!...Hoi Paloi

...what a week. *takes breath while scraping green clay masque off face*
Really, that was one of the fullest, most intense, but also most productive and...good...weeks I've had in a long time. One I'm glad to have started the new year off with. Got in all of my daily stuff (basically busy from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.), and it felt REALLY good to have all the challenges and discipline and challenges and segments taking up my days.
(Solo Dei Gloria)
--You know what, might as well list them off. Why not?

Academe: Got in biology, chemistry, physics, and math review--and with a late night or two (and some tweaking here and there), it felt great to be back into learning and student-style stuff. Brain feels a bit stretched, but in a good way. Also got through French, ASL, and Arabic (which I've started up just recently; almost through the alphabet!), and geography is going well--lots of epiphanies in that area ("ooHH SO THAT'S WHERE THESE PLACES GO")...just have to figure out the countries and flags challenge. So all of that was rather good. :)
Animal Stuff: Ironed out ALL opportunities and dates and stuff with El Padre last night, so that was really good and encouraging; now, in week 2, can really get stuff going (need to iron out hours/commitment levels with mom). E-mails and calls and planning will ensue.
...also took care of the pets, of course. Ducks are handling the cold pretty well (brought 2 of them in from the smaller coop to stay warm), and the cats are their usual psychotic selves. Need to find Chips the tortoise, he's somewhere around.
Personal/Expressive/Artistic/Whatever this Arbitrary Category Is: ...pardoning that last-minute label confusion, this category went really well too. Got in my music time every day (teaching myself acoustic guitar, which is really fun--already got down almost 20 songs!) -- along with some piano and singing in there; daily art (studying or observing it, or working with clay or sketching or such), and reading (partially theological, and partially literature--I've got a large stack of books living next to my desk that I work off of). Also FINALLY finished reading the entire hull Bible (YESS), and started a new plan. Also an Andrew Murray book--With Christ In the School of Prayer--(family fave) that's been blowing my mind, and really effecting changes. A bit of a catch-up/finishing week, but spiritual growth is going on, and I can feel it, which is really really REALLY nice. ✌✌✌
Adult-ing Things: Also went well this week--I coached swim, set up a bunch of financial stuff, got a debit card and checking account (YAY MILESTONES), started studying for DMV learners' permit test, looked at new phones (ugh so expen$ive though), got college stuff rolling again, started re-organizing my stuff (which is turning out to be quite the task), and got a lot of other stuff done in a manner that made me feel productive. :-D
...there were a lot of other things that went on, too--and a few hiccups along the way, like getting 3 hours of sleep Thursday night (due to a backlog of things I forgot about during the day)--been recovering from that, and the ensuing exhaustion. However, it was still worth it.
Also didn't have too much chance for super-intense working out and exercise--resting my ankle from a re-sprain (during my team's alumni game), so didn't dance or swim, but did jump into a few basketball practices here and there (which felt pretty good, actually). Also, have been doing my ab challenges at night, so the core is tightening up (yeee).That enabled me to get a bunch of other stuff done during the day, I think, so it did have some pay-off or positiveness; and I didn't eat a ton during the day anyhow, due to low calorie burning *and* also, perhaps, forgetting to consume edibles during the busyness. :-P

Today (as in Sunday) has been very pleasant, really; an overall good Sabbath and free day. Got in a nice hour of devotions in the morning--make that afternoon, I woke up around 11:45--and then proceeded to goof off and communicate with friends for a bit. Concocted some surprisingly good blueberry-red currant pancakes (bit of random inspiration from a carton of wilted red currants sitting in the fridge, which I have a great fondness for); really had a good tang to them that contrasted well with some maple syrup and browned butter...
currants-we had these in the garden of my uncle's house when I was growing up...they are delicious:
...plus some good scrambled eggs and a cup of skim milk. A nice wintry breakfast. :) Then proceeded to go outside and wander around the snowy yard and premises and a bit of the street (more on that below, in Something Oo Occured); came inside, looked at some art, did some reading and lazy organizing, then took a 2-hour nap.
(I might add that it was a vurra nice nap indeed)
...and then chatted with friends more, wore a green clay face masque for a bit, talked with The Bro and dad (Bro heads back to college tomorrow, after an eventful and fun time holiday-ing at home), and am now blogging away at my desk spot (under my loft bed). Got a few more things to do before I waltz off to bed--my correspondence, painting my nails (oH lUxURY), some music and petcare and a fireside chat with dad and Bro (mom is currently out of town working), maybe some misc stuff

(what a transition, amirite)
(hush u)


Things I’d Like But (Probably) Can’t Have (Yet): 
Seeing as my Christmas list is down until next year (lorn of a few good items, it was actually a good Christmas), my personal wish list has been accordingly adjusted. Up this week:
~~These ear cuffs~~ (from Etsy)
Ear Cuff earrings,Climbing Crystal earrings, Emerald Swarovski earrings,Trending earrings,Ear Crawler Earrings,Ear Cuffs,Emerald Earrings
(really into ear cuffs in general, as well as lazy about piercing my ears. $82 is a bit much for me, but I really, really do like these, so who knows...)

Brain Fruit:  From my wandering outside today, and spotting a fluffled-up mockingbird sunning itself in a bush--
"there's something just so *compactly* living about a bird."
The next time you see or hear a Mockingbird, I hope you smile 🙂
(always wanted a pet one *sigh*)

Mewsiks: Cause I'm STILL FEELING CHRISTMASSEEY (pssht, the tree doesn't come down till at least February in our house), Pentatonixs' (?) "Christmas Sing-Along" has been incessantly stuck in my head. They've got me singing along to it, that's for sure. ;)
--"ooh dooooo da da doo do du do du duuu"


Much Scripture: One I really hold dear in the low points of life, and is soo simple--yet speaks such volumes to the character of God.
*takes a moment*

Somethin Oo Occured: SNOW. Ok, no really, it snowed here in the South (cue empty bread and milk racks at shopping centers everywhere). Surprisingly, we got a decent little bit here--about 3 inches or so of light powder, plus some cold and ice. Lasted for 2 days so far, and the Bostoner in me is somewhat cheered by the sight of some semi-proper winter behavior again. :)
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...of course, pictures were taken; and the lighting was actually really, really nice.
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!pines! sunshine !
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...a very icy neighborhood street I cautiously slipped and slid down...
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--and finally succumbing to snow-joy.

Oh, and a cute little shot I took with a teensy Christmas ornament of mine:
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(it's like our little blue house) :-)
...so yes, that was pretty Oo!

Lit Bit: Because new year, and friendly reminders as we kick it off. Really nice way to phrase it.

Gimme a Visual: A rather nice juxtaposition of a sweet, short, favorite phrase, and according imagery--
..I need to work on doing it more; doing it today was really enjoyable, though.

Is That Really Funny?: Since Yon Boy's return, we've gone through quite a few dank memes together (mutual sibling obsession, don't ask, we're weird); one of those has been bork doggo maximum borkdrive memes. See below.

*struggles to breathe*
ok, ok, I got this, next segment. *sniggers*

Artsy Larksey:  Since it's been a nice wintry mix here, why not more Monet (cause good grief, the man never seemed to stop producing art. Really, man??) Here's The Road in front of Saint-Siméon Farm in Winter, 1867. Oil on canvas.
Claude Monet (French, Impressionism, 1840-1926), The Road in front of Saint-Siméon Farm in Winter, 1867. Oil on canvas.:
Lovely heaped, piled feel of the snow, especially over the banks--and the whole thing catches the lightness of snow really nicely, without being too atmospheric or crazy. <3

Aaand, finally, we have--
Ugh: This week's selection is also thanks to That Boi, who differs from me in many culinary tastes; one of those is cooked green peas, which I absolutely detest. He literally consumes them in *any* form, at which I gag and make derogatory remarks.
...now, I will eat fresh garden peas off the vine. No problem with those. But generic/cooked ones? Nope. Gag reflex every time. Not helped by the fact that the whole family likes them, excepting me.

...Alrighty, well, gonna sign off here. Here's to a good week, and hopefully many more! Good, decent blog post to top it off? Wowie. Quite the way to finish.
Photography of nature that reminds us to keep it simple. Nature is amazing at reminding of how life moves effortlessly. More on our stories of the lessons we observed by embedding ourselves in nature will soon land on https://itsmypleasure.com.au:
(time for more Pinterest trawling of gorgeous nature pictures. And dank memes.)

**Till later, mateses!**
Resolute Woman.:



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