow a certain pattern:
They'll often start out good, continue for a bit, then get harder gradually (or all of a sudden), then become worth it, tiresome, then something to power through...it all changes and fluctuates a lot. Especially in the feels realm. (a prime example of this was my daily ab workout challenge)
...basically, yeah. I learned a lot about continuing/persevering/doing stuff you don't feel like or wanna do (while also finding limits and balance in that).

~alright, well, that was a cool little segment. Just for the fun of it, how was my past week? Decent.

Physical Exertion: A fair amount, really. Hit a bit of a plateau in weight loss, then *finally* got over it and back on the downswing--at the point when I wasn't even trying?? Idk man
Got in one session of dance that actually went pretty well, except that my turns were basically
On the daily
--thanks to weight loss and a changing center of balance, feels sorta like I'm back to square 1 (and fighting the hops). But hey, at least I *am* losing weight. Yay?
Also got in a balling session with the team, and a swim practice -- the first of the year, thanks to my schedule and prior apathy in getting up at oh, idk, 5:30 am?
...and said swim actually was really good. Obviously, I'm out of shape, but it felt surprisingly great, and my work ethic/mental state were really comfy. (whatever that means)

Academe: Got in, to varying degrees, work in math/biology/chemistry/physics/Arabic/French. A bit tired after it all, but somehow (?) really enjoying AP physics review.

Creativity: Enjoying having an active, memorizing, working, creative brain -- while also occasionally getting annoyed at its refusals to stop spouting ideas/concepts/essays on seemingly random topics. Still, it's been going nicely, to get my head back in shape (so to speak). Getting in lots of reading (FOUND A BUNCH OF NEW BOOKS WOOHOO), music (learned some new songs I really like, wanna do more piano though), and art (got a few little projects developing, plus did some fun henna that turned out really well).

Adult/college/animal stuff: Hoo boy. Lots going on here (in a good way) -- 5-6 different animal work options all flying around, applying for college scholarships and aid, looking at class and college info...but stuff is getting done. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that, when confronted with what seems like an ever-growing pile of things-to-do.
“Why do you always look so annoyed?” | 21 Things Introverts Are Tired Of Hearing

aaand now do I have a treatt fOR YOUUUU! 
...ok, basically, I get to feature my 2 oft-mentioned/implied girls in the regular bits here--sooo,
Mah Weekly Segments (ft. bean and bonbon)!
(conveniently color coded, eyyy)

Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet):
Chekhov. Anton Pavel Chekhov. Definitely a high order, but also definitely worthy of this list -- and one this fellow trekkie sympathizes with thoroughly. Just for you...
Geek Chic: Fashion Inspired by Star Trek, Part II. You are, and always shall be, my friend. RIP, Anton Yelchin.
Well played, keptin, well played.

Brain Fruit:
--after some digging in her "memorable quotes" databanks, Captain Bonbon has appropriately chosen something salty and trek-related (YISS):
"nobody deserves that kind of insult, except will shatner"
Pin for Later: 21 Signs Your Kid Is Addicted to Pokémon Go They are only asking to have play dates with other kids who play the game.
(this has been harsh insults with bonbon)

...and a contribution from le bean: 
--We have "Let It Out", by Frances
OK CAN I JUST SAY THAT NOW I love this song's vibe--so calm, but also building really nicely off the chord progressions; and I really really like the clearness of the piano and snare, plus the low baseline and really quiet background synth--
Or, as bean would probably say, "um it's just a nice song ya fool" ☺

Scripture: (ME)
Little bit from 1 Peter 2:16 that got me--
"Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God."

Somethin Oo Occured:  
Easy. I spent this past weekend sleepover-ing (didn't actually sleep much, as I tend to do) and chilling wit de bonbon and roro. It was way too much fun. You should be envious. Duh.


Lit Bit:
From a literary piece-- Jackaby, by William Ritter, suggested by the bonbon!
Jackaby by William Ritter. Detective of the supernatural. First book in the series and I will read the rest.:
A quote I dug out from it, just for a taste--

“That the battles are usually in her head does not lessen the bravery of it. The hardest ones always are.” 

...and after looking up deets on este libro, I am now intrigued. Mystery sherlocky unsual paranormal? Hmm, definitely interested. Time to hit up the library. ☝☝☝

Gimme a Visual: Featuring a pic from le bonbon's pinterest--
Nebula of Stars and Colorful Gas - Long, Tall, Vertical Pins:
IF COULD EAT GALAXY WOULD ok that sounds kinda odd but you get my drift 

Is That Really Funny?:
This one be shared between le bonbon and I--and is basically a meme + childhood reference that we both found way too funny, thanks to Pinterest.
(and made the Bean look at us with mild annoyance as we rolled on the floor laughing hysterically)
#veggietales #references #dank #rofl 

Artsy Larksey: ALSO from le bonbon's Pinterest (we have a gr8 time over there, mate). And, to be honest, this is some pretty sick art. Wish I could do it.
Where procrastinators come to unite.

After an inquiry into a "pet peeve" of bonbon, got this gem:
~when people are like "o wow yes its rlly good 4 u not to have social media" while checking their Instagram~
*guiltily looks at personal plethora of social media accounts*
 #salty (why i love her so)


...and, despite being a tad delayed, there's this past week (/month)'s post. Swaggadocious.

...oh, c'mon, it's just a leetle dankness, never hurt no one
...as it were, hope you have a good February, and you enjoyed this (long-winded) post. And remember--
Lemony Snicket:
--Quit while you're ahead, I suppose. All the best. ✌



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