Breath It In (& Let It Out)

....ta quote Switchfoot (hey, hey, don't touch the nostalgia--they're older as a band than *I* am)
This enthusiastic fermata. | 18 Things That Are Only Funny To Musicians:

..Que yo estaba diciendo (which I wasn't, cause it's the start of the blog post, but WHATEVER)--halla there. (running out of greetings? NEVER)
It's been an interesting sort of week. One in which there was good stuff and highlights, but also the unfortunate experience of having an unexpected committment pop up and wreck a buncha plans--and thus got me into the frustrated, sleepless, and behind-in-work frame of mind I'm currently recovering from.

*I celebrated a *surprise* sweet 16 party with one of my dear friends last Sunday--and had a good time. A fun time. Hadn't had that in a hot moment, it seems. Ate a lot of good food, saw friends (from basketball, of course), enjoyed goofing off with my table mates and on the dance floor (to my select favorite songs), and took...a LOTTA photos. They had one of those little photobooth things, which was fun.
*I got in a fair amount of basketball-related things and fun--practiced with/against the team, attended a few games (which were good, they're improving sO MUCH ALREADY *wipes maternal tear*), and had dinner last night with them all @ Moe's after a successful--and really together--win. Much enjoyment, et al. I love those girls. :)
*Commemorated MLK day on Monday--see earlier MLK post in my archives; I'll add that the holiday has more meaning to me now than ever, and I've learned/seen a lot about it (and the African-American civil rights movement) that continues to amaze and intrigue me. It was a complex set of affairs.
*I went and picked out some new frames for glasses Friday--
--which unfortunately might not live up to certain expectations, but that was good. My prescription's changed a bit, apparently. Frames aren't that radical a departure from my tastes--by now, I pretty much know what I like/want--but a tad different, and something I will look forward to. ✌
*"found out again" how much of a relief emotional release is--for me, that comes through taking some time to think things through, *make* myself feel/react to them, and writing stream-of-consciousness. Felt a LOT better--my heart seemed lighter--after doing that late Friday night (when my flaming-ball-of-frustration state had kind of reached a crux). Friendly reminder that
~friendly exasperation~ you'd think I'd learn, after all this time...

*My memory level is really, FINALLY getting on point (en pointe) (CAn'T CHOOsE)--my general experience is one of sharpening it, patiently slugging along and learning stuff and reading and...all that jazz? To the point that it clicks (inside my brain, somehow), and I can just start remembering and recalling and retaining chunks of information. Finally saw that in my schoolwork--and other stuff--this week, and it's a real nice feeling to get back into. My memory is one of the things/gifts I cherish most, and challenging it constantly is really great.
(gets angsty bc feels like uses "really" tOO MUCH)


*dealt with and did what feels like a bunch of "adult stuff" #responsibility --coaching, planning, running contacts, doing my NCZOO volunteer orientation (wHICH WAS REALLY COOL AND I'M VERY EXCITED FOR), buncha other things, yadda yadda yaa.
*enjoyed eating sushi with my dad Friday night--was too tired to cook, so we both sat sleepily over our yakisoba and miso and rolls and talked life and theology. (who else could be so much fun as a dad?)
*Got in a decent amount of music here and there--"accidentally" found out that I can play a bunch of my favorite songs (thanks, chord progressions), so been having fun with that. Found out, though, that singing one of them too hard/loud makes my kitty panic, and come running over to yowl at me and make sure I'm okay.
photography tumblr Cool hipster vintage indie Grunge ok doc soft grunge:
(aw, c'mon, that was kinda cute)

*got in *some* exercise -- basketball, ab challenges (which, for some reason, got unexpectedly hard to do midway through the week,...then easy again? *shrugs*) Made it to 2 dance classes as well--one at my usual spot, one at my old studio. A bit stiff and off, but aerobically, did pretty well. (refrains from making plug about cross-training)

....And, I was gonna make a segment here called "lowlights" to contrast the highlights, but...don't feel like it, and wanna keep moving with the blog. My last post was odd enough.
(actually, it was decent, imho)

tODAY (i.e. Sunday) was pretty chill, I guess. Rather needed a proper break of it--I looked (and still do) a couple human years older and a couple more lightyears tired--so woke up, threw on some clothes, ate leftover lo mein, jumped in the car, and threw on some concealer/lip gloss/etc before sleepily sitting through a 10:00 service (tried, but all I remember from the sermon was "disciples", a few funny points, and "we've been a new church for 15 years"? Might re-watch later *sigh*). Hit the ground hard in kids' ministry--you know you're back when you walk in and end up with 18 2nd graders vs. you. Then get up to lead music/dance to a song you've never heard.

The “I Can’t Deal With Any More Micromanagement” Face:
...still, made it I suppose--then hastily caught an uber back (idk where rest of fam was exactly--mom's somewhere outta town, dad was at lunch, dat boi at school or whatever). Kited around art/Pinterest stuff, ate a thing or two, then crashed for several hours -- which was really good, I feel a lot better. Got up, entertained myself with some fun things, and plan on finishing this drivel, making chicken salad for dinner, writing a few letters, and doing a chore or two more in there (maybe catch up on devos) before getting to bed ASAP. Got a busy week coming up. (rare that I don't nowadays)
*also gave Chips the tortoise a bath/soak, and "cooked some applesauce" -- i.e. me putting apples in oven @ 350 degrees and ignoring them until they explode hehe
#lazytown #dank 

...Alright, let's git dis here next segment dONEEE--
hype? Ok, let's just go.

Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): Well, *clears throat* been thinkin' bout clothing lately? Woo? So here we go. Salty, classy, chic, and prolly comfy.
....unlikely to spend $$ on it, since I'd be thinking "you could just make this, you know" the whole time I was ordering it. And yet...

Brain Fruit: Been another productive week in this area; lots of random junk--some good, some odd--has been making it through the pipes (and duly recorded). Had a realization, though, that was actually really good -- personally -- for me:
...I think I'm realizing how I tend to mistake the change of something for the death of something. 
(perhaps because change does involve a certain element of that?)
...still processing that, and how to deal with it. Really made a lot of sense, though, and helps me deal with certain things now (which make more sense in light of it).

Mewsiks: Wonky little tune I *suddenly* like wAYYY too much, and have been playing on repeat for almost...3 weeks now? Relient K's "Cat". Fun, odd, somehow applicable, and...yeah.
Debes eschucharlo.

Scripture: From weekly reading--Luke 9:25. Personal favorite, and something I still come back to.

25 For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself?

Somethin Oo Occured: Tried on my dusty pink formal gown I got last year (but didn't feel comfy in)--and it fits. Perfectly. Whaaaaa.
(well, nothing's perfect, but you get the drift) ...Actually smiled when wearing it--weight loss perk, I guess. A nice thing. Feels regal. ☺☺☺

Lit Bit: Something I found in my wanderings today, that's somehow that perfect combination of poignant and beautiful.
Sylvia Plath, I Thought That I Could Not Be Hurt:
...and apropo of something I'm currently dealing with now, so *double whammy*

Gimme a Visual: oOOH WISH IT WAS SO
...yes, I know it literally *just* snowed. And I don't care. I always want more cold. #bostonborn 

Is That Really Funny?: This was actually an occurence--was sitting in my NCZOO session Saturday, and--well, when one of the presenters said
"you literally never know what's gonna come through that door"
I'm Rick Harrison, and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I've learned after 21 years - you never know WHAT is gonna come through that door.:
I nearly lost it. Dank reference. Context. Dumb. Hilarious. Inwardly cackling. As it was, I'm blessed that I only struggled to maintain a straight face. It...was something else.
Why the Opening Voiceover From 'Pawn Stars' Just Won't Go Away | The Daily Dot:
*dumb laughter* GROW UP HANNAH LOL

...Artsy Larksey: Going with a more modern piece I found this week--don't know the name or artist, unfortunately, but it's Japanese ink, red and black, and, um...
♂ Japanese ink art black & red #inkart:
...I like it? Does that suffice?

Ugh: Ok, yep. Don't gotta say it again.
hehehe brah troo tho

....alright, that's that.
Random note--I've got several cool little spiders that be chillin' in my room corners (somehow seem to have decided to live in here)--which I love, being a spider fan. So far, I've named two that seem similar Nat and Pat; however, a third one seems to have arrived, and I am unsure as to what to name it. Suggestions are welcome. Preferably neutral ones (since idk their sex).

I dont like spiders....but  the nature they show us is awesome....


k cool

~till later~

--yon girlo--


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